Commit a733e148 authored by Pierre-Antoine Rouby's avatar Pierre-Antoine Rouby
Browse files

doc: dev: Complete contribution.

Showing with 40 additions and 3 deletions
+40 -3
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Some org-mode configuration used in documentations files are define in
- {{{file(setup.el)}}}: GNUEmacs configuration to build documentations
- {{{file(ref.bib)}}}: Bibtex files for documentations files
* TODO How to contribute?
* How to contribute?
Pamhyr2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License[fn:license], either
......@@ -339,7 +339,44 @@ information for following contribution.
[fn:inrae] The INRAE web site:
** TODO Translate
** TODO Code contribution
** Translate
You can improve or add translation for the project. To contribute to
Pamhyr2 translate, you need to use Qt Linguist[fn:qt-linguist]. Open
Qt-linguist and edite the translation ({{{file(.ts)}}}) file, finally,
commit the new version of file and make a merge request.
If you want add a new language, edit the script
{{{file(src/lang/}}} like Listing [[ts-it]]. Run the script
and open the new file with Qt-linguist, setup target language (Figure
[[qt-linguist-setup]]) and complete translation. Finally, commit the new
file and make a merge request.
#+NAME: ts-it
#+CAPTION: Example of modified {{{file(src/lang/}}} to add italian (it) translate for Pamhyr2
#+begin_src shell
LANG="fr it"
#+NAME: qt-linguist-setup
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 8cm
#+ATTR_LATEX: :width 8cm
#+CAPTION: Qt linguist lang setup example with italian.
[fn:qt-linguist] The Qt linguist documentation web page: (last access 2023-09-18)
** Code contribution
If you are developper you can improve and/or add features to
Pamhyr2. Please, follow the architecture described in section
[[Architecture]] as closely as possible. Keep the code simple, clear and
efficient as possible. The master branch is reserved for the project
maintainer; you can create a new branch or fork the project before the

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