• Dorchies David's avatar
    feat: add RunModel.Supervisor (test failed) · 93ee57f9
    Dorchies David authored
    - Test comparing outputs of RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel and RunModel.Supervisor without regulation fails (still initial states issues to solve)
    - Temporarly add corrected version of RunModel_lag for debugging initial states issue.
    Refs #19
RunModel.SD.R 600 bytes
#' Run SD Model from run-off model outputs
#' @inheritParams airGR::RunModel_Lag
#' @param x `InputsModel` used as `InputsModel` parameter for [airGR::RunModel_Lag]
#' @param QSimDown a [numeric] corresponding to the runoff of the sub-basin (Typically the `Qsim` outputs of the GR model)
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return `OutputsModel` object. See [airGR::RunModel_Lag]
#' @export
RunModel.SD <- function(x, RunOptions, Param, QsimDown, ...) {
  x$OutputsModel <- list(Qsim = QsimDown)
  RunModel_Lag(x, RunOptions = RunOptions, Param = Param[1])