Commit b2dfb621 authored by Olivier Kaufmann's avatar Olivier Kaufmann
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Updates hardware_sytem to handle MUX_CONFIG

Showing with 4 additions and 3 deletions
+4 -3
......@@ -103,11 +103,12 @@ class OhmPiHardware:
mux_config.update({'exec_logger': self.exec_logger, 'data_logger': self.data_logger,
'soh_logger': self.soh_logger})
ctl = mux_config.pop('ctl', self.ctl)
mux_config.update(mux_config.pop('ctl', self.ctl))
mux_module = importlib.import_module(f'ohmpi.hardware_components.{mux_config["model"]}')
if isinstance(ctl, dict): ### TODO: is this needed?
if isinstance(mux_config['ctl'], dict): ### TODO: is this needed?
mux_ctl_module = importlib.import_module(f'ohmpi.hardware_components.{mux_config["ctl"]["model"]}')
ctl = mux_ctl_module.Ctl(**self.ctl)
ctl = mux_ctl_module.Ctl(**mux_config['ctl']) # (**self.ctl)
assert issubclass(type(mux_config['ctl']), CtlAbstract)
io = mux_config.pop('io', ctl.connections[mux_config.pop('connection', 'i2c')])
mux_config.update({'io': io})
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