

Commits (20)
Showing with 180 additions and 229 deletions
+180 -229
......@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
# Project-specific
# Files generated by Roxygen
# Man pages generated by Roxygen
# VsCode IDE
......@@ -20,12 +20,15 @@ update_packages:
- mkdir -p R_LIBS
- Rscript -e 'if(!dir.exists("R_LIBS/remotes")) install.packages("remotes", lib = "R_LIBS")'
- Rscript -e 'remotes::update_packages(c("dplyr", "rmarkdown", "readr", "lubridate", "zoo"), lib = "R_LIBS")'
- apt-get update && apt-get -y install libxml2-dev
- Rscript -e 'remotes::update_packages(c("dplyr", "rmarkdown", "readr", "lubridate", "zoo", "roxygen2"), lib = "R_LIBS")'
- Rscript -e 'remotes::install_gitlab("HYCAR-Hydro/airgr@sd", host = "", lib = "R_LIBS")'
stage: build
- apt-get update && apt-get -y install libxml2-dev
- Rscript -e "roxygen2::roxygenise()"
- R CMD build ../griwrm
Package: griwrm
Title: GR based Integrated Water Resource Management
Version: 0.3.0
Version: 0.2.1
person(given = "David",
family = "Dorchies",
#' Wrapper to \code{\link[airGR]{Calibration}}.
#' Wrapper to \code{\link[airGR]{Calibration}} for one sub-basin.
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{InputsModel}, see \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}} for details.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{Calibration}}.
#' @return \emph{CalibOutput} object.
#' @inherit airGR::Calibration
#' @export
Calibration.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
airGR::Calibration(InputsModel, FUN_MOD = InputsModel$FUN_MOD, ...)
#' Wrapper to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateCalibOptions}}
#' Wrapper to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateCalibOptions}} for one sub-basin.
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{InputsModel}, see \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}} for details.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateCalibOptions}}.
#' @return \emph{CalibOptions} object.
#' @inherit airGR::CreateCalibOptions
#' @export
CreateCalibOptions.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
...) {
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{GriwrmInputsModel}, see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel.Griwrm}} for details.
#' @param FUN_CRIT \[function (atomic or list)\] error criterion function (e.g. \code{\link[airGR]{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link[airGR]{ErrorCrit_NSE}})
#' @param RunOptions object of class \emph{GriwrmRunOptions}, see \code{[CreateRunOptions.Griwrm]} for details.
#' @param gits object of class \emph{Gits}, see [Gits].
#' @param Qobs matrix or data frame containing observed flows. Column names correspond to nodes ID
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsCrit}}.
#' @return Object of class \emph{GriwrmInputsCrit}
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
CreateInputsCrit.GriwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
FUN_CRIT = airGR::ErrorCrit_NSE,
...) {
InputsCrit <- list()
class(InputsCrit) <- append(class(InputsCrit), "GriwrmInputsCrit")
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ CreateInputsCrit.GriwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
InputsModel = IM,
RunOptions = RunOptions[[IM$id]],
Obs = gits[[IM$id]]$Qobs[RunOptions[[IM$id]]$IndPeriod_Run],
Obs = Qobs[RunOptions[[IM$id]]$IndPeriod_Run, IM$id],
#' Wrapper to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsCrit}}
#' Wrapper to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsCrit}} for one sub-basin.
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{InputsModel}, see \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}} for details.
#' @param FUN_CRIT \[function (atomic or list)\] error criterion function (e.g. \code{\link[airGR]{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link[airGR]{ErrorCrit_NSE}})
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsCrit}}
#' @return object of class \emph{InputsCrit} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs. See \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsCrit}}
#' @inherit airGR::CreateInputsCrit
#' @export
CreateInputsCrit.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
#' Create InputsModel object for a GRIWRM network
#' @param x Ginet object describing the diagram of the semi-distributed model, see \code{[Ginet]}.
