#' Create InputsModel object for a GRIWRM network
#' @param x Ginet object describing the diagram of the semi-distributed model, see \code{[Ginet]}.
#' @param girop Girop object giving the run-off model parameters, see \code{[Girop]}.
#' @param gits Gits object giving the observation time series, see \code{[Gits]}.
#' @param verbose (optional) boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}}.
#' @return GriwrmInputsModel object equivalent to airGR InputsModel object for a semi-distributed model (See \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}})
#' @export
CreateInputsModel.Griwrm <- function(x, girop, gits, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
InputsModel <- CreateEmptyGriwrmInputsModel()
if(verbose) cat("CreateInputsModel.griwrm: Treating sub-basin", id, "...\n")
InputsModel[[id]] <- CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel(id, x, girop, gits, ...)
#' Create an empty InputsModel object for GRIWRM nodes
CreateEmptyGriwrmInputsModel <- function() {
InputsModel <- list()
class(InputsModel) <- append(class(InputsModel), "GriwrmInputsModel")
#' Create one InputsModel for a GRIWRM node
#' @param id string of the node identifier
#' @param ginet See \code{[Ginet]}.
#' @param girop See \code{[Girop]}.
#' @param gits See \code{[Gits]}.
CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel <- function(id, ginet, girop, gits) {
node <- ginet[ginet$id == id,]
FUN_MOD <- girop$model[girop$id == id]
# Set hydraulic parameters
UpstreamNodes <- ginet$id[ginet$down == id & !$down)]
LengthHydro <- NULL
BasinAreas <- NULL
if(length(UpstreamNodes) > 0) {
# Sub-basin with hydraulic routing
for(idUpstrNode in UpstreamNodes) {
Qupstream1 <- matrix(gits[[idUpstrNode]]$Qobs, ncol = 1)
if(is.null(Qupstream)) {
Qupstream <- Qupstream1
} else {
Qupstream <- cbind(Qupstream, Qupstream1)
LengthHydro <- ginet$length[girop$id %in% UpstreamNodes]
BasinAreas <- c(
girop$area[girop$id %in% UpstreamNodes],
girop$area[girop$id == id] - sum(girop$area[girop$id %in% UpstreamNodes])
# Set model inputs with the airGR function
InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(
DatesR = gits$date,
Precip = gits[[id]]$Precip,
PotEvap = gits[[id]]$PotEvap,
LengthHydro = LengthHydro,
BasinAreas = BasinAreas
# Add Identifiers of connected nodes in order to be able to update them with simulated flows
InputsModel$id <- id
if(length(UpstreamNodes) > 0) {
InputsModel$UpstreamNodes <- UpstreamNodes
# Add the model function
InputsModel$FUN_MOD <- FUN_MOD