Semi-distributed version of airGR models
Semi-distributed version of airGR models
A semi-distributed version of the models present in airGr have been mentioned several times in the past and recently:
- requests from external/internal users
- possibility of discarding GRSD for having a more flexible and user-friendly semi-distributed modelling framework
- need for an HYDRO intern to have rapidly the possibility to model simple catchments with one or two upstream nested catchments.
We brainstormed (Olivier, Charles, Mamoun and myself) 2 days ago. Here is a summary of an option of semi-distribution of airGR models we could easily and somehow rapidly implement: Concept:
- the user would be supposed to know the dependency between catchments
- the user would implement a loop that browses the dependency tree
- for upstream catchments, run/calibrate normally the GR models
- for downstream catchments, run/calibrate GR models on the downstream contributive area only, and add the lagged upstream simulated discharge
- it means that for each subcatchment, specifying the specific InputsModel, RunOptions and CalibOptions would still be necessary
- Upgrade the CreateInputsModel function to add the following (optional for catchments that have upstream catchments): a matrix of upstream simulated discharges, a matrix of upstream areas + downstream area (to convert discharges from mm to m3/s), a matrix of upstream hydraulic lengths
- create a RunModel_SD (or preferably upgrade the RunModel function) that takes into account the upgraded InputsModel and a Param vector that also contains the LAG parameter: this RunModel_SD function would simply be the addition of downstream discharge and the convolution product between lag and upstream discharge (see code below)
- Upgrade the CreateCalibOptions function to add 1 to the number of parameters for the SD case, add quantiles and a transformation for this parameter and add a "SD" type
- Create a TransfoParam_Lag function (same transfo as X4?).
This options would work well for sequential calibration of catchments (not for conjoint calibration of clusters of catchments).
Old RunModel
function (InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, FUN_MOD)
return(FUN_MOD(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions,
Param = Param))
New RunModel
function (InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, FUN_MOD)
Q_down <- FUN_MOD(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions,
Param = Param)
if (SEMI_Distributed) {
Q_tot <- Q_down + SUM(of lagged (cf Param$LAG) upstream discharges given in InputsModel)
} else {
- Thirel Guillaume added ENHANCEMENT R labels
added ENHANCEMENT R labels
- Thirel Guillaume changed the description
changed the description
- Thirel Guillaume changed the description
changed the description
- Author Owner
I finally scanned my notes from the meeting.
- Author Owner
Attached is the code provided by Mamoun about his attempt to implement a SD
. Everything was in a single file, so I created one file per function + an example file. The code was not working (especially oneCreateInputsModel
check was badly implemented, I corrected that).The option followed by Mamoun does not correspond what we discuted in the meeting regarding some parts. In particular, we want to limit the number of modifications and functions modified (for example, there is no reason to modify
. However, I used some parts of the code to begin my own implementation. See next post. - Author Owner
This post is just for information and to keep track. Do not implement please.
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- Author Owner
Olivier, attached is my proposition to run a SD version of any (daily or hourly) airGR model. I will work on calibration later on, after we validate this step.
was modify to integrate the 3 new arguments from line 187. We have a new class, "SD". Olivier, please add some more checks on the type of data for the arguments. I think that a SD GR1A is not that useful. What about a SD GR2M model?RunModel_SD
runs normally if no "SD" class is present inInputsModel
. Otherwise, the model is run for the downstream part and all discharges (4 upstream discharges + 1 downstream discharge) time series are summed proportionally to the surface. Upstream discharges are lagged. I'm not 100% sure of this calculation, some hands-on verification will be necessary. The OutputsModel object contains one more variable: Q_down, which corresponds to the downstream contribution to discharge. Qsim still is the total outlet discharge.test_airGR_SD
is to test the 2 new functions on a simple example. - Owner
The inputs arguments have been renamed.
- Owner
The current use of
to handle the lag parameter in theRunmodel()
function is dangerous. It will need to be changed. - Developer
Since we don't know in advance the number of parameters of the hydraulic model, it's dangerous indeed.
