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# \\\
# Copyright 2021-2022 Louis Héraut*1
# *1 INRAE, France
# This file is part of ash R toolbox.
# ash R toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# ash R toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ash R toolbox. If not, see <>.
# ///
# plotting/map.R
# Deals with the creation of a map for presenting the trend analysis of hydrological variables
## 1. MAP PANEL ______________________________________________________
# Generates a map plot of the tendancy of a hydrological variable
map_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta, df_shapefile, idPer_trend=1,
trend_period, mean_period, colorForce=FALSE,
outdirTmp='', codeLight=NULL,
margin=NULL, showSea=TRUE,
foot_height=0, resources_path=NULL,
AEAGlogo_file=NULL, INRAElogo_file=NULL,
FRlogo_file=NULL, df_page=NULL,
verbose=TRUE) {
# Extract shapefiles
df_france = df_shapefile$france
df_bassin = df_shapefile$bassin
df_subbassin = df_shapefile$subbassin
df_river = df_shapefile$river
# Number of variable/plot
nbp = length(list_df2plot)
# Get all different stations code
Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
nCode = length(Code)
if (!is.null(trend_period)) {
# Convert 'trend_period' to list
trend_period = as.list(trend_period)
# Number of trend period
nPeriod_trend = length(trend_period)
# Extracts the min and the max of the mean trend for all the station
res = short_trendExtremes(list_df2plot, Code, nPeriod_trend, nbp, nCode, colorForce)
minTrendValue = res$min
maxTrendValue = res$max
# If there is a 'mean_period'
if (!is.null(mean_period)) {
# Convert 'mean_period' to list
mean_period = as.list(mean_period)
# Number of mean period
nPeriod_mean = length(mean_period)
res = short_meanExtremes(list_df2plot, Code, nPeriod_mean, nbp, nCode)
minBreakValue = res$min
maxBreakValue = res$max
breakValue_code = res$value
} else {
nPeriod_mean = 1
# Number of ticks for the colorbar
nbTick = 10
for (j in 1:nPeriod_mean) {
# For all variable
for (i in 1:nbp) {
# If there is a specified station code to highlight (mini map)
# and there has already been one loop
if ((i > 1 | j > 1) & !is.null(codeLight)) {
# Stop the for loop over the variable
# Extracts the variable of the plot
var = list_df2plot[[i]]$var
# Extracts the type of variable of the plot
type = list_df2plot[[i]]$type
# Explanations about the variable
glose = list_df2plot[[i]]$glose
# Createsa name for the map
if (j > 1) {
outname = paste('map_d', var, sep='')
} else {
outname = paste('map_', var, sep='')
n_loop = i + nbp*(j-1)
N_loop = nbp*nPeriod_mean
# If there is the verbose option
if (verbose) {
if (j > 1) {
mapName = 'difference'
} else {
mapName = 'tendence'
# Prints the name of the map
print(paste('Map of ', mapName, ' for : ', var,
" (",
round(n_loop/N_loop*100, 0),
" %)",
# If there is no specified station code to highlight
# (mini map)
if (is.null(codeLight)) {
# Sets the size of the countour
sizefr = 0.45
sizebs = 0.4
sizerv = 0.3
} else {
sizefr = 0.35
sizebs = 0.3
sizerv = 0.2
# Stores the coordonate system
cf = coord_fixed()
# Makes it the default one to remove useless warning
cf$default = TRUE
# Open a new plot with the personalise theme
map = ggplot() + theme_void() +
# theme(
# # Ticks marker
# axis.ticks.x=element_line(color='grey75', size=0.3),
# axis.ticks.y=element_line(color='grey75', size=0.3),
# # Ticks label
# axis.text.x=element_text(color='grey40'),
# axis.text.y=element_text(color='grey40')) +
# Fixed coordinate system (remove useless warning)
cf +
# Plot the background of France
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
color=NA, fill="grey97")
# If the river shapefile exists
if (!is.null(df_river)) {
# Plot the river
map = map +
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
color="grey85", size=sizerv)
map = map +
# Plot the hydrological basin
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
color="grey70", fill=NA, size=sizebs) +
