Commit e03f3eec authored by Clement Remi's avatar Clement Remi
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modification of the programme description

Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
+2 -2
""" """
January 6, 2020 created on January 6, 2020 is a program to control a low-cost and open source resistivity meter OhmPi that has been developed by Rémi CLEMENT,Vivien DUBOIS, Nicolas FORQUET (INRAE), and Yannick FARGIER (IFSTTAR). is a program to control a low-cost and open hardward resistivity meter OhmPi that has been developed by Rémi CLEMENT(INRAE),Vivien DUBOIS(INRAE),Hélène GUYARD(IGE), Nicolas FORQUET (INRAE), and Yannick FARGIER (IFSTTAR).
""" """
print('OHMPI start' ) print('OHMPI start' )
print('Import library') print('Import library')
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