Diversion: Remove error "The downstream node of a Diversion node must be different than the downstream node of the node is attached to"
I don't know why I've imposed this constraint in the first place.
This kind of network scheme makes sense and can be handled by the model:
graph LR
id_54001 -->| 45 km| id_54032
id_54029 -->| 32 km| id_54032
id_54001 -->| 60 km| id_54032
class id_54032 IntermediateGauged
class id_54001,id_54001 UpstreamGaugedDiversion
class id_54029 UpstreamUngauged
classDef default stroke:#333
classDef UpstreamUngauged fill:#eef
classDef UpstreamGauged fill:#aaf
classDef IntermediateUngauged fill:#efe
classDef IntermediateGauged fill:#afa
classDef DirectInjection fill:#faa
classDef Reservoir fill:#9de
classDef UpstreamUngaugedDiversion fill:#eef, stroke:#faa, stroke-width:3px
classDef UpstreamGaugedDiversion fill:#aaf, stroke:#faa, stroke-width:3px
classDef IntermediateUngaugedDiversion fill:#efe, stroke:#faa, stroke-width:3px
classDef IntermediateGaugedDiversion fill:#afa, stroke:#faa, stroke-width:3px
linkStyle 2 stroke:#faa, stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;