More flexibility in CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel
With airGRiwrm, many modelling possibilities are offered, but some are not, although they would be very useful. Namely, defining different objective functions or calibrating different parameters (e.g. calibrating CemaNeige for snowy basins only, although using CemaNeige everywhere) would be very convenient.
This would require more flexibility in CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel.R and
Namely, in CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel.R, we would need to be able to define different values for each basin for these arguments:
, transfo
, Weights
, epsilon
In CreateCalibOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel.R, we would need to be able to distribute FixedParam but also (although less important and useful) SearchRanges
, StartParamList
, StartParamDistrib