I search for a way to identify the number of parameters used by the model. After searching in all the code, I finally found that the number of parameters is always given in the name of the model function: RunModel_GR1A, RunModel_GR2M, RunModel_GR4H... If we continue to follow this rule in the future, we are able to get the number of parameter by parsing the name of the model function.
Another way to do that, is to add class affiliation in
by adding for example "NParam2", "NParam3"... inclass(InputsModel)
.The latter has my preference since it doesn't rely on an implicit naming convention...
Which one do I implement?
- Owner
In fact, with airGRplus which will have to manage other models, I don't see how to simply do without a table containing this information (see attached) and to manage it with a function like
(in airGRteaching)> ModFeatures code name nParam id class pckg 1 GR1A GR1A 1 NA GR airGR 2 GR2M GR2M 2 NA GR airGR 3 GR4J GR4J 4 NA GR airGR 4 GR5J GR5J 5 NA GR airGR 5 GR6J GR6J 6 NA GR airGR 6 GR4H GR4H 4 NA GR airGR 7 GR5H GR5H 5 NA GR airGR 8 CemaNeigeGR4J CemaNeigeGR4J 6 NA GR airGR 9 CemaNeigeGR5J CemaNeigeGR5J 7 NA GR airGR 10 CemaNeigeGR6J CemaNeigeGR6J 8 NA GR airGR 11 CemaNeigeGR4H CemaNeigeGR4H 6 NA GR airGR 12 CemaNeigeGR5H CemaNeigeGR5H 7 NA GR airGR 13 TOPM Topmodel 8 1 LibMod airGRplus 14 IHAC IHACRES 6 2 LibMod airGRplus 17 HBV0 HBV 9 5 LibMod airGRplus 18 MOHY Mohyse 7 6 LibMod airGRplus 20 MORD Mordor 6 8 LibMod airGRplus 21 SACR Sacramento 14 9 LibMod airGRplus 22 SIMH Simhyd 8 10 LibMod airGRplus 23 SMAR SMAR 9 11 LibMod airGRplus 24 TANK TANK 10 12 LibMod airGRplus 25 HYMO HYMOD 6 13 LibMod airGRplus 26 GARD Gardenia 8 14 LibMod airGRplus 27 PDM0 PDM 8 15 LibMod airGRplus 28 CREC CREC 8 16 LibMod airGRplus 29 CEQU Cequeau 9 17 LibMod airGRplus 30 NAM0 NAM 10 18 LibMod airGRplus 31 WAGE Wageningen 8 19 LibMod airGRplus 32 XINA Xinanjiang 12 20 LibMod airGRplus
- Delaigue Olivier created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 1568a691
mentioned in commit 1568a691
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 617bc09d
mentioned in commit 617bc09d
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit fe2cc30d
mentioned in commit fe2cc30d
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 329e4a8c
mentioned in commit 329e4a8c
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 3921249e
mentioned in commit 3921249e
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 2ff9e331
mentioned in commit 2ff9e331
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 302875fa3e1703eb2d278e38fe7c1681eb009c6a
mentioned in commit 302875fa3e1703eb2d278e38fe7c1681eb009c6a
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit a8569975b3961a52ce8d5eabca0ef5b8f4006c7b
mentioned in commit a8569975b3961a52ce8d5eabca0ef5b8f4006c7b
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit b5c91a87738d905eebd6547860427980fcd2c4dd
mentioned in commit b5c91a87738d905eebd6547860427980fcd2c4dd
- Owner
It may be a good idea to handle input arguments as in the
function withObs
,VarObs = "Q"
, ..., using lists (and thus data frames) or vectors. - Dorchies David assigned to @david.dorchies
assigned to @david.dorchies
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 0478abdd
mentioned in commit 0478abdd
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 070e89e0
mentioned in commit 070e89e0
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit c8036d7a
mentioned in commit c8036d7a
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit e629e366
mentioned in commit e629e366
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit be59893c
mentioned in commit be59893c
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit e7857d90
mentioned in commit e7857d90
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 7c130ef6
mentioned in commit 7c130ef6
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 3b7bee28
mentioned in commit 3b7bee28
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 89052828
mentioned in commit 89052828
- Author Owner
I did the changes to allow for SD calibration (i.e. with a LAG).
