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# \\\
# Copyright 2021-2022 Louis Héraut*1
# *1 INRAE, France
# This file is part of ash R toolbox.
# ash R toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# ash R toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ash R toolbox. If not, see <>.
# ///
# processing/format.R
# Manages all the format problem of data and info. Mainly problem of
# input and output of the 'StatsAnalysisTrend' package. It also allows
# to join different selections of station and to gets exact period of
# trend analysis.
# Usefull library
## 1. BEFORE TREND ANALYSE ___________________________________________
### 1.1. Joining selection ___________________________________________
# Joins tibbles of different selection of station as a unique one
join_selection = function (df_data_AEAG, df_data_INRAE, df_meta_AEAG, df_meta_INRAE) {
# If there is an INRAE and an Agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne selection
if (!is.null(df_data_INRAE) & !is.null(df_data_AEAG)) {
# Gets the station in common
common = levels(factor(df_meta_INRAE[df_meta_INRAE$code %in% df_meta_AEAG$code,]$code))
# Gets the Nv station to add
INRAEadd = levels(factor(df_meta_INRAE[!(df_meta_INRAE$code %in% df_meta_AEAG$code),]$code))
# Selects only the INRAE meta to add
df_meta_INRAEadd = df_meta_INRAE[df_meta_INRAE$code %in% INRAEadd,]
# Names the source of the selection
df_meta_AEAG$source = 'AEAG'
df_meta_INRAEadd$source = 'INRAE'
# Joins INRAE data to AEAG data
df_meta = full_join(df_meta_AEAG, df_meta_INRAEadd)
# Selects only the INRAE data to add
df_data_INRAEadd = df_data_INRAE[df_data_INRAE$code %in% INRAEadd,]
# Joins INRAE meta to AEAG meta
df_data = full_join(df_data_AEAG, df_data_INRAEadd)
# If there is just an Agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne selection
} else if (is.null(df_data_INRAE) & !is.null(df_data_AEAG)) {
df_meta_AEAG$source = 'AEAG'
df_meta = df_meta_AEAG
df_data = df_data_AEAG
# If there is just an INRAE selection
} else if (!is.null(df_data_INRAE) & is.null(df_data_AEAG)) {
df_meta_INRAE$source = 'INRAE'
df_meta = df_meta_INRAE
df_data = df_data_INRAE
# If there is no selection
} else {
stop('No data')
return (list(data=df_data, meta=df_meta))
### 1.2. Manages missing data ________________________________________
missing_data = function (df_data, df_meta, yearLac_day=3, yearStart='01-01', Code=NULL, df_mod=NULL) {
if (is.null(Code)) {
# Get all different stations code
Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
nCode = length(Code)
} else {
nCode = length(Code)
for (code in Code) {
# Extracts the data corresponding to the code
df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,]
DateMD = substr(df_data_code$Date, 6, 10)
idyearStart = which(DateMD == yearStart)
if (DateMD[1] != yearStart) {
idyearStart = c(1, idyearStart)
NidyearStart = length(idyearStart)
for (i in 1:NidyearStart) {
Start = df_data_code$Date[idyearStart[i]]
if (i < NidyearStart) {
End = df_data_code$Date[idyearStart[i+1] - 1]
} else {
End = df_data_code$Date[length(df_data_code$Date)]
OkYear = df_data_code$Date >= Start & df_data_code$Date <= End
df_data_code_year = df_data_code[OkYear,]
StartReal = as.Date(paste(substr(Start, 1, 4),
yearStart, sep='-'))
EndReal = as.Date(paste(as.numeric(substr(Start, 1, 4)) + 1,
yearStart, sep='-'))
nbDate = as.numeric(difftime(EndReal, StartReal,
nbNA = sum(as.numeric($Value)))
nbNA = nbNA + abs(as.numeric(difftime(StartReal, Start,
nbNA = nbNA + abs(as.numeric(difftime(EndReal, End+1,
yearLacMiss_pct = nbNA/nbDate * 100
if (nbNA > yearLac_day) {
df_data_code_year$Value = NA
df_data_code[OkYear,] = df_data_code_year
if (!is.null(df_mod)) {
df_mod = add_mod(df_mod, code,
type='Missing data management',
fun_name='NA assignment',
comment=paste('From ', Start,
' to ', End, sep=''))
} else if (nbNA <= yearLac_day & nbNA > 1) {
DateJ = as.numeric(df_data_code_year$Date)
Value = df_data_code_year$Value
Value = approxExtrap(x=DateJ,
df_data_code$Value[OkYear] = Value
if (!is.null(df_mod)) {
df_mod = add_mod(df_mod, code,
type='Missing data management',
'Linear extrapolation of NA from ',
Start, ' to ', End, sep=''))
df_data[df_data$code == code,] = df_data_code
if (!is.null(df_mod)) {
res = list(data=df_data, mod=df_mod)
return (res)
} else {
return (df_data)