#' @param girop Girop object giving the run-off model parameters, see \code{[Girop]}.
#' @param gits Gits object giving the observation time series, see \code{[Gits]}.
#' @param x Griwrm object describing the diagram of the semi-distributed model, see \code{[Griwrm]}.
#' @param DateR Vector of POSIXlt observation time steps.
#' @param Precip Matrix or data frame of numeric containing precipitation in mm. Column names correspond to node IDs.
#' @param PotEvap Matrix or data frame of numeric containing potential evaporation in mm. Column names correspond to node IDs.
#' @param Qobs Matrix or data frame of numeric containing potential observed flow in mm. Column names correspond to node IDs.
#' @param verbose (optional) boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}}.
#' @return GriwrmInputsModel object equivalent to airGR InputsModel object for a semi-distributed model (See \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}})
#' @export
CreateInputsModel.Griwrm <- function(x, girop, gits, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
CreateInputsModel.Griwrm <- function(x, DatesR, Precip, PotEvap, Qobs, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
InputsModel <- CreateEmptyGriwrmInputsModel()
Qobs[] <- -99 # airGRCreateInputsModel doesn't accept NA values
for(id in getNodeRanking(x)) {
if(verbose) cat("CreateInputsModel.griwrm: Treating sub-basin", id, "...\n")
InputsModel[[id]] <- CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel(id, x, girop, gits, ...)
InputsModel[[id]] <- CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel(
id, x, DatesR,Precip[,id], PotEvap[,id], Qobs, ...
......@@ -33,17 +38,19 @@ CreateEmptyGriwrmInputsModel <- function() {
#' Create one InputsModel for a GRIWRM node
#' @param id string of the node identifier
#' @param ginet See \code{[Ginet]}.
#' @param girop See \code{[Girop]}.
#' @param gits See \code{[Gits]}.
#' @param griwrm See \code{[Griwrm]}.
#' @param DatesR vector of dates required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs.
#' @param Precip time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) (mm/time step).
#' @param PotEvap time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) (mm/time step).
#' @param Qobs Matrix or data frame of numeric containing observed flow (mm/time step). Column names correspond to node IDs.
#' @return \emph{InputsModel} object for one.
CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel <- function(id, ginet, girop, gits) {
node <- ginet[ginet$id == id,]
FUN_MOD <- girop$model[girop$id == id]
CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel <- function(id, griwrm, DatesR, Precip, PotEvap, Qobs) {
node <- griwrm[griwrm$id == id,]
FUN_MOD <- griwrm$model[griwrm$id == id]
# Set hydraulic parameters
UpstreamNodes <- ginet$id[ginet$down == id & !$down)]
UpstreamNodes <- griwrm$id[griwrm$down == id & !$down)]
Qupstream <- NULL
LengthHydro <- NULL
BasinAreas <- NULL
......@@ -51,26 +58,26 @@ CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel <- function(id, ginet, girop, gits) {
if(length(UpstreamNodes) > 0) {
# Sub-basin with hydraulic routing
for(idUpstrNode in UpstreamNodes) {
Qupstream1 <- matrix(gits[[idUpstrNode]]$Qobs, ncol = 1)
Qupstream1 <- matrix(Qobs[,idUpstrNode], ncol = 1)
if(is.null(Qupstream)) {
Qupstream <- Qupstream1
} else {
Qupstream <- cbind(Qupstream, Qupstream1)
LengthHydro <- ginet$length[girop$id %in% UpstreamNodes]
LengthHydro <- griwrm$length[griwrm$id %in% UpstreamNodes]
BasinAreas <- c(
girop$area[girop$id %in% UpstreamNodes],
girop$area[girop$id == id] - sum(girop$area[girop$id %in% UpstreamNodes])
griwrm$area[griwrm$id %in% UpstreamNodes],
node$area - sum(griwrm$area[griwrm$id %in% UpstreamNodes])
# Set model inputs with the airGR function
InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(
DatesR = gits$date,
Precip = gits[[id]]$Precip,
PotEvap = gits[[id]]$PotEvap,
DatesR = DatesR,
Precip = Precip,
PotEvap = PotEvap,
Qupstream = Qupstream,
LengthHydro = LengthHydro,
BasinAreas = BasinAreas
#' Wrapper for the airGR::CreateInputsModel function
#' Wrapper for \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}} for one sub-basin.
