Commit be9b5322 authored by Pierre Lassalle's avatar Pierre Lassalle
Browse files

Correction of a bug when computing the merging cost with the Baatz & Schäpe criterion.

Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
+2 -2
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace grm
std = std::sqrt((square_mean - 2*mean*sum + a_sum * mean* mean) / a_sum);
spect_cost += (a_sum * std - a1 * n1->m_Std[b] - a2 * n2->m_Std[b]);
spect_cost *= this->m_Param.m_ShapeWeight;
spect_cost *= this->m_Param.m_SpectralWeight;
if(spect_cost < this->m_Threshold)
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace grm
shape_cost = this->m_Param.m_ShapeWeight * compact_f + (1-this->m_Param.m_ShapeWeight) * smooth_f;
return (spect_cost + (1-this->m_Param.m_ShapeWeight)*shape_cost);
return (spect_cost + (1-this->m_Param.m_SpectralWeight)*shape_cost);
return spect_cost;
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