Commit 734f6945 authored by Dorchies David's avatar Dorchies David
Browse files

feat(RunModel_Lag): Change LengthHydro unit m->km

Refs #112
Showing with 10 additions and 11 deletions
+10 -11
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ RunModel_Lag <- function(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) {
# propagation time from upstream meshes to outlet
PT <- InputsModel$LengthHydro / Param[1L] / TimeStep
PT <- InputsModel$LengthHydro * 1e3 / Param[1L] / TimeStep
HUTRANS <- rbind(1 - (PT - floor(PT)), PT - floor(PT))
NbUpBasins <- length(InputsModel$LengthHydro)
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD, DatesR, Precip, PrecipScale = TRUE, PotEvap = NULL,
\item{Qupstream}{(optional) [numerical matrix] time series of upstream flows (catchment average) [mm/time step or m3/time step, see details], required to create the SD model inputs . See details}
\item{LengthHydro}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the distance between the downstream outlet and each upstream inlet of the sub-catchment [m], required to create the SD model inputs . See details}
\item{LengthHydro}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the distance between the downstream outlet and each upstream inlet of the sub-catchment [km], required to create the SD model inputs . See details}
\item{BasinAreas}{(optional) [numeric] real giving the area of each upstream sub-catchment [km2] and the area of the downstream sub-catchment in the last item, required to create the SD model inputs . See details}
......@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ Please note that if CemaNeige is used, and \code{ZInputs} is different than \cod
Users wanting to use a semi-distributed (SD) lag model should provide valid \code{Qupstream}, \code{LengthHydro}, and \code{BasinAreas} parameters. Each upstream sub-catchment is described by an upstream flow time series (one column in \code{Qupstream} matrix), a distance between the downstream outlet and the upstream inlet (one item in \code{LengthHydro}) and an area (one item in \code{BasinAreas}).
The order of the columns or of the items should be consistent for all these parameters. \code{BasinAreas} should contain one extra information (stored in the last item) which is the area of the downstream sub-catchment.
Upstream flows that are not related to a sub-catchment such as a release or withdraw spot are identified by an area equal to \code{NA} and an upstream flow expressed in m3/time step instead of mm/time step.
Please note that the use of SD lag model require to use the \code{\link{RunModel}} function instead of \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}} or the other \code{RunModel_*} functions.
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Qupstream <- Qupstream * 86400 ## Conversion in m3/day
BasinAreas <- c(NA, BasinInfo$BasinArea)
## delay time between the reservoir and the catchment outlet is 2 days and the distance is 150 km
LengthHydro <- 150000
LengthHydro <- 150
InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR,
Precip = BasinObs$P, PotEvap = BasinObs$E,
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ OutputsModelDown <- RunModel_GR4J(InputsModel = InputsModel,
RunOptions = RunOptions, Param = Param)
## with a delay of 2 days for 150 km, the flow velocity is 75 km per day
Velocity <- (LengthHydro / 2) / 86400 ## Conversion m/day -> m/s
Velocity <- (LengthHydro * 1e3 / 2) / (24 * 60 * 60) ## Conversion km/day -> m/s
## add the output of the precipitation-runoff model in the InputsModel object
InputsModel$OutputsModel <- OutputsModelDown
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(
Precip = BasinObs$P,
PotEvap = BasinObs$E,
Qupstream = matrix(Qupstream, ncol = 1),
LengthHydro = 1000,
LengthHydro = 1,
BasinAreas = BasinAreas
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ test_that("Downstream basin with nil area and nul upstream length should return
expect_equal(OutputsSD$Qsim, Qupstream[Ind_Run])
ParamSD <- c(InputsModel$LengthHydro / (24 * 60 * 60), Param) # Speed corresponding to one time step delay
ParamSD <- c(InputsModel$LengthHydro * 1e3 / (24 * 60 * 60), Param) # Speed corresponding to one time step delay
QlsGR4Only <- OutputsGR4JOnly$Qsim * InputsModel$BasinAreas[2L] * 1e6 / 86400
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ test_that("1 input with lag of 1 time step delay out gives an output delayed of
test_that("1 input with lag of 0.5 time step delay out gives an output delayed of 0.5 time step", {
OutputsSD <- RunModel(InputsModel, RunOptions,
Param = c(InputsModel$LengthHydro / (12 * 3600), Param),
Param = c(InputsModel$LengthHydro * 1e3 / (12 * 3600), Param),
FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J)
QlsSdSim <- OutputsSD$Qsim * sum(InputsModel$BasinAreas) * 1e6 / 86400
QlsUpstLagObs <- (Qupstream[Ind_Run] + c(0, Qupstream[Ind_Run[1:(length(Ind_Run) - 1)]]))/2 * InputsModel$BasinAreas[1L] * 1e6 / 86400
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ test_that("1 no area input with lag of 1 time step delay out gives an output del
IM <- InputsModel
IM$BasinAreas <- rep(BasinInfo$BasinArea, 3)
IM$Qupstream <- cbind(IM$Qupstream, IM$Qupstream)
IM$LengthHydro <- c(1000, 1500)
IM$LengthHydro <- c(1, 1.5)
PSDini <- ParamSD
PSDini[1] <- PSDini[1] / 2 # 2 time step delay
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ InputsModelDown1 <- CreateInputsModel(
FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR,
Precip = BasinObs$P, PotEvap = BasinObs$E,
Qupstream = matrix(QObsUp, ncol = 1), # upstream observed flow
LengthHydro = 1e2 * 1e3, # distance between upstream catchment outlet & the downstream one [m]
LengthHydro = 100, # distance between upstream catchment outlet & the downstream one [km]
BasinAreas = c(180, 180) # upstream and downstream areas [km²]
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ ParamDown2 <- OutputsCalibDown2$ParamFinalR
The theoretical Velocity parameter should be equal to:
Velocity <- InputsModelDown1$LengthHydro / (2 * 86400)
Velocity <- InputsModelDown1$LengthHydro * 1e3 / (2 * 86400)
paste(format(Velocity), "m/s")
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