#' @param x hydrological model function (e.g. \code{\link[airGR]{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link[airGR]{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}})
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}}.
#' @return object of class \emph{InputsModel}, see \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}} for details.
#' @inherit airGR::CreateInputsModel
#' @import airGR
#' @export
#' @seealso The original function in airGR package: \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}}.
CreateInputsModel.default <- function(x,
...) {
#' Create \emph{RunOptions} object for airGR. See \code{\link[airGR]{CreateOptions}}.
#' Wrapper for \code{\link[airGR]{CreateRunOptions}} for one sub-basin.
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{InputsModel}, see \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}} for details.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[airGR]{CreateOptions}}.
#' @return See \code{\link[airGR]{CreateOptions}}.
#' @inherit airGR::CreateRunOptions
#' @export
CreateRunOptions.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
......@@ -5,35 +5,35 @@
#' @param cols named list or vector for matching columns of `db` parameter. By default, mandatory columns names are: `id`, `down`, `length`. But other names can be handled with a named list or vector containing items defined as `"required name" = "column name in db"`.
#' @param keep_all Keep all column of `db` or keep only columns defined in `cols`
#' @return `Ginet` class object containing the description of diagram of the semi-distributed catchment model
#' @return `Griwrm` class object containing the description of diagram of the semi-distributed catchment model
#' @export
Ginet <- function(db, cols = list(id = "id", down = "down", length = "length", runoff = "runoff"), keep_all = FALSE) {
colsDefault <- list(id = "id", down = "down", length = "length", runoff = "runoff")
Griwrm <- function(db, cols = list(id = "id", down = "down", length = "length", model = "model"), keep_all = FALSE) {
colsDefault <- list(id = "id", down = "down", length = "length", model = "model", area = "area")
cols <- utils::modifyList(colsDefault, as.list(cols))
db <- dplyr::rename(db, unlist(cols))
if(!keep_all) {
db <- dplyr::select(db, names(cols))
class(db) <- append(class(db), c("Griwrm", "Ginet"))
class(db) <- append(class(db), c("Griwrm", "Griwrm"))
#' Sort the nodes from upstream to downstream.
#' @param ginet See \code{[Ginet]}.
#' @param griwrm See \code{[Griwrm]}.
#' @return vector with the ordered node names.
#' @export
getNodeRanking <- function(ginet) {
if(!is(ginet, "Ginet")) {
stop("getNodeRanking: ginet argument should be of class Ginet")
getNodeRanking <- function(griwrm) {
if(!is(griwrm, "Griwrm")) {
stop("getNodeRanking: griwrm argument should be of class Griwrm")
# Rank 1
rank <- setdiff(ginet$id, ginet$down)
rank <- setdiff(griwrm$id, griwrm$down)
ranking <- rank
# Next ranks
while(any(ginet$id %in% rank)) {
rank <- ginet$down[ginet$id %in% rank]
while(any(griwrm$id %in% rank)) {
rank <- griwrm$down[griwrm$id %in% rank]
ranking <- c(ranking, rank)
ranking <- unique(ranking, fromLast = TRUE)
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{GriwrmInputsModel}, see \code{[CreateInputsModel.Griwrm]} for details.
#' @param RunOptions object of class \emph{GriwrmRunOptions}, see \code{[CreateRunOptions.Griwrm]} for details.
#' @param girop Girop object giving the run-off model parameters, see \code{[Girop]}.
#' @param Param list of parameter. The list item names are the IDs of the sub-basins. Each item is a vector of numerical parameters.
