lidaRtRee is a R package that provides functions for forest analysis using airborne laser scanning data. It includes complementary steps for foret mapping: extraction of both physical and statistical features from lidar data, model calibration with ground reference, and maps export.
`lidaRtRee` is a R package that provides functions for forest analysis using airborne laser scanning data. It includes complementary steps for foret mapping: extraction of both physical and statistical features from lidar data, model calibration with ground reference, and maps export.
Processing workflows built on lidaRtRee functions are provided as Rmarkdown files:
Tutorials using `lidaRtRee` functions are available on the [lidaRtRee_tutorials](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/jean-matthieu.monnet/lidartree_tutorials/) repository, as Rmarkdown files, html and pdf files, and including test datasets to run the code:
* [Tree detection](tree detection workflow)
* [Forest plot coregistration](forest plot coregistration workflow)
* [Forest gaps and edges detection](Gaps-and-edges-detection-workflow )
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