helper_RunModel.R 2.38 KiB
#' Prepare useful variables for GRiwrm tests
#' @return [environment] with the variables (See examples section)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' # data set up
#' e <- setupRunModel()
# variables are copied from environment 'e' to the current environment
#' for(x in ls(e)) assign(x, get(x, e))
setupRunModel <- function() {
  # Format observation
  BasinsObs <- Severn$BasinsObs
  DatesR <- BasinsObs[[1]]$DatesR
  PrecipTot <- cbind(sapply(BasinsObs, function(x) {x$precipitation}))
  PotEvapTot <- cbind(sapply(BasinsObs, function(x) {x$peti}))
  Qobs <- cbind(sapply(BasinsObs, function(x) {x$discharge_spec}))
  # Set network
  nodes <- Severn$BasinsInfo[, c("gauge_id", "downstream_id", "distance_downstream", "area")]
  nodes$distance_downstream <- nodes$distance_downstream
  nodes$model <- "RunModel_GR4J"
  griwrm <- CreateGRiwrm(nodes, list(id = "gauge_id", down = "downstream_id", length = "distance_downstream"))
  # Convert meteo data to SD (remove upstream areas)
  Precip <- ConvertMeteoSD(griwrm, PrecipTot)
  PotEvap <- ConvertMeteoSD(griwrm, PotEvapTot)
  # Calibration parameters
  ParamMichel <- list(
    `54057` = c(0.779999999999999, 57.9743110789593, -1.23788116619639, 0.960789439152323, 2.47147147147147),
    `54032` = c(1.37562057772709, 1151.73462496385, -0.379248293750608, 6.2243898378232, 8.23716221550954),
    `54001` = c(1.03, 24.7790862245877, -1.90430150145153, 21.7584023961971, 1.37837837837838),
    `54095` = c(256.844150254651, 0.0650458497009288, 57.523675209819, 2.71809513102128),
    `54002` = c(419.437754485522, 0.12473266292168, 13.0379482833606, 2.12230907892238),
    `54029` = c(219.203385553954, 0.389211590110934, 48.4242150713452, 2.00300300300301)
  # set up inputs
  InputsModel <- suppressWarnings(CreateInputsModel(griwrm, DatesR, Precip, PotEvap, Qobs))
  # RunOptions
  nTS <- 365
  IndPeriod_Run <- seq(
    length(InputsModel[[1]]$DatesR) - nTS + 1,
  IndPeriod_WarmUp = seq(IndPeriod_Run[1]-365,IndPeriod_Run[1]-1)
  RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(
    InputsModel = InputsModel,
    IndPeriod_WarmUp = IndPeriod_WarmUp,
    IndPeriod_Run = IndPeriod_Run
  # RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel
  OM_GriwrmInputs <- RunModel(
    RunOptions = RunOptions,
    Param = ParamMichel