- created a
function. So far it is done for the GRSD LAG function only, but in the future we could think of some more modularity - modified the
functions to allow for calibration of a SD model (actually a lumped model with a LAG component for upstream Q) - adapted the
file - did not modify the
help file
@olivier.delaigue or @david.dorchies: I let you check and make the commits. I rebuilt and instlled the new package and it compiles. I also ran the
example (GR4J calibration) and a CemaNeigeGR4J calibration, they both work well, but maybe your automatic tests could be used to further test my implementation. I did not try a SD calibration: I'm waiting for data from a student to make a thorough comparison between GRSD and airGR-SD. - created a
- Developer
I took the modifications and I have rebased this branch to the
one. I'll push "force" the branch if tests are OK. - Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 17a3ee9c
mentioned in commit 17a3ee9c
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit b67e59aa
mentioned in commit b67e59aa
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit f51d6cdc
mentioned in commit f51d6cdc
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 8958631d
mentioned in commit 8958631d
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit d3114b06
mentioned in commit d3114b06
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit dd7c0dbb
mentioned in commit dd7c0dbb
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit a037e702
mentioned in commit a037e702
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 2590a4d2
mentioned in commit 2590a4d2
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit cc7433c3
mentioned in commit cc7433c3
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 52b3cb67
mentioned in commit 52b3cb67
- Developer
I have big doubt about the formula applied for the lag of the upstream tributaries in the current version of the code.
First, the contribution of the downstream sub basin is calculated respectively to its area.
Qsim=⎣⎡Qdown(1)Qdown(2)...Qdown(k)⎦⎤×Sdown/Sbasinwith sdown downstream sub basin area and Sbasin the total area of the basin.
I'm OK until here.
We then add the contribution of upstream tributaries with a delay (lag) proportionally to the hydraulic distance between these tributaries and the basin outlet.
Qsim=Qsim+1000/Plag/Ts×⎣⎡Qup1(1)Qup1(2)...Qup1(k)Qup2(1)Qup2(2)...Qup2(k)............Qupn(1)Qupn(2)...Qupn(k)⎦⎤×⎝⎛⎣⎡L1L2...Ln⎦⎤×⎣⎡Sup1Sup2...Supn⎦⎤⎠⎞First, discharges are multiplied by each sub basin area (as in the first step) but not divided by the whole basin area. Second, I don't understand how the upstream discharges can be delayed with this operation involving a discharge multiplied by a length...
I think that the operation is more complex and need a loop for delaying each upstream discharge time series before summing all with the downstream contribution.
Hope that the current formula is not used elsewhere. Tell me if I'm wrong.
Edited by Dorchies David - Author Owner
Thanks @david.dorchies I will analyse that further as soon as possible (next week?). I might have mistranslated some pieces of code from Mamoun, don't worry the GRSD formulation is ok!
- Developer
- C, the lag parameter which is a celerity in m/s.
- Li the distance between the ith tributary and the downstream outlet in m.
The delay time Δti in seconds for the ith upstream tributary will be:
Δti=CLiThe number of time steps N to be shifted considering the time step Ts in seconds of the model will be:
N=TsΔtiConsidering that N is not an integer, we need to shift the discharge between two time steps proportionally to the fractionnal part of N: {N}=N−⌊N⌋
The shifting formula is then as follow:
Qdowni(t)=(1−{N})Qupi(t−⌊N⌋)+{N}Qupi(t−(⌊N⌋+1)) - Author Owner
The formula was indeed super wrong, sorry I just tried to translate a piece of code I as given without thinking really about it... Attached a new version. Tell me what you think about it.
