Commit bb662346 authored by Pierre-Antoine Rouby's avatar Pierre-Antoine Rouby
Browse files

ci: Minor change.

Showing with 15 additions and 14 deletions
+15 -14
...@@ -16,30 +16,32 @@ rem along with this program. If not, see <>. ...@@ -16,30 +16,32 @@ rem along with this program. If not, see <>.
copy /y dist\pamhyr pamhyr\ mkdir pamhyr\pamhyr
copy /y dist\pamhyr pamhyr\pamhyr
rem Copy data rem Copy data
mkdir pamhyr\View\ui\ressources mkdir pamhyr\pamhyr\lang
mkdir pamhyr\View\ui\Widgets mkdir pamhyr\pamhyr\View\ui\ressources
mkdir pamhyr\pamhyr\View\ui\Widgets
rem UI rem UI
copy /y ..\src\View\ui\ressources\ pamhyr\View\ui\ressources copy /y ..\src\View\ui\ressources\ pamhyr\pamhyr\View\ui\ressources
copy /y ..\src\View\ui\Widgets\*.ui pamhyr\View\ui\Widgets copy /y ..\src\View\ui\Widgets\*.ui pamhyr\pamhyr\View\ui\Widgets
copy /y ..\src\View\ui\*.ui pamhyr\View\ui\ copy /y ..\src\View\ui\*.ui pamhyr\pamhyr\View\ui\
rem Lang rem Lang
copy /y ..\src\lang\*.qm pamhyr\lang\ copy /y ..\src\lang\*.qm pamhyr\pamhyr\lang\
rem Information rem Information
copy /y ..\VERSION pamhyr\ copy /y ..\VERSION pamhyr\pamhyr
copy /y ..\AUTHORS pamhyr\ copy /y ..\AUTHORS pamhyr\pamhyr
copy /y ..\LICENSE pamhyr\ copy /y ..\LICENSE pamhyr\pamhyr
rem MAGE rem MAGE
mkdir pamhyr\mage mkdir pamhyr\mage
copy /y ..\mage\mage.exe pamhyr\mage\ copy /y ..\mage-windows\mage.exe pamhyr\mage\
copy /y ..\mage\mage_extraire.exe pamhyr\mage\ copy /y ..\mage-windows\mage_extraire.exe pamhyr\mage\
copy /y ..\mage\mailleurPF.exe pamhyr\mage\ copy /y ..\mage-windows\mailleurPF.exe pamhyr\mage\
rem Copy tests_cases rem Copy tests_cases
mkdir pamhyr\tests_cases mkdir pamhyr\tests_cases
...@@ -217,7 +217,6 @@ class AbstractSolver(object): ...@@ -217,7 +217,6 @@ class AbstractSolver(object):
The executable and list of arguments The executable and list of arguments
""" """
# HACK: Works in most case... Trust me i'm an engineer # HACK: Works in most case... Trust me i'm an engineer
cmd = cmd.replace("@install_dir", self._install_dir()) cmd = cmd.replace("@install_dir", self._install_dir())
cmd = cmd.replace("@path", path.replace(" ", "\ ")) cmd = cmd.replace("@path", path.replace(" ", "\ "))
cmd = cmd.replace("@input", self.input_param()) cmd = cmd.replace("@input", self.input_param())
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