#' @param verbose (optional) boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}
#' @param ... Mandatory for S3 method signature function compatibility with generic.
#' @return \emph{GriwrmOutputsModel} object which is a list of \emph{OutputsModel} objects (See \code{\link[airGR]{RunModel}}) for each node of the semi-distributed model.
#' @export
RunModel.GriwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, girop, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
RunModel.GriwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
OutputsModel <- list()
class(OutputsModel) <- append(class(OutputsModel), "GriwrmOutputsModel")
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ RunModel.GriwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, girop, verbose =
OutputsModel[[IM$id]] <- RunModel(
InputsModel = IM,
RunOptions = RunOptions[[IM$id]],
Param = unlist(girop$params[girop$id == IM$id])
Param = Param[[IM$id]]
#' Wrapper for \code{\link[airGR]{RunModel}} which performs a single model run with the provided function over the selected period.
#' Wrapper for \code{\link[airGR]{RunModel}} for one sub-basin.
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{InputsModel}, see \code{\link[airGR]{CreateInputsModel}} for details.
#' @param RunOptions object of class \emph{RunOptions}, see \code{\link[airGR]{CreateRunOptions}} for details.
#' @param Param numeric vector of model parameters.
#' @param FUN_MOD hydrological model function (e.g. \code{\link[airGR]{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link[airGR]{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}}).
#' @return
#' @inherit airGR::RunModel
#' @export
RunModel.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, FUN_MOD = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(FUN_MOD)) {
#' Generate the list of run-off models and their parameters
#' @param db data frame containing at least the id the area and the model of the sub-basin.
#' @param cols named list or vector for matching columns of `db` parameter. By default, mandatory columns names are: `id`, `area`, `model`. But other names can be handled with a named list or vector containing items defined as `"required name" = "column name in db"`.
#' @param keep_all Keep all column of `db` or keep only columns defined in `cols`
#' @return \emph{Girop} object.
#' @export
Girop <- function(db, cols = c(id = "id", area = "area", model = "model", params = "params"), keep_all = FALSE) {
colsDefault <- list(id = "id", area = "area", model = "model", params = "params")
cols <- utils::modifyList(colsDefault, as.list(cols))
if(!any(names(db) == cols$params)) {
# Add missing params column in the database
db[[cols$params]] = NA
db <- dplyr::rename(db, unlist(cols))
if(!keep_all) {
db <- dplyr::select(db, names(cols))
class(db) <- append(class(db), "Girop")
#' Title
#' @param id string of the id of the node
#' @param ts numeric matrix or data frame containing 3 columns for precipitation, evaporation, and observed flow
#' @param cols named list or vector used for matching the columns of ts with the required columns names which are "Precip", "PotEvap", and "Qobs".
#' @return \emph{Gits} class object which is a list containing a `date` element (Vector of PosiXlt timestamps) and an element named the id of the node containing a dataframe with observed data.
#' @export
Gits <- function(id, ts,
cols = list(date = "date", Precip = "Precip", PotEvap = "PotEvap", Qobs = "Qobs")) {
cols <- as.list(cols)
ts <- dplyr::rename(ts, unlist(cols))
if(any($Qobs))) {
stop("Qobs should not contain any NA")
if(any(ts$Qobs < 0)) {
stop("Qobs should be strictly positive")
gitsOut <- list(date = ts$date)
cols$date <- NULL
gitsOut[[id]] <- dplyr::select(ts, names(cols))
class(gitsOut) <- append(class(gitsOut), "Gits")
#' Merge two gits objects with identical date time series.
#' @param x Gits object to merge (See [Gits]).
#' @param y Gits object to merge (See [Gits]).
#' @param ... For merge generic function compatibility.
#' @return Gits object merged with one item `Date` and Items corresponding to each node.