Can you confirm to me that/when I can upload a new version of the package from the sd branch?
At some point, we will be missing the storage of upstream discharge not yet arrived to the outlet in the StateEnd data.
- Owner
Done in commit 88363e7e
- Author Owner
Still not correct, working on it...
- Author Owner
It runs now and results are quite good.
Newly modifed files below.
@david.dorchies if possible, you can try to redo the calibration / simulation with GR4J and CemaNeige on the Seine River in similar conditions that what you had for Climaware.
- Owner
@guillaume.thirel, in
, thelength_ts
variable is not used. Is it normal? - Author Owner
I forgot to use it! Now it is used.
- Developer
Great, it's more like what I expected :)
I implement some simple tests to check if the lag is correctly implemented (test with a delay of one time step and another one with 1.5 time step).
After that, I'd like to progress in the idea to use RunModel as a chained model scheduler. Can you give your first impressions on the monologue below? I think that this idea to give a list of model and a list of parameters to RunModel would allow us to treat even complex semi-distributive water basin in one call.
- Owner
Guillaume says below:
It inspires to me that this is a potentially (very) good idea. But I would like first to validate and crash-test the new SD version.
- Author Owner
We found that the code was very likely wrong, as upstream discharge was not delayed, but first time steps were erased. What do you think about the hopefully more correct code below?
OutputsModelDown$Qsim <- OutputsModelDown$Qsim + c(rep(0, floor(PT[upstream_basin])), Qupstream[1:(LengthTs - floor(PT[upstream_basin]))]) * HUTRANS[1, upstream_basin] + c(rep(0, floor(PT[upstream_basin] + 1)), Qupstream[1:(LengthTs - floor(PT[upstream_basin])-1)]) * HUTRANS[2, upstream_basin] # OutputsModelDown$Qsim <- OutputsModelDown$Qsim + # c(rep(0, floor(PT[upstream_basin])), # Qupstream[(1 + floor(PT[upstream_basin])):LengthTs]) * # HUTRANS[1, upstream_basin] + # c(rep(0, floor(PT[upstream_basin] + 1)), # Qupstream[(2 + floor(PT[upstream_basin])):LengthTs]) * # HUTRANS[2, upstream_basin]
Edited by Thirel Guillaume - Developer
OMG! You're right!
I'm also very afraid that the tests I wrote didn't detect this lamentable error
I check why the tests didn't reveal this error. And correct that.That should explain why I had very weird lag parameters on Seine calibration so far.
- Developer
The tests were written by the same person who the code wrote the code... I better understand the interest of binomial test-driven development (
I have adopted the correction proposed by @guillaume.thirel in commit 3dd37b5e with the related tests.
In these tests, I do a test of calibration by adding an artificial upstream flow to the vignette 1 example. I had to choose an upstream flow with a strong signal (i.e. a cycle consisting of constant flows with quick variations) in order to get a good identification of the original GR4J parameters found in vignette 1.
- Dorchies David mentioned in merge request !10 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !10 (merged)
- Developer
I've created a work in progress merge request of this issue !10 (merged) in order to have an extensive overview of code changes.
I'm afraid that adding a new step of simulation implies distributive modifications. I explain below: First we have a family of rainfall-runoff models models:
graph TD PE[(PE)] PE --> GR4J PE --> GR5J PE --> GR6J Q[(Q)] GR4J --> Q GR5J --> Q GR6J --> Q
And then, we have a preprocessing of the rainfall for the snow called:
graph TD PE[(PE)] PE --> Cemaneige P'E[(P'E)] Cemaneige --> P'E P'E --> GR4J P'E --> GR5J P'E --> GR6J Q[(Q)] GR4J --> Q GR5J --> Q GR6J --> Q
But the current implementation looks like this:
graph TD PE[(PE)] PE --> GR4J PE --> GR5J PE --> GR6J PE --> GR4J_Cemaneige PE --> GR5J_Cemaneige PE --> GR6J_Cemaneige Q[(Q)] GR4J --> Q GR5J --> Q GR6J --> Q GR4J_Cemaneige --> Q GR5J_Cemaneige --> Q GR6J_Cemaneige --> Q
A lot of code is copy and paste in a multiplication of functions.