### 1.3. Sampling of the data ________________________________________
sampling_data = function (df_data, df_meta, sampleSpan=c('05-01', '11-30'), Code=NULL, df_mod=NULL) {
if (is.null(Code)) {
# Get all different stations code
Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
nCode = length(Code)
} else {
nCode = length(Code)
# 1972 is leap year reference is case of leap year comparison
sampleStart = as.Date(paste('1972', sampleSpan[1], sep='-'))
sampleEnd = as.Date(paste('1972', sampleSpan[2], sep='-'))
for (code in Code) {
# Extracts the data corresponding to the code
df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,]
DateMD = substr(df_data_code$Date, 6, 10)
Date = paste('1972', DateMD, sep='-')
df_data_code$Value[Date < sampleStart | Date > sampleEnd] = NA
if (!is.null(df_mod)) {
df_mod = add_mod(df_mod, code,
type='Seasonal sampling ',
fun_name='NA assignment',
comment=paste('Before ', sampleStart,
' and after ', sampleEnd,
# Leap year verification
# print(df_data_code[df_data_code$Date > as.Date("1992-02-25"),])
df_data[df_data$code == code,] = df_data_code
if (!is.null(df_mod)) {
res = list(data=df_data, mod=df_mod)
return (res)
} else {
return (df_data)
## 2. DURING TREND ANALYSE ___________________________________________
### 2.1. Preparation _________________________________________________
# Prepares the data in order to have a list of a data tibble with
# date, group and flow column and a info tibble with the station code
# and group column to fit the entry of the 'extract.Var' function in
# the 'StatsAnalysisTrend' package
prepare = function(df_data, colnamegroup=NULL) {
# Forces the column name to group to be a vector
colnamegroup = c(colnamegroup)
# Converts it to index of the column to group
colindgroup = which(colnames(df_data) == colnamegroup)
# Groups the data by those indexes
df_data = group_by_at(df_data, colindgroup)
# Creates a new tibble of data with a group column
data = tibble(Date=df_data$Date,
# Gets the different value of the group
Gkey = group_keys(df_data)
# Creates a new tibble of info of the group
info = bind_cols(group=seq(1:nrow(Gkey)),
# Stores data and info tibble as a list that match the entry of
# the 'extract.Var' function
res = list(data=data, info=info)
return (res)
### 2.2. Re-preparation ______________________________________________
# Re-prepares the data in outing of the 'extract.Var' function in
# the 'StatsAnalysisTrend' package in order to fit again to the
# entry of the same function
reprepare = function(df_XEx, df_Xlist, colnamegroup=NULL) {
# Changes the column name of the results of the
# 'extract.Var' function
colnames(df_XEx) = c('Date', 'group', 'Value')
# Converts Date column as character
df_XEx$Date = as.character(df_XEx$Date)
# Takes the first date as example
exDate = df_XEx$Date[1]
# Finds the number of dash in the date
nbt = lengths(regmatches(exDate, gregexpr('-', exDate)))
# If there is only one dash
if (nbt == 1) {
# Converts it to date from a year and a month
df_XEx$Date = paste(df_XEx$Date, '01', sep='-')
# If there is no dash
} else if (nbt == 0) {
# Converts it to date from only a year
df_XEx$Date = paste(df_XEx$Date, '01', '01', sep='-')
# If there is more than 2 dashes
} else if (nbt != 2) {
# This is not a classical date
stop('erreur of date format')
# Recreates the outing of the 'extract.Var' function nicer
df_XEx = bind_cols(Date=as.Date(df_XEx$Date,
# Prepares the nicer outing
df_XlistEx = prepare(df_XEx, colnamegroup=colnamegroup)
return (df_XlistEx)
### 2.3. Prepare date ________________________________________________
prepare_date = function(df_XEx, df_Xlist, per.start="01-01") {
df_dateStart = summarise(group_by(df_Xlist$data, group),
# filter(group_by(df_Xlist$data, group), Date == min(Date))
df_dateStart$Date_julian = NA
df_dateStart$DateHydro_julian = NA
date = as.Date(df_dateStart$Date)
date_per.start = as.Date(paste(substr(date, 1, 4),
'-', per.start, sep=''))
date[date < date_per.start] = date_per.start[date < date_per.start]
df_dateStart$Date = date
origin = as.Date(paste(format(df_dateStart$Date, "%Y"),
'-', per.start, sep=''))
originHydro = as.Date(paste(format(df_dateStart$Date, "%Y"),
'-01-01', sep=''))
for (i in 1:nrow(df_dateStart)) {
dateJultmp = julian(date[i], origin=origin[i])
df_dateStart$Date_julian[i] = dateJultmp
dateJulHydrotmp = julian(date[i], origin=originHydro[i])
df_dateStart$DateHydro_julian[i] = dateJulHydrotmp
