Commit 145c301e authored by Pierre-Antoine Rouby's avatar Pierre-Antoine Rouby
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doc: dev: Update documentation.

Showing with 75 additions and 48 deletions
+75 -48
# -- Pamhyr developers documentation
# Copyright (C) 2023 INRAE
# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 INRAE
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -538,44 +538,44 @@ generic value from optional parameters, for examples:
#+NAME: window
#+CAPTION: Example of Pamhyr2 window
#+begin_src python :python python3 :results output :noweb yes
from View.Tools.PamhyrWindow import PamhyrWindow
from View.My.Translate import MyTranslate
from View.My.Table import MyTableModel
class MyWindow(PamhyrWindow):
_pamhyr_ui = "MyUI"
_pamhyr_name = "My window"
def __init__(self, my_data=None,
study=None, config=None,
self._my_data = my_data
super(MyWindow, self).__init__(
# Window title
title = self._pamhyr_name + " - " +,
# Window standard data
study = study, config = config,
trad = MyTranslate(),
parent = parent,
# Activate undo/redo and copy/paste shortcut
options = ["undo", "copy"]
from View.Tools.PamhyrWindow import PamhyrWindow
from View.My.Translate import MyTranslate
from View.My.Table import MyTableModel
class MyWindow(PamhyrWindow):
_pamhyr_ui = "MyUI"
_pamhyr_name = "My window"
def __init__(self, study=None, config=None,
self._my_data = my_data
super(MyWindow, self).__init__(
# Window title
title = self._pamhyr_name + " - " +,
# Window standard data
study = study, config = config,
trad = MyTranslate(),
parent = parent,
# Activate undo/redo and copy/paste shortcut
options = ["undo", "copy"]
# Add custom data to hash window computation
# Add custom data to hash window computation
# Setup custom window components
# Setup custom window components
def setup_table(self):
# Init table(s)...
def setup_table(self):
# Init table(s)...
def setup_connections(self):
# Init action connection(s)...
def setup_connections(self):
# Init action connection(s)...
# ...
# ...
Typically we called method =setup_*=, the method to initialize some
......@@ -661,11 +661,13 @@ creation, this stack is accessible at =self._undo_stack=.
*** Plot
To define a new plot you can create a class who inherit to APlot. The
creator need threee argument:
To define a new plot you can create a class who inherit to
PamhyrPlot. The creator need at leaste five argument:
- A =canvas= of type =MplCanvas=
- A (optional) =trad= of type =PamhyrTranslate=
- A =data= used in =draw= and =update= to create and update the plot
- A optional =toolbar= of type =PamhyrToolbar=
- A =parent= window
This class must implement two method =draw= and =update=, the first
method to draw the plot from scratch, the second to update the plot if
data has changed.
......@@ -673,19 +675,36 @@ data has changed.
#+begin_src python :python python3 :results output :noweb yes
from View.Tools.PamhyrPlot import PamhyrPlot
class MyPlot(APlot):
def __init__(self, canvas=None, data=None, toolbar=None):
class MyPlot(PamhyrPlot):
def __init__(self, canvas=None, trad=None, toolbar=None
data=None, parent=None):
super(MyPlot, self).__init__(
self.label_x = self._trad["x"]
self.label_y = self._trad["y"]
# Optional configuration
self._isometric_axis = False
self._auto_relim_update = True
self._autoscale_update = True
def draw(self):
# Draw function code...
def update(self, ind = None):
def update(self):
# Update function code...
def clear(self):
# Clear plot values...
# ...
** Solver
......@@ -745,7 +764,7 @@ execute a code on distant computer, for example, over ssh.
subgraph cluster021 {
label="Solver Classes";
classSolverM7[label="Mage7", fillcolor=6];
//classSolverM7[label="Mage7", fillcolor=6];
classSolverM8[label="Mage8", fillcolor=6];
classSolverR[label="RubarBE", fillcolor=6];
......@@ -828,7 +847,7 @@ solver and get results:
- (2.1) The solver read the input file(s)
- (2.2) The solver compute results and write it to solver output
- (3) Pamhyr2 create a Reuslts
- (3) Pamhyr2 create a =Results= object
- (3.1) The Pamhyr2 solver class read solver output file(s) and
complete Results with readed data
......@@ -958,8 +977,16 @@ different methods:
** Unit tests
The unit tests is actually not implemented in Pamhyr2, it is a *work
in progress*.
A very small part of Pamhyr2 has unit test. This part is limited to the Model.
#+begin_src shell
python3 -m venv test
. test test/bin/activate
pip3 install -U -r ./full-requirements.txt
cd src/
python3 -Walways -m unittest discovert -v -t .
** The debug mode
......@@ -970,14 +997,14 @@ line:
./Pamhyr2 debug
This mode add some log and add two action in main window menu:
"About/Debug" open a window with Python Repl in current Python
environement, and "About/Debug SQLite" who open the application
This mode add some log and add two action in main window menu: "About
> Debug" open a window with Python Repl in current Python
environement, and "About > Debug SQLite" who open the application
SQLiteBrowser (if installed) on current Study to explore the study
data base file.
#+NAME: debug-repl
#+ATTR_LATEX: :width 12cm
#+ATTR_LATEX: :width 14cm
#+CAPTION: Pamhyr2 debug Python REPL

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