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Delaigue Olivier authored
v1.6.1.11 fix: FUN_LAG function now takes a matrix in input in CreateCalibOptions and Calibration_Michel #34
Calibration_Michel <- function(InputsModel,
FUN_CRIT, # deprecated
verbose = TRUE) {
if (!missing(FUN_CRIT)) {
if (!is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)) {
if (!inherits(InputsModel, "InputsModel")) {
stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'InputsModel'")
if (!inherits(RunOptions, "RunOptions")) {
stop("'RunOptions' must be of class 'RunOptions'")
if (!inherits(InputsCrit, "InputsCrit")) {
stop("'InputsCrit' must be of class 'InputsCrit'")
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Multi")) {
stop("'InputsCrit' must be of class 'Single' or 'Compo'")
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Single")) {
listVarObs <- InputsCrit$VarObs
if (inherits(InputsCrit, "Compo")) {
listVarObs <- sapply(InputsCrit, FUN = "[[", "VarObs")
if ("SCA" %in% listVarObs & !"Gratio" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Cal) {
warning("Missing 'Gratio' is automatically added to 'Output_Cal' in 'RunOptions' as it is necessary in the objective function for comparison with SCA")
RunOptions$Outputs_Cal <- c(RunOptions$Outputs_Cal, "Gratio")
if ("SWE" %in% listVarObs & !"SnowPack" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Cal) {
warning("Missing 'SnowPack' is automatically added to 'Output_Cal' in 'RunOptions' as it is necessary in the objective function for comparison with SWE")
RunOptions$Outputs_Cal <- c(RunOptions$Outputs_Cal, "SnowPack")
if (!inherits(CalibOptions, "CalibOptions")) {
stop("'CalibOptions' must be of class 'CalibOptions'")
if (!inherits(CalibOptions, "HBAN")) {
stop("'CalibOptions' must be of class 'HBAN' if 'Calibration_Michel' is used")
if (!missing(FUN_CRIT)) {
warning("argument 'FUN_CRIT' is deprecated. The error criterion function is now automatically get from the 'InputsCrit' object")
if (is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)) {
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H)) {
FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR4H
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) {
FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR5H
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)) {
FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR4J
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)) {
FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR5J
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) {
FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR6J
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR2M )) {
FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR2M
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR1A )) {
FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR1A
if (inherits(CalibOptions, "SD")) {
FUN_LAG <- TransfoParam_LAG
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeige )) {
if (inherits(CalibOptions, "hysteresis")) {
FUN_TRANSFO <- TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst
} else {
FUN_TRANSFO <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) |
identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J)) {
if (!inherits(CalibOptions, "SD")) {
} else {
FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
if (!Bool) {
ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
ParamOut <- NA * ParamIn
NParam <- ncol(ParamIn)
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-1)] <- FUN1(ParamIn[, 1:(NParam-1)], Direction)
ParamOut[, NParam ] <- FUN_LAG(as.matrix(ParamIn[, NParam ]), Direction)
if (!Bool) {
ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H) |
identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) {
if (inherits(CalibOptions, "hysteresis")) {
FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst
} else {
FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige
if (inherits(CalibOptions, "hysteresis") & !inherits(CalibOptions, "SD")) {
FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
if (!Bool) {
ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
ParamOut <- NA * ParamIn
NParam <- ncol(ParamIn)
