Commit c5ce20ba authored by Olivier Kaufmann's avatar Olivier Kaufmann
Browse files

Removes reference to tx_module.TX_CONFIG and rx_module.RX_CONFIG

Showing with 4 additions and 3 deletions
+4 -3
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ SPECS = {'rx': {'sampling_rate': {'min': 2., 'default': 10., 'max': 100.},
'adc_voltage_max': {'default': 4500.},
'voltage_max': {'min': 0., 'default': 12., 'max': 12.},
'data_rate': {'default': 860.},
'compatible_power_sources': {'default': ['pwr_batt', 'dps5005']},
'compatible_power_sources': {'default': 'pwr_batt', 'others' : ['dps5005']},
'r_shunt': {'min': 0., 'default': 2. },
'activation_delay': {'default': 0.005},
'release_delay': {'default': 0.001},
......@@ -114,8 +114,9 @@ class Tx(TxAbstract):
kwargs.update({'board_name': os.path.basename(__file__).rstrip('.py')})
assert isinstance(self.connection, I2C)
kwargs.update({'pwr': kwargs.pop('pwr', SPECS['tx']['compatible_power_sources'][0])})
if kwargs['pwr'] not in SPECS['tx']['compatible_power_sources']:
kwargs.update({'pwr': kwargs.pop('pwr', SPECS['tx']['compatible_power_sources']['default'])})
if (kwargs['pwr'] != SPECS['tx']['compatible_power_sources']['default']
and kwargs['pwr'] not in SPECS['tx']['compatible_power_sources']['other']):
self.exec_logger.warning(f'Incompatible power source specified check config')
assert kwargs['pwr'] in SPECS['tx']
#self.pwr = None # TODO: set a list of compatible power system with the tx
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