Commit 3dbc8996 authored by Guillaume Perréal's avatar Guillaume Perréal
Browse files

ci: utilise ci-config 6.0.2.

No related merge requests found
Showing with 1 addition and 13 deletions
+1 -13
include: include:
- project: pole-is/tools/ci-config - project: pole-is/tools/ci-config
ref: "6.x" ref: "6.0.2"
file: file:
- /php/multiversions.yml - /php/multiversions.yml
- /php/packagist.yml - /php/packagist.yml
script: |
set -x ;
curl \
--request POST \
--header 'Accept: *' \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \
--user-agent 'irstea-ci-config/6.x (contact:' \
--fail \
--data '{"repository":{"url":"https://'${CI_SERVER_HOST}'/'${CI_PROJECT_PATH}'.git"}}'
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