df_dateStart$Year = format(df_dateStart$Date, "%Y")
for (group in df_dateStart$group) {
Ok_dateStart = df_dateStart$group == group
Shift = df_dateStart$Date_julian[Ok_dateStart]
year = df_dateStart$Year[Ok_dateStart]
OkXEx_code_year = df_XEx$group1 == group & df_XEx$datetime == year
df_XEx$values[OkXEx_code_year] =
df_XEx$values[OkXEx_code_year] + Shift
OkXEx_code = df_XEx$group1 == group
ShiftHydro = df_dateStart$DateHydro_julian[Ok_dateStart]
df_XEx$values[OkXEx_code] = df_XEx$values[OkXEx_code] + ShiftHydro
## Add 365 when the point is too remote
# XEx_code = df_XEx$values[OkXEx_code]
# meanXEx_code = mean(XEx_code, na.rm=TRUE)
# dXEx_code = meanXEx_code - XEx_code
# stdXEx_code = sd(XEx_code, na.rm=TRUE)
# OkOverStd = dXEx_code >= stdXEx_code*3
# OkOverStd[] = FALSE
# XEx_code[OkOverStd] = XEx_code[OkOverStd] + 365
# df_XEx$values[OkXEx_code] = XEx_code
# print(group)
# print(df_XEx$datetime[df_XEx$group1 == group][dXEx_code >= stdXEx_code*3])
df_XEx$datetime = as.double(df_XEx$datetime)
return (df_XEx)
## 3. AFTER TREND ANALYSE ____________________________________________
### 3.1. Period of trend _____________________________________________
# Compute the start and the end of the period for a trend analysis
# according to the accessible data
get_period = function (per, df_Xtrend, df_XEx, df_Xlist) {
# Converts results of trend to tibble
df_Xtrend = tibble(df_Xtrend)
# Fix the period start and end of the accessible period to a
# default date
df_Xtrend$period_start = as.Date("1970-01-01")
df_Xtrend$period_end = as.Date("1970-01-01")
# Changes the format of the date variable to date
df_Xlisttmp = reprepare(df_XEx, df_Xlist, colnamegroup=c('code'))
df_XExtmp = df_Xlisttmp$data
# For all the different group
for (g in df_Xlisttmp$info$group) {
# Gets the analyse data associated to the group
df_XExtmp_code = df_XExtmp[df_XExtmp$group == g,]
# Gets the id in the trend result associated to the group
id = which(df_Xtrend$group1 == g)
# Computes index of the nearest accessible start and end date
OkStart = df_XExtmp_code$Date >= as.Date(per[1])
OkEnd = df_XExtmp_code$Date <= as.Date(per[2])
# DateStart = df_XExtmp_code$Date[OkStart]
# DateEnd = df_XExtmp_code$Date[OkEnd]
DateStart = df_XExtmp_code$Date
DateEnd = df_XExtmp_code$Date
iStart = which.min(abs(DateStart - as.Date(per[1])))
iEnd = which.min(abs(DateEnd - as.Date(per[2])))
# print(nrow(df_XEx))
# print(as.Date(DateStart[iStart]))
# print(head(df_XEx))
# print(tail(df_XEx))
# print(as.Date(DateEnd[iEnd]))
# Stores the start and end of the trend analysis
df_Xtrend$period_start[id] = as.Date(DateStart[iStart])
df_Xtrend$period_end[id] = as.Date(DateEnd[iEnd])
return (df_Xtrend)
### 3.2. Cleaning ____________________________________________________
# Cleans the trend results of the function 'Estimate.stats' in the
# 'StatsAnalysisTrend' package. It adds the station code and the
# intercept of the trend to the trend results. Also makes the data
# more presentable.
clean = function (df_Xtrend, df_XEx, df_Xlist) {
# Reprepares the list of data and info in order to be presentable
df_Xlist = reprepare(df_XEx, df_Xlist, colnamegroup=c('code'))
# Adds a column of station code
df_Xlist$data$code = NA
# For all the group
for (g in df_Xlist$info$group) {
# Adds the station code corresponding to each group info
df_Xlist$data$code[which(df_Xlist$data$group == g)] = df_Xlist$info$code[df_Xlist$info$group == g]
# Adds the info to trend tibble
df_Xtrend = bind_cols(df_Xtrend,
# Renames the column of group of trend results
colnames(df_Xtrend)[1] = 'group'
# Adds the intercept value of trend
df_Xtrend = get_intercept(df_Xtrend, df_Xlist, unit2day=365.25)
# Changes the position of the intercept column
df_Xtrend = relocate(df_Xtrend, intercept, .after=trend)
# Creates a list of results to return
res = list(trend=df_Xtrend, data=df_Xlist$data, info=df_Xlist$info)
return (res)
## 4. OTHER __________________________________________________________
add_mod = function (df_mod, Code, type, fun_name, comment, df_meta=NULL) {
if (Code == 'all' & is.null(df_meta)) {
Code = NA # erreur
} else if (Code == 'all' & !is.null(df_meta)) {
# Get all different stations code
Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
for (code in Code) {
df_modtmp = tibble(code=code, type=type,
df_mod = bind_rows(df_mod, df_modtmp)
return (df_mod)