Commit 03a460ac authored by Olivier Kaufmann's avatar Olivier Kaufmann
Browse files


Showing with 8 additions and 16 deletions
+8 -16
......@@ -14,35 +14,27 @@ logging_suffix = ''
# OhmPi configuration
'id': ohmpi_id, # Unique identifier of the OhmPi board (string)
# 'R_shunt': 2, # Shunt resistance in Ohms
# 'Imax': 4800 / 50 / 2, # Maximum current
# 'coef_p2': 2.50, # slope for current conversion for ADS.P2, measurement in V/V
# 'nb_samples': 20, # Max value 10 # was named integer before...
# 'version': 2, # Is this still needed?
# 'max_elec': 64,
# 'board_addresses': {'A': 0x73, 'B': 0x72, 'M': 0x71, 'N': 0x70}, # CHECK IF YOUR BOARDS HAVE THESE ADDRESSES
'settings': 'ohmpi_settings.json', # INSERT YOUR FAVORITE SETTINGS FILE HERE
# 'board_version': 'mb.2023.0.0',#,'22.10',
# 'mcp_board_address': 0x20
} # TODO: add a dictionary with INA models and associated gain values
'controller': {'model' : 'raspberry_pi'
'tx' : {'model' : 'ohmpi_card_3.15',
'tx' : {'model' : 'ohmpi_card_3_15',
'mcp_board_address': 0x20,
'current_max': 4800 / 50 / 2, # Maximum current
'r_shunt': 2 # Shunt resistance in Ohms
'rx' : {'model': 'ohmpi_card_3.15',
'rx' : {'model': 'ohmpi_card_3_15',
'coef_p2': 2.50, # slope for current conversion for ADS.P2, measurement in V/V
'sampling_rate': 10., # ms
'nb_samples': 20, # Max value 10 # was named integer before...
'mux': {'model' : 'dummy_mux',
'max_elec': 4,
'mux': {'model' : 'dummy_mux', # 'ohmpi_i2c_mux64_v1.01',
'max_elec': 64,
'board_addresses': {'A': 0x73, 'B': 0x72, 'M': 0x71, 'N': 0x70}, # CHECK IF YOUR BOARDS HAVE THESE ADDRESSES
'voltage_max' : 100,
'current_max' : 3
'voltage_max': 100,
'current_max': 3
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