Commit 129e3f3f authored by Pierre-Antoine Rouby's avatar Pierre-Antoine Rouby
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doc: dev: Add abstract.

Showing with 54 additions and 5 deletions
+54 -5
......@@ -28,8 +28,15 @@
#+OPTIONS: toc:t
#+LANGUAGE: UKenglish
This document is for the use of developers. It describes the project
architecture, the tools available to assist development and
debugging. It also describes the procedures for creating packages and
the configurations required to set up the gitlab runners. Finally,
this document explains how documentation is written and modified, and
how to contribute to the project by modifying, improving or adding
documentation, translations or code.
* Introduction
......@@ -59,9 +66,50 @@ (last access
** TODO Unit tests
** TODO The debug mode
* TODO Build the project
** TODO Building packages
*** TODO Linux
*** TODO Windows
The project uses gitlab-ci runners to build packages, but it is possible
to build packages manually.
** Building packages
If you need an hand made package, you can script available in
{{{file(packages)}}} directory.
*** GNU/Linux
On GNU/Linux building GNU/Linux packages is easy, you just need python
in version 3.8 must be installed with venv and pyinstaller packages
(see Listing [[linux-env-deb]] for Debian and derived system). Finally,
run the {{{file(}}} script (see Listing [[linux-pkg]]).
#+NAME: linux-env-deb
#+CAPTION: Install environment on GNU/Linux
#+begin_src shell
sudo apt install python3.8
python3 -m pip install venv
python3 -m pip install pyinstaller
#+NAME: linux-pkg
#+CAPTION: Build GNU/Linux package
#+begin_src shell
cd packages
*** Windows
To make the Windows packages you have two choice: If you use Windows
you can use the script {{{file(packages/windows.bat)}}}, other else
you can use the script {{{file(packages/}}}. Each script need
a specific software environment.
On windows, you needs python on version 3.8, pyinstaller and
NSIS[fn:nsis] installed. On GNU/Linux you need wget, wine and
winetricks installed.
[fn:nsis] The NSIS web site:
** TODO Setup the CI environment
* Documentation files
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