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Dorchies David authored4a219999
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% Please edit documentation in R/CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel.R,
% R/CreateInputsCrit.InputsModel.R, R/CreateInputsCrit.R
\title{Creation of the InputsCrit object required to the \code{ErrorCrit} functions}
FUN_CRIT = airGR::ErrorCrit_NSE,
AprioriIds = NULL,
k = 0.15,
\method{CreateInputsCrit}{InputsModel}(InputsModel, FUN_CRIT, ...)
CreateInputsCrit(InputsModel, ...)
\item{InputsModel}{object of class \emph{InputsModel} or \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel}. See \link{CreateInputsModel}}
\item{FUN_CRIT}{[function (atomic or list)] error criterion function (e.g. \link[airGR:ErrorCrit_RMSE]{airGR::ErrorCrit_RMSE}, \link[airGR:ErrorCrit_NSE]{airGR::ErrorCrit_NSE})}
\item{RunOptions}{object of class \emph{RunOptions} or \emph{GRiwrmRunOptions}, see \link{CreateRunOptions}}
\item{Obs}{\link{numeric}, \link{matrix} or \link{data.frame} series of observed flows, see details}
\item{AprioriIds}{(optional) named \link{list} or named \link{vector} of \link{character} used for the parameter regularisation (see details)}
\item{k}{(optional) \link{numeric} weight coefficient used in the parameter regularisation (See \link[airGR:CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne]{airGR::CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne})}
\item{...}{arguments passed to \link[airGR:CreateInputsCrit]{airGR::CreateInputsCrit}, see details}
Depending on the class of \code{InputsModel} argument (respectively \code{InputsModel} and \code{GRiwrmInputsModel} object), the returned value is respectively:
\item a \code{InputsCrit} object (See \link[airGR:CreateInputsCrit]{airGR::CreateInputsCrit})
\item a \code{GRiwrmInputsCrit} object which is a \link{list} of \code{InputsCrit} object with one item per modelled sub-catchment
This function can be used either for a catchment (with an \emph{InputsModel} object) or for a network (with a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object)
See \link[airGR:CreateInputsCrit]{airGR::CreateInputsCrit} documentation for a complete list of arguments.
\code{Obs} argument is equivalent to the same argument in \link[airGR:CreateInputsCrit]{airGR::CreateInputsCrit} except that it must be a \link{matrix} or a \link{data.frame} if \code{InputsModel} is a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object.
Then, each column of the \link{matrix} or \link{data.frame} represents the observations of one of the simulated node with the name of the columns representing the id of each node.
With a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object, all arguments are applied on each sub-catchments of the network.
Parameter regularisation consists of defining a priori parameters which are used in a composed criterion based on the formula proposed by de Lavenne et al. (2019) (See \link[airGR:CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne]{airGR::CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne}).
The parameter \code{AprioriIds} allows to define which upstream sub-catchment is used for providing a priori parameters. Its format is as follows: \code{AprioriIds <- c("Downstream sub-catchment 1" = "A priori upstream sub-catchment 1", ...)} where the quoted strings are the ids of the sub-catchments. See vignettes for more details.
De Lavenne, A., Andréassian, V., Thirel, G., Ramos, M.-H., Perrin, C., 2019. A Regularization Approach to Improve the Sequential Calibration of a Semidistributed Hydrological Model. Water Resources Research 55, 8821–8839. \doi{10.1029/2018WR024266}