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Pierre-Antoine Rouby authored06b6d594
\title{Creation of the RunOptions object required to the RunModel functions}
CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IndPeriod_WarmUp = NULL, IndPeriod_Run,
IniStates = NULL, IniResLevels = NULL, Outputs_Cal = NULL,
Outputs_Sim = "all", RunSnowModule = TRUE, MeanAnSolidPrecip = NULL,
verbose = TRUE)
\item{FUN_MOD}{[function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)}
\item{InputsModel}{[object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details}
\item{IndPeriod_WarmUp}{(optional) [numeric] index of period to be used for the model warm-up [-]}
\item{IndPeriod_Run}{[numeric] index of period to be used for the model run [-]}
\item{IniStates}{(optional) [numeric] vector of initial model internal states [mm]}
\item{IniResLevels}{(optional) [numeric] vector of initial fillings for the GR stores (2 or 3 values according to the model) [- and/or mm]; see details}
\item{Outputs_Cal}{(optional) [character] vector giving the outputs needed for the calibration \cr (e.g. c("Qsim")), the fewer outputs
the faster the calibration}
\item{Outputs_Sim}{(optional) [character] vector giving the requested outputs \cr (e.g. c("DatesR", "Qsim", "SnowPack")), default = "all"}
\item{RunSnowModule}{(optional) [boolean] option indicating whether CemaNeige should be activated, \code{default = TRUE}}
\item{MeanAnSolidPrecip}{(optional) [numeric] vector giving the annual mean of average solid precipitation for each layer (computed from InputsModel if not defined) [mm/y]}
\item{verbose}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, \code{default = TRUE}}
[list] object of class \emph{RunOptions} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
\emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp } \tab [numeric] index of period to be used for the model warm-up [-] \cr
\emph{IndPeriod_Run } \tab [numeric] index of period to be used for the model run [-] \cr
\emph{IniStates } \tab [numeric] vector of initial model states [mm] \cr
\emph{IniResLevels } \tab [numeric] vector of initial filling rates for production and routing stores [-] \cr
\emph{Outputs_Cal } \tab [character] character vector giving only the outputs needed for the calibration \cr
\emph{Outputs_Sim } \tab [character] character vector giving the requested outputs \cr
\emph{RunSnowModule } \tab [boolean] option indicating whether CemaNeige should be activated \cr
\emph{MeanAnSolidPrecip} \tab [numeric] vector giving the annual mean of average solid precipitation for each layer [mm/y] \cr
Creation of the RunOptions object required to the RunModel functions.
Users wanting to use \code{FUN_MOD} functions that are not included in
the package must create their own \code{RunOptions} object accordingly.
##### Initialisation options #####
The model initialisation options can either be set to a default configuration or be defined by the user.
This is done via three vectors: \cr \code{IndPeriod_WarmUp}, \code{IniStates}, \code{IniResLevels}. \cr
A default configuration is used for initialisation if these vectors are not defined.
(1) Default initialisation options:
\item \code{IndPeriod_WarmUp} default setting ensures a one-year warm-up using the time steps preceding the \code{IndPeriod_Run}.
The actual length of this warm-up might be shorter depending on data availability (no missing value of climate inputs being allowed in model input series).
\item \code{IniStates} and \code{IniResLevels} are automatically set to initialise all the model states at 0, except for the production and routing stores which are respectively initialised at 30 \% and 50 \% of their capacity. In case GR6J is used, the exponential store is initialised by default with 0 mm. This initialisation is made at the very beginning of the model call (i.e. at the beginning of \code{IndPeriod_WarmUp} or at the beginning of \code{IndPeriod_Run} if the warm-up period is disabled).