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Olivier Kaufmann authoredba9743af
\title{Creation of the InputsModel object required to the RunModel functions}
CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD, DatesR, Precip, PrecipScale = TRUE, PotEvap = NULL,
TempMean = NULL, TempMin = NULL, TempMax = NULL, ZInputs = NULL, HypsoData = NULL,
NLayers = 5, verbose = TRUE)
\item{FUN_MOD}{[function] hydrological model function (e.g. \code{RunModel_GR4J}, \code{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J})}
\item{DatesR}{[POSIXt] vector of dates required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs}
\item{Precip}{[numeric] time series of total precipitation (catchment average) [mm/time step], required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs}
\item{PrecipScale}{(optional) [boolean] indicating if the mean of the precipitation interpolated on the elevation layers must be kept or not, required to create CemaNeige module inputs, default = \code{TRUE} (the mean of the precipitation is kept to the original value)}
\item{PotEvap}{[numeric] time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) [mm/time step], required to create the GR model inputs}
\item{TempMean}{(optional) [numeric] time series of mean air temperature [°C], required to create the CemaNeige module inputs}
\item{TempMin}{(optional) [numeric] time series of min air temperature [°C], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs}
\item{TempMax}{(optional) [numeric] time series of max air temperature [°C], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs}
\item{ZInputs}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the mean elevation of the Precip and Temp series (before extrapolation) [m], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs}
\item{HypsoData}{(optional) [numeric] vector of 101 reals: min, q01 to q99 and max of catchment elevation distribution [m], if not defined a single elevation is used for CemaNeige}
\item{NLayers}{(optional) [numeric] integer giving the number of elevation layers requested [-], required to create CemaNeige module inputs, default=5}
\item{verbose}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}}
[list] object of class \emph{InputsModel} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
\emph{$DatesR } \tab [POSIXlt] vector of dates \cr
\emph{$Precip } \tab [numeric] time series of total precipitation (catchment average) [mm/time step] \cr
\emph{$PotEvap } \tab [numeric] time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) [mm/time step], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes GR4H, GR4J, GR5J, GR6J, GR2M or GR1A \cr \cr
\emph{$LayerPrecip } \tab [list] list of time series of precipitation (layer average) [mm/time step], \cr\tab defined if \code{FUN_MOD} includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
\emph{$LayerTempMean } \tab [list] list of time series of mean air temperature (layer average) [°C], \cr\tab defined if \code{FUN_MOD} includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
\emph{$LayerFracSolidPrecip} \tab [list] list of time series of solid precipitation fraction (layer average) [-], \cr\tab defined if \code{FUN_MOD} includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
Creation of the \emph{InputsModel} object required to the \code{RunModel*} functions.
Users wanting to use \code{FUN_MOD} functions that are not included in
the package must create their own InputsModel object accordingly. \cr
Please note that if CemaNeige is used, and \code{ZInputs} is different than \code{HypsoData}, then precipitation and temperature are interpolated with the \code{DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery} function.
## loading catchment data
## preparation of the InputsModel object
InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR,
Precip = BasinObs$P, PotEvap = BasinObs$E)
## run period selection
Ind_Run <- seq(which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y")=="01/01/1990"),
which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y")=="31/12/1999"))
## preparation of the RunOptions object
RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J,
InputsModel = InputsModel, IndPeriod_Run = Ind_Run)
## simulation
Param <- c(734.568, -0.840, 109.809, 1.971)
OutputsModel <- RunModel(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, Param = Param,
FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J)
## results preview
plot(OutputsModel, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
## efficiency criterion: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE, InputsModel = InputsModel,
RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_NSE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel)
Laurent Coron
\code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}, \code{\link{DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery}}