The implementation of the semi-distributive model should lead to:
graph TD PE[(PE)] PE --> Cemaneige P'E[(P'E)] Cemaneige --> P'E P'E --> GR4J P'E --> GR5J P'E --> GR6J Q[(Q)] GR4J --> Q GR5J --> Q GR6J --> Q Q --> LAG Q --> LR2 Q'[(Q')] LAG --> Q' LR2 --> Q'
Now in !10 (merged) for the implementation of the semi-distributive model, I see a lot of code with repetitive conditions taking into account the using of either or both SD and Hysteresis and I'm afraid about the entanglement of all of this.
Should we not consider all of that as a model chaining? At each step of the chain, the model takes input time series and return as output transformed and/or supplemented data ? Then, in our procedures we'll be able to use an ordered list of model to run instead of a composite model of all the possible combinations. For example, running Cemaneige-GR4J-SD could looks like this:
graph TD D1[(P, E, T, Qup1, Qup2)] D2[(P, E, T, Qup1, Qup2, Ptot)] D1 --> Cemaneige Cemaneige --> D2 D3[(P, E, T, Qup1, Qup2, Ptot, Q)] D2 --> GR4J GR4J --> D3 D3 --> LAG D4[(P, E, T, Qup1, Qup2, Ptot, Qdown, Q)] LAG --> D4
Please note that:
output is the transformed one andPtot
the original one, -
output is equal to itsQ
input and theQ
ouput is the one summingQup1
The calling of
can then look like this:OutputsModel <- RunModel(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param, list('Cemaneige', 'GR4J', 'LAG'))
And in RunModel, we just have a loop on the models taking the Ouput of the previous model as inputs of the following one. I think that we can implement this without modifying current interfaces of airGR (For example, we can rewrite
with just a call to RunModel withFUN_MOD = list('GR4J', 'Cemaneige')
which will not change anything for the final user.By the way,
should be a list of vector to simplify all the thing:param = list(GR4J = c(X1, X2, X3, X4), LAG = celerity)
Tell me what this reflection inspires to you :)
Edited by Dorchies David -
- Author Owner
It inspires to me that this is a potentially (very) good idea. But I would like first to validate and crash-test the new SD version.
Maybe put that in another issue to avoid having too much here?
- Owner
I think it's a very good idea. But maybe it's safer not to change everything at once. On the other hand, we also had the idea to avoid duplicating code in all the
function by doing something similar to what was done with theErrorCrit*()
functions where the problem of duplicated code was similar. And theRunModel*()
functions have to be cleaned before that... #14 (closed) - Developer
OK let's checking the robustness of this first version of SD model, first. And develop this idea of model chaining in another ticket.
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 88363e7e
mentioned in commit 88363e7e
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 61d9a74a
mentioned in commit 61d9a74a
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 5083d45a
mentioned in commit 5083d45a
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 31352a7b
mentioned in commit 31352a7b
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 9cb63cfd
mentioned in commit 9cb63cfd
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 031b0716
mentioned in commit 031b0716
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 9a99a6c5
mentioned in commit 9a99a6c5
- Developer
First tests with one upstream basin are conclusive.
Calibration of the lag parameter is very sensitive to the flow contribution of each basin. A first test with a lag of one time step (~0.11 m/s) and same flow and surface for both basins has been calibrated at ~0.5 m/s. A second test with an upstream basin surface area double that of the downstream basin leads to the good lag value.
Adding constraint to GR4J parameters calibration of the downstream knowing upstream GR4J parameters could help in this case.