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-4)] <- FUN1(ParamIn[, 1:(NParam-4)], Direction)
ParamOut[, (NParam-3):NParam ] <- FUN2(ParamIn[, (NParam-3):NParam ], Direction)
if (!Bool) {
ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
if (!inherits(CalibOptions, "hysteresis") & !inherits(CalibOptions, "SD")) {
FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
if (!Bool) {
ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
ParamOut <- NA * ParamIn
NParam <- ncol(ParamIn)
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-2)] <- FUN1(ParamIn[, 1:(NParam-2)], Direction)
ParamOut[, (NParam-1):NParam ] <- FUN2(ParamIn[, (NParam-1):NParam ], Direction)
if (!Bool) {
ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
if (inherits(CalibOptions, "hysteresis") & inherits(CalibOptions, "SD")) {
FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
if (!Bool) {
ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
ParamOut <- NA * ParamIn
NParam <- ncol(ParamIn)
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-5)] <- FUN1( ParamIn[, 1:(NParam-5)], Direction)
ParamOut[, (NParam-4):(NParam-1)] <- FUN2( ParamIn[, (NParam-4):(NParam-1)], Direction)
ParamOut[, NParam ] <- FUN_LAG(as.matrix(ParamIn[, NParam ]), Direction)
if (!Bool) {
ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
if (!inherits(CalibOptions, "hysteresis") & inherits(CalibOptions, "SD")) {
FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
if (!Bool) {
ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
ParamOut <- NA * ParamIn
NParam <- ncol(ParamIn)
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-3)] <- FUN1( ParamIn[, 1:(NParam-3)], Direction)
ParamOut[, (NParam-2):(NParam-1)] <- FUN2( ParamIn[, (NParam-2):(NParam-1)], Direction)
ParamOut[, NParam ] <- FUN_LAG(as.matrix(ParamIn[, NParam ]), Direction)
if (!Bool) {
ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
if (is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)) {
stop("'FUN_TRANSFO' was not found (in 'Calibration' function)")
ParamFinalR <- NULL
ParamFinalT <- NULL
CritFinal <- NULL
NRuns <- 0
NIter <- 0
if ("StartParamDistrib" %in% names(CalibOptions)) {
PrefilteringType <- 2
} else {
PrefilteringType <- 1
if (PrefilteringType == 1) {
NParam <- ncol(CalibOptions$StartParamList)
if (PrefilteringType == 2) {
NParam <- ncol(CalibOptions$StartParamDistrib)
if (NParam > 20) {
stop("Calibration_Michel can handle a maximum of 20 parameters")
HistParamR <- matrix(NA, nrow = 500 * NParam, ncol = NParam)
HistParamT <- matrix(NA, nrow = 500 * NParam, ncol = NParam)
HistCrit <- matrix(NA, nrow = 500 * NParam, ncol = 1)
CritName <- NULL
CritBestValue <- NULL
Multiplier <- NULL
CritOptim <- +1e100
RunOptions$Outputs_Sim <- RunOptions$Outputs_Cal ### this reduces the size of the matrix exchange with fortran and therefore speeds the calibration
ProposeCandidatesGrid <- function(DistribParam) {
NewCandidates <- expand.grid(lapply(seq_len(ncol(DistribParamR)), function(x) DistribParam[, x]))
NewCandidates <- unique(NewCandidates) # to avoid duplicates when a parameter is set
Output <- list(NewCandidates = NewCandidates)
OptimParam <-$FixedParam)
if (PrefilteringType == 1) {
CandidatesParamR <- CalibOptions$StartParamList
if (PrefilteringType == 2) {
DistribParamR <- CalibOptions$StartParamDistrib
DistribParamR[, !OptimParam] <- NA
CandidatesParamR <- ProposeCandidatesGrid(DistribParamR)$NewCandidates
CandidatesParamR <- apply(CandidatesParamR, 1, function(x) {
x[!OptimParam] <- CalibOptions$FixedParam[!OptimParam]
if (NParam > 1) {
CandidatesParamR <- t(CandidatesParamR)
} else {
CandidatesParamR <- cbind(CandidatesParamR)
iNewOptim <- 0
Ncandidates <- nrow(CandidatesParamR)
if (verbose & Ncandidates > 1) {
if (PrefilteringType == 1) {
message("List-Screening in progress (", appendLF = FALSE)
if (PrefilteringType == 2) {
message("Grid-Screening in progress (", appendLF = FALSE)
message("0%", appendLF = FALSE)
for (iNew in 1:nrow(CandidatesParamR)) {
if (verbose & Ncandidates > 1) {
for (k in c(2, 4, 6, 8)) {
if (iNew == round(k / 10 * Ncandidates)) {
message(" ", 10 * k, "%", appendLF = FALSE)
Param <- CandidatesParamR[iNew, ]
OutputsModel <- RunModel(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, FUN_MOD = FUN_MOD)