Clear cuts detection applications
This module contains two applications for NDVI time series processing.
- The OTB library
- The TimeSeriesUtils remote module for OTB
- The SimpleExtractionTools remote module for OTB
How to build it
The module can be built like any other otb remote module. You can build it either from within OTB's sources or outside it.
Clear cuts detection application
This application implements the clear cuts detection pipeline, developed by IRSTEA (Kenji Ose, Michel Deshayes, Rémi Cresson)
From a pair of images, (each one aquired at a different date), and a set of optional mask (input images masks, forest mask), dNDVI (the difference of the normalized difference vegetation index) is computed. Then, a threshold based on mean and standard deviation is performed to produce a map of clear cuts. The output is a vector data layer.
How to use it
ClearCutsDetection in an OTBApplication. It can be used as any OTB application (gui, command line, python, c++, ...).
This is the ClearCutsDetection (ClearCutsDetection) application, version 6.2.0
This application performs cuts detection, from two input images and an optional forest mask
-progress <boolean> Report progress
-help <string list> Display long help (empty list), or help for given parameters keys
-inbmask <string> Input vector data for T0 Image mask (Before) (optional, off by default)
-inamask <string> Input vector data for T1 Image mask (After) (optional, off by default)
MISSING -inb <string> Input T0 Image (Before) (mandatory)
MISSING -ina <string> Input T1 Image (After) (mandatory)
-masksdir <string> Vegetation masks directory (optional, off by default)
-nirb <int32> near infrared band index for input T0 image (mandatory, default value is 4)
-redb <int32> red band index for input T0 image (mandatory, default value is 1)
-nira <int32> near infrared band index for input T1 image (mandatory, default value is 4)
-reda <int32> red band index for input T1 image (mandatory, default value is 1)
-filt <int32> Minimum number of pixels detected (mandatory, default value is 10)
MISSING -outvec <string> Output vector layer (mandatory)
-ram <int32> Available RAM (Mb) (optional, off by default, default value is 128)
-inxml <string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)
Multitemporal clear cuts detection application
This application implements the clear cuts detection pipeline, developed by Rémi Cresson at IRSTEA.
Clear cuts detection are computed from a stack or multiple images (typicaly LS or S2).
How to use it
ClearCutsMultitemporalDetection is an OTBApplication. It can be used as any OTB application (gui, command line, python, c++, ...).
This is the ClearCutsMultitemporalDetection application, version 6.2.0
Performs clear cuts detection from NDVI time series
-progress <boolean> Report progress
MISSING -il <string list> Input time series (mandatory)
MISSING -dates <string> Input time series dates ASCII file (Must be YYYYMMDD format) (mandatory)
-masksdir <string> Vegetation masks directory (optional, off by default)
-backward.tmax <int32> Limit, in number of days, to look backward (optional, on by default, default value is 730)
-backward.nmin <int32> Minimum number of valid pixel inside backward range (optional, on by default, default value is 5)
-forward.tmax <int32> Limit, in number of days, to look forward (optional, on by default, default value is 62)
-forward.nmin <int32> Minimum number of valid pixel inside forward range (optional, on by default, default value is 2)
-clouds.threshold <float> Clouds drop threshold (optional, on by default, default value is 0.4)
-clouds.tmax <int32> Limit, in number of days, for rejecting NDVI drop due to clouds. (optional, on by default, default value is 40)
-veg.threshold <float> Vegetation threshold (optional, on by default, default value is 0.4) <int32> Detection range start (day) (optional, on by default, default value is 1)
-range.start.month <int32> Detection range start (month) (optional, on by default, default value is 5) <int32> Detection range end (day) (optional, on by default, default value is 31)
-range.end.month <int32> Detection range end (month) (optional, on by default, default value is 8)
-sfilter <string> Spatial filtering method [none/connect/morpho] (mandatory, default value is none)
-sfilter.connect.size <int32> Minimum number of pixels (mandatory, default value is 5)
-sfilter.morpho.radius <int32> Radius of the spatial filter (optional, on by default, default value is 1)
-sfilter.morpho.struct <string> Structuring element type [ball/cross] (mandatory, default value is ball)
-sfilter.morpho.op <string> Operation type [open] (mandatory, default value is open)
-thresholds <string list> NDVI drop thresholds (defaults: 0.0 0.3 0.4 1.0) (optional, off by default)
-nodata <float> Input NDVI no-data value (optional, on by default, default value is -2)
-inputscale <float> Input scale (optional, on by default, default value is 1)
-outvec <string> Output vector layer (optional, off by default)
-outlabel <string> [pixel] Output label image [pixel=uint8/uint16/int16/uint32/int32/float/double] (default value is uint8) (optional, off by default)
-ram <int32> Available RAM (Mb) (optional, off by default, default value is 128)
-inxml <string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)
otbcli_ClearCutsMultitemporalDetection -il im1.tif im2.tif ... imN.tif -dates dates.txt -outlabel cuts.shp -thresholds 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.0
Additional scripts
In the scripts folder, there is some bash scripts which enables the large scale processing of the multitemporal clear cuts detection application. Here is some description of the files:
- contains every environment variables (paths, parameters) to deploy the framework: its the only script you need to modify,
- once executed, this script goes to THEIA and retrieve tiles. NDVI images are then computed and stored then the entire downloaded archive is remove to save disk space,
- once executed, this script process the detection of clear cuts over the available NDVI tiles,
- is a set of low level bash functions,
- is called by to process one downloaded archive. Basically, the only script you need to modify is to set up the system. The only thing you need to do then, is to execute then
This code is provided under the CeCILL-B free software license agreement.
For any issues regarding this module please contact Rémi Cresson.
remi.cresson at
Irstea ((French) National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture)