airGRiwrm: airGR based Integrated Water Resource Management R package
airGRiwrm is an extension of the airGR R package for managing semi-distributive hydrological model on an anthropized catchment.
This package is developed as part of the IN-WOP project ( by the mixed research unit G-EAU ( and the HYDRO team of the INRAE HYCAR research unit (
We need the package remotes
to install the package from the Irstea Gitlab repository:
The package airGRiwrm is under development and is only available on Gitlab:
remotes::install_gitlab("in-wop/airGRiwrm", host = "", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE)
dependencies = TRUE
and build_vignettes = TRUE
are optional and respectively trigger the installation of suggested packages used in the vignettes and the compilation and the installation of the vignettes.
Get started
Visit the website dedicated to the package at for tutorials, usage examples and documentation.