#' @export
merge.Gits <- function(x, y, ...) {
if(!is(y, "Gits")) {
stop("A Gits class object can only be merged with a Gits class object")
if(! identical(x$date, y$date)) {
stop("Time series dates are not identical")
y$date <- NULL
x <- utils::modifyList(x, y)
# GR-IWRM: airGR based Integrated Water Resource Management R package
GR-IWRM is an extension of airGR for managing semi-distributive hydrological model on an anthropized catchment.
This package is developped as part of the IN-WOP project ( by the mixed research unit G-EAU (
## Installation
Open a terminal and type:
git clone
cd griwrm
Rscript -e "install.packages(\"roxygen2\");roxygen2::roxygenise()"
cd ..
## Get started
See the package vignettes.
\ No newline at end of file
id_sgl id_hydro lambert2.x lambert2.y area description id_aval distance_aval
TRANN_01 766626.06 2369152.25 1557.06 l'Aube à Trannes ARCIS_24 68100
GURGY_02 H2221010 689713.00 2320549.00 3819.77 L'Yonne à Gurgy COURL_23 83612
BRIEN_03 H2482010 695313.00 2332549.00 2979.77 L'Armançon à Brienon-sur-Armançon COURL_23 84653
STDIZ_04 H5071010 791113.00 2407349.00 2347.53 La Marne à Saint-Dizier CHALO_21 85570
PARIS_05 H5920010 602213.00 2427449.00 43824.66 La Seine à Paris
BAR-S_06 H0400010 751913.00 2348349.00 2340.37 La Seine à Bar-sur-Seine MERY-_22 79766
CHAUM_07 716518.38 2241747.00 216.50 L'Yonne à Chaumard GURGY_02 153074
CUSSY_08 H2172310 726013.00 2275149.00 247.99 Le Cousin à Cussy-les-Forges GURGY_02 91378
STGER_09 718512.88 2266649.25 402.74 La Cure à St-Germain GURGY_02 94152
GUILL_10 H2322020 731013.00 2282349.00 488.71 Le Serein à Guillon CHABL_12 66026
AISY-_11 H2452020 742413.00 2298149.00 1349.51 L'Armançon à Aisy-sur-Armançon BRIEN_03 102428
CHABL_12 H2342010 709613.00 2314149.00 1116.27 Le Serein à Chablis COURL_23 111781
NOGEN_13 685912.88 2389349.25 9182.39 La Seine à Nogent-sur-Seine MONTE_15 63215
EPISY_14 H3621010 633413.00 2371049.00 3916.71 Le Loing à Épisy ALFOR_16 89196
MONTE_15 645112.88 2376849.25 21199.39 La Seine à Montereau ALFOR_16 94475
ALFOR_16 H4340020 606013.00 2420349.00 30784.71 La Seine à Alfortville PARIS_05 9263
NOISI_17 H5841010 620913.00 2428949.00 12547.72 La Marne à Noisiel PARIS_05 39384
MONTR_18 H5752020 638013.00 2431849.00 1184.81 Le Grand Morin à Montry NOISI_17 37915
LOUVE_19 H5083050 791613.00 2393949.00 461.74 La Blaise à Louvemont CHALO_21 86165
LASSI_20 H1362010 759513.00 2385549.00 876.53 La Voire à Lassicourt ARCIS_24 43618
CHALO_21 H5201010 747713.00 2441349.00 6291.55 La Marne à Châlons-sur-Marne NOISI_17 237937
MERY-_22 H0810010 714913.00 2390949.00 3899.62 La Seine à Méry-sur-Seine NOGEN_13 49933
COURL_23 H2721010 660813.00 2370449.00 10687.35 L'Yonne à Courlon-sur-Yonne MONTE_15 26159
ARCIS_24 H1501010 733313.00 2394749.00 3594.60 L'Aube à Arcis-sur-Aube NOGEN_13 70926
VITRY_25 H5172010 768513.00 2418849.00 2109.14 La Saulx à Vitry-en-Perthois CHALO_21 38047
......@@ -22,106 +22,86 @@ List of nodes
seine_nodes <- readr::read_delim(
file = "",
delim = ";"
file = system.file("seine_data", "network_gauging_stations.txt", package = "griwrm"),
delim = "\t"
Create the ginet object which lists the nodes and describes the network diagram. It's a dataframe of class `Ginet` and `Griwrm` with specific column names:
Create the griwrm object which lists the nodes and describes the network diagram. It's a dataframe of class `Griwrm` and `Griwrm` with specific column names:
- `id`: the identifier of the node in the network
- `down`: the identifier of the next node downstream
- `length`: hydraulic distance to the next downstream node
- `runoff`: does the node is a rainfall run-off model?