- Dorchies David mentioned in issue #14 (closed)
mentioned in issue #14 (closed)
- Developer
I'm facing an issue with the unity used for flow in the current implementation of sd model in airGR. Currently, we use the water height and we need to make a conversion proportional to the area of the sub-basin for computing the flow at the outlet of a basin. Comparatively to directly using a volume as flow unit, we are spending a lot a computation time to multiplying and dividing instead of just adding to flow. But it's not the main point I want to mention here.
With the current implementation of the lag model, we are not able to directly integrate inflows (reservoir releases) or outflows (reservoir or users withdrawals) which are not related to a basin area. For example, it is not possible to calibrate a influenced model by directly integrating intakes and outlets in the basin as on the scheme below:
I think that it would be advantageous to convert once the output of the hydrological model into volume and all the calculation after would be greatly simplified.
I understand that water height is very useful in hydrological paradigm but when we are addressing water management everything is related to volumes.
Another advantage would be that the vector of surface areas of upstream basins given in
would be useless. Only the area of the downstream sub-basin would be necessary for its conversion into a volume. - Author Owner
I'm facing an issue with the unity used for flow in the current implementation of sd model in airGR. Currently, we use the water height and we need to make a conversion proportional to the area of the sub-basin for computing the flow at the outlet of a basin. Comparatively to directly using a volume as flow unit, we are spending a lot a computation time to multiplying and dividing instead of just adding to flow. But it's not the main point I want to mention here.
GR models are made to work on mm per time step, units conversion will always be necessary, we cannot change that.
- Developer
GR models are made to work on mm per time step, units conversion will always be necessary, we cannot change that.
Yes, I know that. But We have to find a way to inflow or outflow in the sub-basin that are not related to a surface. The current implementation assumes that all upstream flows are related to a surface so we can't introduce a point in the middle of the sub-basin where a discharge is ponctualy provided (e.g.: outlet of a reservoir or a waste water treatment plant) or taken (e.g.: withdrawals for industry, irrigation or drinking water).
We need a parameter specifying the nature of the upstream flow for differencing run-off from specific point of flow exchange with the river.
- Author Owner
I see your point now. Modifying the actual unit of the output of GR models is not an option but we have to find a way to take into account flows in m3/s indeed.
- Developer
I propose this convention:
If the area provided for an upstream basin is
, then we assume that the corresponding upstream discharge is in m3/s. Otherwise, if the area is positive, we assume that the upstream flow is in mm as usual. And I propose to add a warning inCreateInputsModel
in case ofNA
upstream basin area in order to report that the corresponding column ofQupstream
will be considered in m3/s.Is this OK for you?
- Author Owner
I tend to agree, yes. I keep the possibility to change my mind later of course. :)
needs to be set as optional in the doc and some explanation given. - Developer
OK, let's go with this idea for the moment.
I will complete the documentation when all these choices will be stabilised and implemented.
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 65c221ea
mentioned in commit 65c221ea
- Developer
Question about parameters of
: whyLengthHydro
must be matrices of numeric values with 1 row while these data has only one dimension?It's a bit painful to fill this requirement for the final user. It forces him to write this kind of thing:
LengthHydro = matrix(LengthHydro , nrow = 1), BasinAreas = matrix(BasinAreas , nrow = 1)
- Author Owner
I let @olivier.delaigue answer this one, as we need to be consistent with similar variables used in
. - Owner
Because @guillaume.thirel wrote that and I didn't have time to change it! I think that we just need vectors.
- Developer
Cool! So I change it!
- Developer
I have one suggestion: as upstream flows informations are multiple, if think it could be more coherent to ask the user to provide a dataframe with consistent information for each upstream flow. This dataframe (which can be called UpstreamParam) should at least contains two columns:
.Associated with a parameter DownstrArea in InputsModel for the downstream area, this would simplify all the checking on the number of items or columns in
.The dataframe form should also have the advantage of opening the possibility to had parameters associated with upstream flows without having to add new parameters in
. I am thinking in particular of extra parameters needed to describe special upstream flows such as reservoirs and withdrawals.I have also have a suggestion for the name of
which I think should be calledQupstream
because the upstream flow is not necessary an observation but is more likely a simulated one. - Author Owner
I have also have a suggestion for the name of
which I think should be calledQupstream
because the upstream flow is not necessary an observation but is more likely a simulated one.Definitely ok with this one.
