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  • graph_cython
  • master default
You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.
Created with Raphaël 2.2.09May12Mar5425Feb222087621Jan30Oct25Sep17131110976524Aug232221161425Jul1812111095add edit_path function+ debug graph class + add tqdm progress bar when using import_dirmastermasterAdd Node2vec + debug + change readmeChange in doctest Graph2vecChange of DeepWalk CategoryUpdate READMEUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdgraph_cythongraph_cythonMerge pull request #5 from Jacobe2169/graph_cythonMerge branch 'master' into graph_cythonUpdate ChangelogUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdBug travis with gensim...Test work with virtualenvUpd travisChange ReadmeChange ReadmeChange ReadmeAdd documentation. Clean old methods and classes.add Parralelization graph embeddingTravis debugDebugDebug ShortestPathkernelAdd gensim to requirementsAdd Graph Embedding (DeepWalk, Graph2Vec), ShortestPathKernel checked, debug graph, add joblib in requirementDEBUG + ADD real testPip installation available + Debug the Graph extension/class + debug GEDShortest path kernel work!Graph Class stable ! problem with MultiDiGraph and no attr selected fixedDebugDebugDebugsetup bugdealing with empty graphwandering print spottedDEBUG MultiDiGraph issueUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdAlmost done ! Parallelization and Graph seems toworkdebug travis