Commit ba28d408 authored by Arnaud WATLET's avatar Arnaud WATLET
Browse files

Adds duty cycle in run_measurement to shorten no-injection duration if needed

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+8 -6
......@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ class OhmPi(object):
self.exec_logger.warning('Not on Raspberry Pi, skipping reboot...')
def run_measurement(self, quad=None, nb_stack=None, injection_duration=None,
autogain=True, strategy='constant', tx_volt=5, best_tx_injtime=0.1,
autogain=True, strategy='constant', tx_volt=5, best_tx_injtime=0.1, duty_cycle=0.5,
"""Measures on a quadrupole and returns transfer resistance.
......@@ -812,6 +812,10 @@ class OhmPi(object):
measurement will be taken and values will be NaN.
best_tx_injtime : float, optional
(V3.0 only) Injection time in seconds used for finding the best voltage.
duty_cycle : float, optional, default: 0.5
Ratio of time between injection duration and no injection duration during a half-cycle
It should be comprised between 0.5 (no injection duration same as injection duration) and 1 (no injection
duration equal to 0)
cmd_id : str, optional
Unique command identifier
......@@ -1009,17 +1013,15 @@ class OhmPi(object):
# stop current injection
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = False
# if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
# self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_voltage[2],data_rate=860,
# address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
self.pin6.value = False# IHM current injection led on
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = False# IHM current injection led on
end_delay = time.time()
# truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples #TODO: check why
meas = meas[:k + 1]
# measurement of current i and voltage u during off time
measpp = np.zeros((meas.shape[0], 3)) * np.nan
measpp = np.zeros((int(meas.shape[0]*(1/duty_cycle-1)), 3)) * np.nan
start_delay = time.time() # stating measurement time
dt = 0
for k in range(0, measpp.shape[0]):
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