analyse.R 6.07 KiB
# Usefull library
# Sourcing R file
# Compute the time gap by station
get_lacune = function (df_data, df_info) {
    # Get all different stations code
    Code = levels(factor(df_info$code))
    # Create new vector to stock results for cumulative time gap by station
    tLac = c()
    # Create new vector to stock results for mean time gap by station
    meanLac = c()
    # Get rows where there is no NA
    NoNA = complete.cases(df_data)
    # Get data where there is no NA
    df_data_NoNA = df_data[NoNA,]
    # For every station
    for (code in Code) {
        # Get only the data rows for the selected station
        df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code==code,]
        # Get date for the selected station
        Date = df_data_code$Date
        # Get time span for the selection station
        span = as.numeric(Date[length(Date)] - Date[1])
        # Get only the data rows with no NA for the selected station
        df_data_NoNA_code = df_data_NoNA[df_data_NoNA$code==code,]
        # Get date for the selected station
        Date_NoNA = df_data_NoNA_code$Date
        # Compute the time gap
        lac = as.numeric(diff(Date_NoNA) - 1)
        # Compute the cumulative gap
        lac_sum = sum(lac)
        # Store the cumulative gap rate
        tLac = c(tLac, lac_sum/span)
        # Compute the mean gap
        lac_mean = mean(lac[lac != 0])
        # Store the mean gap
        meanLac = c(meanLac, lac_mean)
    # Compute the cumulative gap rate in pourcent
    tLac100 = tLac * 100
    # Create a tibble
    df_lac = tibble(code=Code, tLac100=tLac100, meanLac=meanLac)
    return (df_lac)
get_intercept = function (df_Xtrend, df_Xlist, unit2day=365.25) {
    intercept = c()
    # Group = levels(factor())
for (g in df_Xlist$info$group) { df_data_code = df_Xlist$data[df_Xlist$data$group == g,] trend = df_Xtrend$trend[df_Xtrend$group == g] mu_X = mean(df_data_code$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE) mu_t = as.numeric(mean(df_data_code$Date, na.rm=TRUE))/unit2day b = mu_X - mu_t * trend intercept = append(intercept, b) } return (intercept) } get_QAtrend = function (df_data, period) { # AVERAGE ANNUAL FLOW : QA # ### /!\ verify order conservation ### df_QAlist = prepare(df_data, colnamegroup=c('code')) df_QAEx = extract.Var(data.station=df_QAlist, funct=mean, timestep='year', period=period, pos.datetime=1, na.rm=TRUE) df_QAtrend = Estimate.stats(data.extract=df_QAEx) res_QAtrend = clean(df_QAtrend, df_QAEx, df_QAlist) return (res_QAtrend) } get_QMNAtrend = function (df_data, period) { # MONTHLY MINIMUM FLOW IN THE YEAR : QMNA # df_QMNAlist = prepare(df_data, colnamegroup=c('code')) ### /!\ PLUS RAPIDE ### # fMNA = function (X) { # # prendre un paquet de 1 ans et faire la moyenne par mois et retourner le minimum des debit # dpm = length(X)/12 # # print(dpm) # # print(length(X)) # monthmean = c() # for (i in 1:12) { # id = round(dpm*(i-1)+1, 0) # iu = round(i*dpm, 0) # monthmean = append(monthmean, mean(X[id:iu], na.rm=TRUE)) # # print(paste('start', id)) # # print(paste('end', iu)) # # print('') # } # # print(monthmean) # return (min(monthmean, na.rm=TRUE)) # } # df_QMNAEx = extract.Var(data.station=df_QMNAlist, # funct=fMNA, # period=period, # pos.datetime=1)#, # na.rm=TRUE) ### /!\ PAS COMPRIS ### df_QMNAEx = extract.Var(data.station=df_QMNAlist, funct=mean, period=period, timestep='month', pos.datetime=1, na.rm=TRUE)
### /!\ NOM DE COLONNE PAS CONSERVER ### df_QMNAlist = reprepare(df_QMNAEx, df_QMNAlist, colnamegroup=c('code')) df_QMNAEx = extract.Var(data.station=df_QMNAlist, funct=min, period=period, timestep='year', pos.datetime=1, na.rm=TRUE) df_QMNAtrend = Estimate.stats(data.extract=df_QMNAEx) res_QMNAtrend = clean(df_QMNAtrend, df_QMNAEx, df_QMNAlist) return (res_QMNAtrend) } get_VCN10trend = function (df_data, df_meta, period) { # MINIMUM 10 DAY AVERAGE FLOW OVER THE YEAR : VCN10 # # Get all different stations code Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code)) df_data_roll = tibble() for (c in Code) { df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == c,] df_data_code = tibble(Date=rollmean(df_data_code$Date, 10, fill=NA), Qm3s=rollmean(df_data_code$Qm3s, 10, fill=NA), code=c) df_data_roll = bind_rows(df_data_roll, df_data_code) } df_VCN10list = prepare(df_data_roll, colnamegroup=c('code')) df_VCN10Ex = extract.Var(data.station=df_VCN10list, funct=min, period=period, timestep='year', pos.datetime=1, na.rm=TRUE) df_VCN10trend = Estimate.stats(data.extract=df_VCN10Ex) res_VCN10trend = clean(df_VCN10trend, df_VCN10Ex, df_VCN10list) return (res_VCN10trend) }