Commit a603c3a6 authored by Pierre-Antoine Rouby's avatar Pierre-Antoine Rouby
Browse files

git: Update gitignore.

Showing with 339 additions and 5 deletions
+339 -5
### CUSTOM ### ### CUSTOM ###
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tmp tmp
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pamhyrBuild pamhyrBuild
wine-pamhyr-build* wine-pamhyr-build*
__old__ __old__
### END CUSTOM ### ### END CUSTOM ###
# Created by # Created by
...@@ -309,3 +328,318 @@ compile_commands.json ...@@ -309,3 +328,318 @@ compile_commands.json
*_qmlcache.qrc *_qmlcache.qrc
# End of # End of
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# Edit at
### LaTeX ###
## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files:
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# these rules might exclude image files for figures etc.
# *.ps
# *.eps
# *.pdf
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## Build tool auxiliary files:
## Build tool directories for auxiliary files
# latexrun
## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages:
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# comment
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# elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals)
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# fixme
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# glossaries
# uncomment this for glossaries-extra (will ignore makeindex's style files!)
# *.ist
# gnuplot
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# gregoriotex
# htlatex
# hyperref
# knitr
# TODO Uncomment the next line if you use knitr and want to ignore its generated tikz files
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# Latexian
## Editors:
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# TeXnicCenter
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# expex forward references with \gathertags
# standalone packages
# Makeindex log files
# xwatermark package
# REVTeX puts footnotes in the bibliography by default, unless the nofootinbib
# option is specified. Footnotes are the stored in a file with suffix Notes.bib.
# Uncomment the next line to have this generated file ignored.
### LaTeX Patch ###
# LIPIcs / OASIcs
# glossaries
# End of
...@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ simulation results to model data. ...@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ simulation results to model data.
#+header: :results drawer #+header: :results drawer
#+header: :exports results #+header: :exports results
#+header: :post attr_wrap(width="12cm", data=*this*, name="graph-architecture", caption="Pamhyr2 Model/View architecture scheme (inspired by Qt Model/View architecture [[]])", float="t") #+header: :post attr_wrap(width="12cm", data=*this*, name="graph-architecture", caption="Pamhyr2 Model/View architecture scheme (inspired by Qt Model/View architecture [[]])", float="t")
#+begin_src dot :file "images/graph-architecture.png" :cache no #+begin_src dot :file "images/auto_graph-architecture.png" :cache no
digraph { digraph {
bgcolor="transparent"; bgcolor="transparent";
node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=white]; node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=white];
...@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ other components are linked to one of these basic components. ...@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ other components are linked to one of these basic components.
#+header: :results drawer #+header: :results drawer
#+header: :exports results #+header: :exports results
#+header: :post attr_wrap(width="16cm", data=*this*, name="graph-model", caption="Pamhyr2 model class dependencies (A -> B means A can contain references to B)", float="t") #+header: :post attr_wrap(width="16cm", data=*this*, name="graph-model", caption="Pamhyr2 model class dependencies (A -> B means A can contain references to B)", float="t")
#+begin_src dot :file "images/graph-model.png" :cache no #+begin_src dot :file "images/auto_graph-model.png" :cache no
digraph { digraph {
bgcolor="transparent"; bgcolor="transparent";
node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor="2"]; node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor="2"];
...@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ execute a code on distant computer, for example, over ssh. ...@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ execute a code on distant computer, for example, over ssh.
#+header: :results drawer #+header: :results drawer
#+header: :exports results #+header: :exports results
#+header: :post attr_wrap(width="12cm", data=*this*, name="graph-multi-solver", caption="Scheme of multiple solver configured, one Rubarbe solver and two Mage solver with one on local machine and one on a distant machine accessed over ssh", float="t") #+header: :post attr_wrap(width="12cm", data=*this*, name="graph-multi-solver", caption="Scheme of multiple solver configured, one Rubarbe solver and two Mage solver with one on local machine and one on a distant machine accessed over ssh", float="t")
#+begin_src dot :file "images/graph-multi-solver.png" :cache no #+begin_src dot :file "images/auto_graph-multi-solver.png" :cache no
digraph { digraph {
bgcolor="transparent"; bgcolor="transparent";
node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=9]; node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=9];
...@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ solver and get results: ...@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ solver and get results:
#+header: :results drawer #+header: :results drawer
#+header: :exports results #+header: :exports results
#+header: :post attr_wrap(width="10cm", data=*this*, name="graph-pipeline", caption="Pamhyr2 solver execution pipeline architecture scheme", float="t") #+header: :post attr_wrap(width="10cm", data=*this*, name="graph-pipeline", caption="Pamhyr2 solver execution pipeline architecture scheme", float="t")
#+begin_src dot :file "images/graph-pipeline.png" :cache no #+begin_src dot :file "images/auto_graph-pipeline.png" :cache no
digraph { digraph {
bgcolor="transparent"; bgcolor="transparent";
node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=9]; node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=9];
...@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ the temporal order of action is prensented in Figure ...@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ the temporal order of action is prensented in Figure
#+header: :results drawer #+header: :results drawer
#+header: :exports results #+header: :exports results
#+header: :post attr_wrap(width="12cm", data=*this*, name="graph-pipeline-generic", caption="Pamhyr2 generic solver execution pipeline architecture scheme", float="t") #+header: :post attr_wrap(width="12cm", data=*this*, name="graph-pipeline-generic", caption="Pamhyr2 generic solver execution pipeline architecture scheme", float="t")
#+begin_src dot :file "images/graph-pipeline-generic.png" :cache no #+begin_src dot :file "images/auto_graph-pipeline-generic.png" :cache no
digraph { digraph {
bgcolor="transparent"; bgcolor="transparent";
node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=9]; node[colorscheme=set19,shape=box,style="filled",fillcolor=9];
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