- `id`: the identifier of the node in the network.
- `down`: the identifier of the next hydrological node downstream.
- `length`: hydraulic distance to the next hydrological downstream node.
- `model`: Name of the hydrological model used (E.g. "RunModel_GR4J"). `NA` for other type of node.
- `area`: Area of the sub-catchment (km<sup>2</sup>). Used for hydrological model such as GR models. `NA` if not used.
`Ginet` function helps to rename the columns of the dataframe and assign the variable classes.
`Griwrm` function helps to rename the columns of the dataframe and assign the variable classes.
# Specify that all nodes are of run-off type
seine_nodes$runoff <- TRUE
# Convert distance in km as it the unit used by airGR
seine_nodes$length <- seine_nodes$distance_aval / 1000
# Generate the ginet object
ginet <- Ginet(seine_nodes, list(id = "id_sgl", down = "id_aval"))
seine_nodes$model <- "RunModel_GR4J"
# Generate the griwrm object
griwrm <- Griwrm(seine_nodes, list(id = "id_sgl", down = "id_aval", length = "distance_aval"))
Each line of the `Ginet` object having the `runoff` columns switched to `TRUE` should have a corresponding line in the `Girop` object which contains the parameters of the rainfall run-off models.
The `Girop` object is a dataframe of class `Girop` with specific columns:
## Observation time series
- `id`: the identifier of the node in the network
- `area`: the total area of the basin (including upstream sub-basins) at the location of the node (km<sup>2</sup>)
- `model`: the name of the rainfall run-off model used (e.g. "RunModel_GR4J")
- `params`: a list containing the calibration parameters of the model
Loading hydrometeorological data on the Seine river basin from the ClimAware project:
# Specify which run-off model to use
seine_nodes$model = "RunModel_GR4J"
# Generate girop object
girop <- Girop(seine_nodes, list(id = "id_sgl", area = "area"))
## Observation time series
```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
Loading hydrometeorological data on the Seine river basin from the ClimAware project:
Precip <- NULL
PotEvap <- NULL
Qobs <- NULL
```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
urls <-
paste0(ginet$id, "_NAT.txt&dl=1")
names(urls) <- ginet$id
load_ts <- function(x) {
ts <- readr::read_delim(file = x,
delim = ";", skip = 16, trim_ws = TRUE)
ts$Date <- as.POSIXlt(lubridate::ymd(ts$Date))
# Interpolation of data gap in the discharge time serie
ts[ts$Qnat < 0, "Qnat"] <- NA
if($Qnat[nrow(ts)])) {
ts$Qnat[nrow(ts)] <- 0 # No value at the end: time serie converge to zero
MergeTS <- function(dfOld, id, dfNew) {
names(dfNew) <- c("DatesR", id) # Renaming columns of the new input into date and sub-basin ID
if(is.null(dfOld)) {
dfOut <- dfNew # Creation of the first column
} else {
dfOut <- merge(dfOld, dfNew, by = "DatesR", all = TRUE) # Merge the new columns respecting to date column
ts$Qnat <- zoo::na.approx(ts$Qnat)
l <- lapply(urls, load_ts)
`Gits` object is a list containing a item named `date` with a timestamp vector of the time series and items named by the identifier of each node. These items contain a dataframe with the observations.
