V2_00.rst 32.5 KB
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OhmPi V 2.xx (64 or 128 electrodes)
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.. figure:: Under-Construction.png
	   :width: 500px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 250px
	   :alt: Ohmpi 2
	   :figclass: align-center
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.. figure:: image_ohmpi_2.jpg
	   :width: 800px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 600px
	   :alt: Ohmpi 2
	   :figclass: align-center
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.. note::
	 In this version, we have developed two new board types that allow the assembly of Ohmpi v2.00, a measurement board and a multiplexer board.
	 This new version is made up of: 
	 1. A measurement board for four-point measurement
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	 2. 4 multiplexer cards
	 3. A box 
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The philosophy of Ohmpi 
The philosophy of Ohmpi V2.00 is to offer a new DIY multielectrode resistivity meter. It is a resistivity meter with 64 electrodes , which can be upgraded to 128 electrodes. 
It is limited to low-current injection,but suitable for small laboratory experiments and small field time-lapse monitoring.
Ohmpi, is developed by a team that seeks to share all its experience and wishes to improve and offer a more and more robust tool to the community.Ohmpi V2.00 is a completely different version from the previous one. 
We will stop the development on the previous version, to dedicate our efforts on this new version. 
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Technical data

| **Parameter**                 | **Specifications** | Units     | **Specifications** | Units     |
|                               |       **V1**       |           |       **V2**       |           |
|Electrodes                     |32                  |           |64 to 128           |           |
|Operating temperature          |-0 to 50            |°c         |-25 to 50           |°c         |
|Power consumption of CPU and   |18.5                |W          |18.5                |W          |              
|control system                 |                    |           |                    |           |
|Voltage injection              |12                  |V          |12                  |V          |
|Battery                        |9                   |V          |12                  |V          |
|Current                        |0 to 40             |mA         |0 to 40             |mA         |
|Min pulse duration             |150                 |mS         |150                 |mS         |
|Input impedance                |80                  |Mohm       |80                  |Mohm       |
|Data storage                   |micro SD card       |           |micro SD card       |           |
|Resolution                     |O.O1                |ohm        |O.O1                |ohm        |

**STEP n°1** : Raspberry Pi  configuration

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OS installation  

| **Required components**                            | **Quantity**  | 
|Raspberry Pi 4 Model B                              |              1|
|Micro SD 32 Go                                      |              1|
|HDMI Cable                                          |              1|
|Computer mouse                                      |              1|
|Computer Keyboard                                   |              1|

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The first step is to start up the Raspberry Pi board, including installation of an OS (operating system). 
For this step, the installation instructions are well described on the Raspberry website 

1. Watch the vidéo "how to set up your raspberry Pi" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjWZhV1v3Pk)

2. The authors recommend installing the latest stable and complete version of Raspbian by using NOOBS (a simple-to-use operating system installer).

3. or you can visit this website : (https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/raspberry-pi-setting-up)  
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.. note:: 
	 All the development tests were performed on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, we used the following version of Raspbian:
	 .. figure:: raspbian_version.jpg
	   :width: 800px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 400px
	   :alt: alternate text
	   :figclass: align-center

.. warning::
	 Once the OS has been installed,  **1-wire, spi and GPIO remote option** must be deactivated via the Raspbian GUI settings menu. Failure to carry out this task may cause damage to the relay shield cards during measurements.

3. When the relays are connected to the GPIO, make sure that all the GPIOs are in the low position when the raspberry starts up. If not, the relays will activate unexpectedly. 
To ensure that the GPIOs are in Low position, you will need to modify the /boot/config.txt file.

 Run the terminal, and write

 .. code-block:: python

	 cd /boot/

4. Open config.txt with GNU nano editor

 .. code-block:: python

	 sudo nano config.txt

5. At the end of the file write : 

 .. code-block:: python

6. Press Ctrl +O to save the modifications and press enter
7. Press Ctrl +x to escap and return to the terminal
8. Close the terminal

Virtual Environnement and packages

A virtual environment is a way to have multiple, parallel instances of the Python interpreter, each with different package sets and different configurations. 
Each virtual environment contains a discrete copy of the Python interpreter, including copies of its support utilities. It also protects your system in case of problems with the packages.

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All dependencies are specified in requirements.txt

.. note:: 
	 All instructions below should be typed in the terminal

It is first necessary to ensure that the libatlas-base-dev library is installed:

.. code-block:: python
	 sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev

We strongly recommend users to create a virtual environment to run the code and installed all required dependencies. It can be done either in a directory gathering all virtual environments used on the computer or within the ohmpy directory.

