Commit b833938a authored by Olivier Kaufmann's avatar Olivier Kaufmann
Browse files

Rewrites TX voltage handling

Showing with 1 addition and 0 deletions
+1 -0
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ dps_switch_on_warmup = 0. # seconds
TX_CONFIG['current_min'] = np.min([current_adc_voltage_min / (TX_CONFIG['r_shunt'] * 50), TX_CONFIG.pop('current_min', np.inf)]) # mA
TX_CONFIG['current_max'] = np.min([current_adc_voltage_max / (TX_CONFIG['r_shunt'] * 50), TX_CONFIG.pop('current_max', np.inf)]) # mA
TX_CONFIG['voltage_max'] = np.min([dps_voltage_max, TX_CONFIG.pop('voltage_max', np.inf)]) # V
TX_CONFIG['voltage_min'] = -TX_CONFIG['voltage_max'] # V
TX_CONFIG['default_voltage'] = np.min([TX_CONFIG.pop('default_voltage', dps_default_voltage), TX_CONFIG['voltage_max']]) # V
TX_CONFIG['dps_switch_on_warm_up'] = TX_CONFIG.pop('dps_switch_on_warmup', dps_switch_on_warmup)
TX_CONFIG['mcp_board_address'] = TX_CONFIG.pop('mcp_board_address', tx_mcp_board_address)
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