Commit 9225d3b8 authored by Guillaume Blanchy's avatar Guillaume Blanchy
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update example snippet in doc

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.. code-block:: python
:caption: Example of using the Python API to control OhmPi
from ohmpi import OhmPi
k = OhmPi(idps=True) # if V3.0 make sure to set idps to True
# the DPS5005 is used in V3.0 to inject higher voltage
# default parameters are stored in the pardict argument
# they can be manually changed
k.settings['injection_duration'] = 0.5 # injection time in seconds
k.settings['nb_stack'] = 1 # one stack is two half-cycles
k.settings['nbr_meas'] = 1 # number of time the sequence is repeated
# without multiplexer, one can simple measure using
out = k.run_measurement()
# out contains information about the measurement and can be save as
k.append_and_save('out.csv', out)
# custom or adaptative argument (see help of run_measurement())
k.run_measurement(nb_stack=4, # do 4 stacks (8 half-cycles)
injection_duration=2, # inject for 2 seconds
autogain=True, # adapt gain of ADS to get good resolution
strategy='vmin', # inject min voltage for Vab (v3.0)
tx_volt=5) # vab for finding vmin or vab injectected
# if 'strategy' is 'constant'
:caption: Example of using the Python API to control OhmPi
import os
import numpy as np
import time
from ohmpi import OhmPi
### Define object from class OhmPi
k = OhmPi() # this load default parameters from the disk
### Default parameters can also be edited manually
k.settings['injection_duration'] = 0.5 # injection time in seconds
k.settings['nb_stack'] = 1 # one stack is two half-cycles
k.settings['nbr_meas'] = 1 # number of time the sequence is repeated
### Update settings if needed
### Set or load sequence
k.sequence = np.array([[1,2,3,4]]) # set numpy array of shape (n,4)
# k.set_sequence('1 2 3 4\n2 3 4 5') # call function set_sequence and pass a string
# k.load_sequence('ABMN.txt') # load sequence from a local file
### Run contact resistance check
# k.rs_check()
### Run sequence (synchronously - it will wait that all
# sequence is measured before returning the prompt
# k.run_sequence_async() # sequence is run in a separate thread and the prompt returns immediately
# time.sleep(2)
# k.interrupt() # kill the asynchrone sequence
### Single measurement can also be taken with
k.switch_mux_on([1, 4, 2, 3])
k.run_measuremen() # use default acquisition parameters
k.switch_mux_off([1, 4, 2, 3]) # don't forget this! risk of short-circuit
### Custom or adaptative argument (see help of run_measurement())
k.run_measurement(nb_stack=4, # do 4 stacks (8 half-cycles)
injection_duration=2, # inject for 2 seconds
autogain=True) # adapt gain of ADS to get good resolution
# if a multiplexer is connected, we can also manually switch it
k.reset_mux() # check that all mux are closed (do this FIRST)
k.switch_mux_on([1, 4, 2, 3])
k.switch_mux_off([1, 4, 2, 3]) # don't forget this! risk of short-circuit
# import a sequence
k.read_quad('sequence.txt') # four columns, no header, space as separator
print(k.sequence) # where the sequence is stored
# rs check
k.rs_check() # run an RS check (check contact resistances) for all
# electrodes of the given sequence
# run a sequence
k.measure() # measure accept same arguments as run_measurement()
# NOTE: this is an asynchronous command that runs in a separate thread
# after executing the command, the prompt will return immediately
# the asynchronous thread can be stopped during execution using
# otherwise, it will exit by itself at the end of the sequence
# if multiple measurement are to be taken, the sequence will be repeated
***MQTT interface***
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