Create the virtual environment:

.. code-block:: python
	 python3 -m venv ohmpy

Activate it using the following command:

.. code-block:: python
	 source ohmpy/bin/activate

Install packages within the virtual environment. Installing the following package should be sufficient to meet dependencies:

.. code-block:: python
	 pip install RPi.GPIO adafruit-blinka numpy adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15 pandas

Check that requirements are met using 

.. code-block:: python
	 pip list

You should run you code within the virtual environment
to leave the virtual environment simply type:

.. code-block:: python

Activate virtual environnement on Thonny (Python IDE)  (on Rapberry Pi) 

If you decided to use a virtual environment, it is necessary to setup Thonny Python IDE the first time you use it.

1- Run the Thonny Python IDE software, Click on raspebrry acces **menu > programming> Thonny pythonIDE**

2- Thonny's interface opens, Python runs on the Root (Python 3.7.3 (/usr/bin/python3))

.. figure:: thonny_first_interface.jpg
	   :width: 600px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 450px
	   :alt: alternate text
	   :figclass: align-center

3-Click on **Run>select interpreter**, a new window opens click on interpret

.. figure:: thonny_option.jpg
	   :width: 600px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 450px
	   :alt: alternate text
	   :figclass: align-center

4-On the new open windows select **alternative Pyhton3 or virtual environnement**

.. figure:: thonny_interpreter.jpg
	   :width: 600px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 450px
	   :alt: alternate text
	   :figclass: align-center
5- New buttons appeared, selected **"locate another python executable "**

6- A new window opens, find the folder where there is the python 3 file in the virtual environment folder previously created **/home/pi/ohmpi/bin/python3**.

7- In the **known interpreter** tab the path of the virtual environnementshould appear

.. figure:: thonny_interpreter_folder.jpg
	   :width: 600px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 450px
	   :alt: alternate text
	   :figclass: align-center 

8- Close the window by clicking on **ok**.

9- Close thonny to save modifications

**STEP n°2**: Assembly of the measurement board
Clement Remi's avatar
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| **Required components**                            | 
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.. figure:: step_n_2/00_mes_board_components.jpg       
	   :width: 600px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 450px
	   :alt: alternate text
	   :figclass: align-center 
.. csv-table:: List of components
   :file: C:\Users\remi.clement\Documents\28_ohmpi_all_git\master2\sphinx\source\step_n_2\Mesure_board_list_2_xx.csv
   :widths: 30, 70, 70, 70, 70, 35, 35
   :header-rows: 1

.. figure:: schema_measurement_board.jpg       
	   :width: 600px
	   :align: center
	   :height: 450px
	   :alt: alternate text
	   :figclass: align-center 
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Clement Remi's avatar
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Figure  shows the general schematics for the electronic measurement board developed.
We have developed a complete "plug and play" measurement board. To measure electrical resistivity with Raspberry Pi. 
two ADS1115 were used,one for the voltage measurement one for the current measurement, as proposed by Florsch [7]. The ADS1115
is a 16-bit ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), with an adaptable gain. The advantage of ADS1115 is that the 
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input signal value could lie between - to + 6.114 V. For the current measurement we have directly integrated the INA282 component, 
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which allows to realize precise current measurement around a shunt resistor. The assembly steps are described in the following steps:
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   :align: center
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/01_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |      1 +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        | Installation of female header, 1 by10  pins, for ADS1115   | 
   |        |                                                            |                                                                       
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   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/02_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |2       +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        | Soldering of 4 dual-in-line- socket (2 by 2 pins) for      | 
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   |        | optical relay, AQY211EH.                                   |                                                                       
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   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/03_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |3       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |        | Soldering of 1 dual-in-line- socket (2 by 9 pins)          | 
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        | for INA282.                                                |                                                                       
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.. table::
   :align: center
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/04_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   | 4      +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        | Soldering of 1 dual-in-line- socket (2 by 4 pins)          | 
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |                                                            |                                                                       
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   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/05_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |5       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |        | Soldering of 2 dual-in-line- socket (2 by 4 pins)          | 
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |                                                            |                                                                       
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.. table::
   :align: center
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/06_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   | 6      +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |        | Traco Power Supply 12V to 5V, TDH15 - 1211N                | 
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   |        |                                                            |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/07_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |7       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |        | Four screw terminals for 12V inpout et 5V outpout          | 
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   |        |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/08_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |8       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |        | Traco power Supply 12V to 24V, TRN-1215                    | 
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   |        |                                                            |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_2/09_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |9       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |        | Two screw terminals electrodes M and N                     | 
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   |        |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/10_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |10       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |         | Four screw terminals, for 12V power supply and for         | 
   |         | electrodes A and B                                         |                                                                       
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.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/11_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |11       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |         |  Soldering three capacitors (100nF)                        | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/12_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   | 12      +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |         | 2 ohms shunt resistor pre-adjustment                       | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/13_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |13       +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
   |         | Soldering 2 ohms shunt resistor                            | 
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/14_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |14       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |         | 1 Mohms resistors                                          | 
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/15_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |15       +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |         | Soldering tow 1 Kohms resistors                            | 
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/16_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |16       +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |         | Soldering tow 1.5Kohms resistors                           | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/17_mes_board.jpg                     |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |17       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |         | Soldering tow 1.5Kohms resistors                           | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/18_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |18       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |         | Female header 2 by 20 pins for Raspberry Pi connection     | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/19_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |19       +------------------------------------------------------------+
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   |         | View of the female  header 2 by 20 pins installation       | 
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   |         | for Raspberry Pi connection                                |                                                                       
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.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/20_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |20       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |         | Fixing MCP23008 component                                  | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/21_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |21       +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |         |Mounting optical relay, AQY211EH                            | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/22_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |22       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |         | Mounting LM158 operational amplificator                    | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/23_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |23       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |         |  Mounting ADS115 board                                     | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |         |   .. image:: step_n_2/24_mes_board.jpg                     |
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   |24       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |         | Fixing the INA282                                          | 
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   |         |                                                            |                                                                       
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**STEP n°3**: Start-up of the measurement board.

