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Database structuration
Database structuration
The network configuration should contains:
- the list of hydraulic nodes of the system: locations where inflows and outflows occur. Each point has at least an unique identifier. Description fields and geomatic information could be added in the future.
- the nature of the point: run-off or flow
- as we assume that the network is only constituted with confluences, the identifier of the next downstream hydraulic node should be provided.
For hydraulic nodes of nature "run-off", we need some more informations:
- area of the water basin
- the hydrological model used
Times series:
- need to be stored in one matrix containing each time step in lines and all fields in columns in accordance with tidyverse specifications.
- a vector with the timestamps should be associated with the data (in a list?).
Proposition of structuration in a list with:
- an entry
containing the vector of timestamps - one entry for each hydraulic node identified by the id of the node with a matrix containing all associated data.