# Plot the hydrological sub-basin
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
color="grey70", fill=NA, size=sizebs) +
# Plot the countour of France
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
color="grey40", fill=NA, size=sizefr)
if (is.null(codeLight)) {
xBasin = c(410000, 520000, 630000,
620000, 510000, 450000,
yBasin = c(6280000, 6290000, 6320000,
6385000, 6450000, 6530000,
nameBasin = c('Adour', 'Garonne', 'Tarn-Aveyron',
'Lot', 'Dordogne', 'Charente',
nBasin = length(xBasin)
plot_basin = tibble(x=xBasin, y=yBasin, label=nameBasin)
map = map +
aes(x=x, y=y, label=label),
hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, size=5)
# If the sea needs to be shown
if (showSea) {
# Leaves space around the France
xlim = c(295000, 790000)
ylim = c(6125000, 6600000)
# Otherwise
} else {
# Leaves minimal space around France
xlim = c(305000, 790000)
ylim = c(6135000, 6600000)
# If there is no specified station code to highlight (mini map)
if (is.null(codeLight)) {
# Sets a legend scale start
xmin = gpct(4, xlim, shift=TRUE)
# Sets graduations
xint = c(0, 10*1E3, 50*1E3, 100*1E3)
# Sets the y postion
ymin = gpct(5, ylim, shift=TRUE)
# Sets the height of graduations
ymax = ymin + gpct(1, ylim)
# Size of the value
size = 3
# Size of the 'km' unit
sizekm = 2.5
# If there is a specified station code
} else {
# Same but with less graduation and smaller size
xmin = gpct(2, xlim, shift=TRUE)
xint = c(0, 100*1E3)
ymin = gpct(1, ylim, shift=TRUE)
ymax = ymin + gpct(3, ylim)
size = 2
sizekm = 1.5
map = map +
# Adds the base line of the scale
geom_line(aes(x=c(xmin, max(xint)+xmin),
y=c(ymin, ymin)),
color="grey40", size=0.2) +
# Adds the 'km' unit
x=max(xint)+xmin+gpct(1, xlim), y=ymin,
vjust=0, hjust=0, label="km",
color="grey40", size=sizekm)
# For all graduations
for (x in xint) {
map = map +
# Draws the tick
x=x+xmin, xend=x+xmin, y=ymin, yend=ymax,
color="grey40", size=0.2) +
# Adds the value
x=x+xmin, y=ymax+gpct(0.5, ylim),
vjust=0, hjust=0.5, label=x/1E3,
color="grey40", size=size)
map = map +
# Allows to crop shapefile without graphical problem
coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
# If there is no margins specified
if (is.null(margin)) {
# Sets all margins to 0
map = map +
theme(plot.margin=margin(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0,
# Otherwise
} else {
# Sets margins to the given ones
map = map +
# Blank vector to store data about station
lon = c()
lat = c()
fill = c()
shape = c()
Value = c()
OkVal = c()
# For all code
for (k in 1:nCode) {
# Gets the code
code = Code[k]
if (j > 1) {
value = breakValue_code[j, i, k]
minValue = minBreakValue[j, i]
maxValue = maxBreakValue[j, i]
pVal = 0
} else if (is.null(trend_period)) {
value = NA
minValue = NULL
maxValue = NULL
pVal = 0
} else {
# Extracts the data corresponding to the
# current variable
df_data = list_df2plot[[i]]$data
# Extracts the trend corresponding to the
# current variable
df_trend = list_df2plot[[i]]$trend
# Gets the risk of the test
alpha = list_df2plot[[i]]$alpha
# Extracts the data corresponding to the code
df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,]
# Extracts the trend corresponding to the code
df_trend_code = df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]
# Extract start and end of trend periods
Start = df_trend_code$period_start[idPer_trend]
End = df_trend_code$period_end[idPer_trend]
# Extracts the corresponding data for the period
df_data_code_per =
df_data_code[df_data_code$Date >= Start
& df_data_code$Date <= End,]
# Same for trend
df_trend_code_per =
df_trend_code[df_trend_code$period_start == Start
& df_trend_code$period_end == End,]
# Computes the number of trend analysis selected
Ntrend = nrow(df_trend_code_per)
# If there is more than one trend on the same period
if (Ntrend > 1) {
# Takes only the first because they are similar
df_trend_code_per = df_trend_code_per[1,]
# If it is a flow variable
if (type == 'sévérité') {
# Computes the mean of the data on the period
dataMean = mean(df_data_code_per$Value,