| **Required components**                                                | 

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.. csv-table:: List of components
   :file: C:\Users\remi.clement\Documents\28_ohmpi_all_git\master2\sphinx\source\step_n_3\test_2_xx.csv
   :widths: 30, 70, 70, 70, 70, 35, 35
   :header-rows: 1

.. table::
   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_3/001.jpg                              |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |1       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Shutdown the raspberry Pi and unplug the power supply      | 
   |        |                                                            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_3/001.jpg                                            |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |2       +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Mounting the bottom spacers on the Raspberry Pi (male/female, 11mm, M3)  | 
   |        |                                                                          |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_3/002.jpg                                            |
Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
   |3       +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Mounting the upper spacers on the Raspberry Pi (female/female, 11mm, M3) | 
   |        |                                                                          |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_3/003.jpg                              |
Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
   |4       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Mounting the Ohmpi's measurement board on the Raspberry Pi | 
   |        |                                                            |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_3/004.jpg                              |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |5       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Mounting the Ohmpi's measurement board on the Raspberry Pi | 
   |        |                                                            |

.. table::
   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_3/005.jpg                              |
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |6       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Plug the power supply into a socket and connect it to your | 
   |        | Raspberry Pi's power port.                                 |

**STEP n°4**: Measurement board validation

 Run the terminal, and write

 .. code-block:: python

	 i2cdetect -y 1

.. table::
   :align: center
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |   .. image:: step_n_4/i2cdetect.png                        |
   |1       +------------------------------------------------------------+
Clement Remi's avatar
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   |        |If everything is working, three I2C addresses should appear | 
   |        |on the screen.                                              |                                                                       

Setting up an equivalent electronic circuit, for this you will need: 
 * 4 1kohm resistor (R2)
 * 1 220 ohm resistor (R1)
 * 1 small padboard
 * Spool of solder
 .. table::
   :align: left
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_4/ref_circuit.png                      |
   |2       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Schematic of equivalent electronic circuit test            |                                                                       
.. table::
   :align: center
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_4/20210905_122820.jpg                  |
   |3       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Préparer le circuit équivalent                             |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_4/20210905_123034.jpg                  |
   |4       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Préparer les cables de connexion aux batterie et les cosses|                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_4/20210905_132856.jpg                  |
   |5       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Souder les câbles et les cosses                            |                                                                       

.. table::
   :align: center
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_4/20210905_210045.jpg                  |
   |6       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Installer les cables rouges sur la borne +12V et cable noir|                                                                       
   |        | sur la borne ground.                                       |

.. table::
   :align: center
   |        |   .. image:: step_n_4/20210905_210045.jpg                  |
   |7       +------------------------------------------------------------+
   |        | Installer le circuit de référence                          |                                                                       
   |        |                                                            |

Clement Remi's avatar
Clement Remi committed
Run the Thonny IDE and load the code Ohmpy4elec.pi

**STEP n°5**: Assembly of the MUX board

**STEP n°6**: Check Mux Board

**STEP n°7**: Assemble Ohmpi

**STEP n°8**: Boxing Ohmpi

**STEP n°9**: Field measurement
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