Regarding the other questions, I would say ok but maybe we should discuss that to be sure how this could impact the rest.
- Owner
I'm not sure that using a
as an input is a standard and recommended practice (if the user is not careful, he can invert the columns)...
- Developer
Other question: why use kilometer as unit for
if we need to multiply it by 1000 each time we calculatePT
?It could be useful to directly use meter unit as parameter of the model.
- Author Owner
It's ok for me to use
instead ofkm
and remove the 1000 multiplication. Maybe please add in the doc Rd file some info about necessary inputs (and related units). - Developer
OK. I'll do it.
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 088a5ddb
mentioned in commit 088a5ddb
- Developer
When we don't use the SD model, in verbose mode (which is the default), this warning is displayed:
Missing argument: 'Qupstream', 'LengthHydro' and 'BasinAreas' must all be set to run in a semi-distributed mode. The lumped mode will be used
I think that this message will be confusing for the users especially the beginners because using SD model is the exception and the main use is the lumped model.
Considering that I see 2 alternatives:
- Remove the warning message
- Display a warning message in the special case of activating the SD model
What do you think?
- Author Owner
This issue happens in the
function.Alternative 3: this check should rather be something that returns a warning in case one of
c('Qupstream', 'LengthHydro')
arguments is not given (but the other one is). I propose reformulating the argument as follows:Missing argument: both 'Qupstream' and 'LengthHydro' must be set to run in a semi-distributed mode. As a consequence, the lumped mode will be used here
- Developer
Oh! My bad! I misunderstood the code. This message is already displayed if one of the requested parameters for SD is missingd AND at least one SD parameter is present.
Actually, I think that this warning should be an error message. The user gives some but not all parameters for SD model and the model runs anyway but in lumped mode. Moreover, if the verbose mode is inactivated, this happens silently. I think this is a big source of error and misunderstanding for the user.
- Author Owner
When we don't use the SD model, in verbose mode (which is the default), this warning is displayed:
Oh! My bad! I misunderstood the code.
Ok I'm lost now, is this message displayed when the lumped mode is run or not?
I agree that this could be an error message.
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 67ce1ead
mentioned in commit 67ce1ead
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit e974451b
mentioned in commit e974451b
- Dorchies David changed milestone to %v1.6.10
changed milestone to %v1.6.10
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit baffd2ea
mentioned in commit baffd2ea
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 0cdd8938
mentioned in commit 0cdd8938
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 811200e3
mentioned in commit 811200e3
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 3dd37b5e
mentioned in commit 3dd37b5e
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit db0de232
mentioned in commit db0de232
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit 8534b839
mentioned in commit 8534b839
- Dorchies David mentioned in commit eb954b99
mentioned in commit eb954b99
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit ad63d07c
mentioned in commit ad63d07c
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 6c2eb581
mentioned in commit 6c2eb581
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 2ae49608
mentioned in commit 2ae49608
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit b4287b28
mentioned in commit b4287b28
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 20976819
mentioned in commit 20976819
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit ec243d37
mentioned in commit ec243d37
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 5a298fbc
mentioned in commit 5a298fbc
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit ea066eb4
mentioned in commit ea066eb4
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 9cb45ef6
mentioned in commit 9cb45ef6
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 3433229e
mentioned in commit 3433229e
- Delaigue Olivier closed via merge request !10 (merged)
closed via merge request !10 (merged)
- Delaigue Olivier closed via commit 2590a4d2
closed via commit 2590a4d2
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit d5ac0907
mentioned in commit d5ac0907