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Development of a low-cost multi-electrodes resistivimeter for electrical resistivity mesaurement for lab applications, based on raspberry board


All dependencies are specified in requirements.txt

Note: all instructions below should be typed in the terminal

It is first necessary to ensure that the libatlas-base-dev library is installed: sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev

We strongly recommend users to create a virtual environment to run the code and installed all required dependencies. It can be done either in a directory gathering all virtual environments used on the computer or within the ohmpy directory.

  • create the virtual environment: python3 -m venv ohmpy
  • activate it using the following command: source ohmpy/bin/activate
  • install packages within the virtual environment. Installing the following package should be sufficient to meet dependencies: pip install RPi.GPIO adafruit-blinka numpy adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15 pandas
  • check that requirements are met using pip list
  • you should run you code within the virtual environment
  • to leave the virtual environment simply type: deactivate