The Gits function creates a `Gits` object
gits <- Gits(ginet$id[1], l[[ginet$id[1]]], cols = list(date = "Date", Precip = "Ptot", PotEvap = "ETP", Qobs = "Qnat"))
Copy the observations for each node the ginet network:
for(id in ginet$id) {
l[[id]]$Qnat <- l[[id]]$Qnat * 86.4 / girop$area[girop$id == id]
l[[id]]$Qnat[l[[id]]$Qnat < 0] <- NA
gits <- merge(gits, Gits(id, l[[id]], cols = list(date = "Date", Precip = "Ptot", PotEvap = "ETP", Qobs = "Qnat")))
for(id in griwrm$id) {
url <-
paste0(id, "_NAT.txt&dl=1")
ts <- readr::read_delim(file = url,
delim = ";", skip = 16, trim_ws = TRUE)
# Date conversion to POSIX
ts$Date <- as.POSIXlt(lubridate::ymd(ts$Date))
# Ptot column is merged into Precip dataframe
Precip <- MergeTS(Precip, id, ts[,c("Date", "Ptot")])
# ETP column is merged into PotEvap dataframe
PotEvap <- MergeTS(PotEvap, id, ts[,c("Date", "ETP")])
# Convert Qobs from m3/s to mm/time step
ts$Qnat <- ts$Qnat * 86.4 / griwrm$area[griwrm$id == id]
# Setting data gaps to NA
ts$Qnat[ts$Qnat <= 0] <- NA
# Qnat column is merged into Qobs dataframe
Qobs <- MergeTS(Qobs, id, ts[,c("Date", "Qnat")])
DatesR <- Precip$DatesR
Precip$DateR <- NULL
PotEvap$DateR <- NULL
Qobs$DateR <- NULL
## Generate the GRIWRM InputsModel object
The GRIWRM InputsModel object is a list of airGR InputsModel. The identifier of the sub-basin is used as key in the list which is ordered from upstream to downstream.
The airGR CreateInputsModel function is extended in order to handle the ginet object which describe the basin diagram:
The airGR CreateInputsModel function is extended in order to handle the griwrm object which describe the basin diagram:
InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(ginet, girop, gits)
InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(griwrm, DatesR, Precip, PotEvap, Qobs)
......@@ -129,7 +109,8 @@ InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(ginet, girop, gits)
## Save data for next vignettes
dir.create("_cache", showWarnings = FALSE)
save(ginet, girop, gits, InputsModel, file = "_cache/V01.RData")
save(griwrm, Qobs, InputsModel, file = "_cache/V01.RData")
......@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ load("_cache/V02.RData")
InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(
InputsModel = InputsModel,
InputsModel = InputsModel,
FUN_CRIT = airGR::ErrorCrit_KGE2,
RunOptions = RunOptions, gits = gits
RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = Qobs
......@@ -53,25 +53,29 @@ save(OutputsCalib, file = "_cache/V03.RData")
## Run model with Michel calibration
giropMichel <- girop
for(id in giropMichel$id) {
giropMichel$params[giropMichel$id == id] <- list(OutputsCalib[[id]]$Param)
ParamMichel <- sapply(griwrm$id, function(x) {OutputsCalib[[x]]$Param})
OutputsModels <- RunModel(
InputsModel = InputsModel,
RunOptions = RunOptions,
girop = giropMichel
Param = ParamMichel
## Save calibration data for next vignettes
save(ParamMichel, file = "_cache/V03.RData")
## Plot the result for each basin
```{r, fig.height = 5, fig.width = 8}
function(x) {
plot(OutputsModels[[x]], Qobs = gits[[x]]$Qobs[RunOptions[[x]]$IndPeriod_Run] , main = x)
plot(OutputsModels[[x]], Qobs = Qobs[RunOptions[[x]]$IndPeriod_Run,x] , main = x)