Commit 76600c38 authored by Delaigue Olivier's avatar Delaigue Olivier Committed by unknown
Browse files


Showing with 2152 additions and 79 deletions
+2152 -79
INDEX deleted 100644 → 0
BasinInfo Data sample: characteristics of a fictional
catchment (L0123001, L0123002 or L0123003)
BasinObs Data sample: time series of observations of a
fictional catchment (L0123001, L0123002 or
Calibration Calibration algorithm which minimises an error
criterion on the model outputs using the
provided functions
Calibration_HBAN Calibration algorithm which minimises the error
criterion using the Irstea-HBAN procedure
Calibration_optim Calibration algorithm which minimises the error
criterion using the stats::optim function
CreateCalibOptions Creation of the CalibOptions object required to
the Calibration functions
CreateInputsCrit Creation of the InputsCrit object required to
the ErrorCrit functions
CreateInputsModel Creation of the InputsModel object required to
the RunModel functions
CreateRunOptions Creation of the RunOptions object required to
the RunModel functions
Altitudinal extrapolation of precipitation and
temperature series
ErrorCrit Error criterion using the provided function
ErrorCrit_KGE Error criterion based on the KGE formula
ErrorCrit_KGE2 Error criterion based on the KGE' formula
ErrorCrit_NSE Error criterion based on the NSE formula
ErrorCrit_RMSE Error criterion based on the RMSE
PEdaily_Oudin Computation of daily series of potential
evapotranspiration with Oudin's formula
RunModel Run with the provided hydrological model
RunModel_CemaNeige Run with the CemaNeige snow module
Run with the CemaNeigeGR4J hydrological model
Run with the CemaNeigeGR5J hydrological model
Run with the CemaNeigeGR6J hydrological model
RunModel_GR4J Run with the GR4J hydrological model
RunModel_GR5J Run with the GR5J hydrological model
RunModel_GR6J Run with the GR6J hydrological model
TransfoParam Transformation of the parameters using the
provided function
Transformation of the parameters from the
CemaNeige module
TransfoParam_GR4J Transformation of the parameters from the GR4J
TransfoParam_GR5J Transformation of the parameters from the GR5J
TransfoParam_GR6J Transformation of the parameters from the GR6J
airGR Modelling tools used at Irstea-HBAN (France),
including GR4J, GR5J, GR6J and CemaNeige
plot_OutputsModel Default preview of model outputs
MD5 deleted 100644 → 0
dc740898c129f840d12d222a2ead106d *DESCRIPTION
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52ca795872157b1a3e2b6f6bfbc480e0 *NAMESPACE
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9362eca21ff55ff6e7866a8653c5371e *R/airGR.rdx
63a6f712183a364edfac4df460e83c4b *data/L0123001.rda
aa6993b50e8a59fb4b37c8eb92df6760 *data/L0123002.rda
cd27feeac8c19aad0c511b33010ea9ed *data/L0123003.rda
c067204cb6e5b9db41af38aa96b519b0 *help/AnIndex
a55d619bb922901e93a88bc0cd44fa4a *help/airGR.rdb
efdee1c7837ed1b695a529e17fa09725 *help/airGR.rdx
228f1599718d0523f25967469dcfbb61 *help/aliases.rds
d312909d7d245fe60010b0b763b00f13 *help/paths.rds
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0b6e15e196f42c1f59b5b95fc0fad2b9 *libs/i386/airGR.dll
File deleted
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File deleted
File deleted
File deleted
File deleted
R/BasinData.R 0 → 100644
#' @name BasinInfo
#' @docType data
#' @title Data sample: characteristics of a fictional catchment (L0123001, L0123002 or L0123003)
#' @description
#' R-object containing the code, station's name, area and hypsometric curve of the catchment.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @format
#' List named 'BasinInfo' containing
#' \itemize{
#' \item two strings: catchment's code and station's name
#' \item one float: catchment's area in km2
#' \item one numeric vector: catchment's hypsometric curve (min, quantiles 01 to 99 and max) in metres
#' }
#' @examples
#' require(airGR)
#' data(L0123001)
#' str(BasinInfo)
#' @name BasinObs
#' @docType data
#' @title Data sample: time series of observations of a fictional catchment (L0123001, L0123002 or L0123003)
#' @description
#' R-object containing the times series of precipitation, temperature, potential evapotranspiration and discharges. \cr
#' Times series for L0123001 or L0123002 are at the daily time-step for use with daily models such as GR4J, GR5J, GR6J, CemaNeigeGR4J, CemaNeigeGR5J and CemaNeigeGR6J.
#' Times series for L0123003 are at the hourly time-step for use with hourly models such as GR4H.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @format
#' Data frame named 'BasinObs' containing
#' \itemize{
#' \item one POSIXlt vector: time series dates in the POSIXlt format
#' \item five numeric vectors: time series of catchment average precipitation [mm], catchment average air temperature [degC], catchment average potential evapotranspiration [mm], outlet discharge [l/s], outlet discharge [mm]
#' }
#' @examples
#' require(airGR)
#' data(L0123001)
#' str(BasinObs)
#' Calibration algorithm which minimises the error criterion using the provided functions. \cr
#' @title Calibration algorithm which minimises an error criterion on the model outputs using the provided functions
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Calibration_HBAN}}, \code{\link{Calibration_optim}},
#' \code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit}}, \code{\link{TransfoParam}},
#' \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}},
#' \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}.
#' @example tests/example_Calibration.R
#' @export
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @param InputsModel [object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details
#' @param RunOptions [object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details
#' @param InputsCrit [object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details
#' @param CalibOptions [object of class \emph{CalibOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}} for details
#' @param FUN_MOD [function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)
#' @param FUN_CRIT [function] error criterion function (e.g. ErrorCrit_RMSE, ErrorCrit_NSE)
#' @param FUN_CALIB (optional) [function] calibration algorithm function (e.g. Calibration_HBAN, Calibration_optim), default=Calibration_HBAN
#' @param FUN_TRANSFO (optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] see \code{\link{Calibration_HBAN}} or \code{\link{Calibration_optim}}
Calibration <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_MOD,FUN_CRIT,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_HBAN,FUN_TRANSFO=NULL,quiet=FALSE){
return( FUN_CALIB(InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_MOD,FUN_CRIT,FUN_TRANSFO,quiet=quiet) )
This diff is collapsed.
#' Calibration algorithm which minimises the error criterion. \cr
#' \cr
#' The algorithm is based on the "optim" function from the "stats" R-package
#' (using method="L-BFGS-B", i.e. a local optimization quasi-Newton method).
#' To optimise the exploration of the parameter space, transformation functions are used to convert
#' the model parameters. This is done using the TransfoParam functions.
#' @title Calibration algorithm which minimises the error criterion using the stats::optim function
#' @author Laurent Coron (August 2013)
#' @example tests/example_Calibration_optim.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{Calibration}}, \code{\link{Calibration_HBAN}},
#' \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link{TransfoParam_GR4J}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}},
#' \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}},
#' \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param InputsModel [object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details
#' @param RunOptions [object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details
#' @param InputsCrit [object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details
#' @param CalibOptions [object of class \emph{CalibOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}} for details
#' @param FUN_MOD [function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)
#' @param FUN_CRIT [function] error criterion function (e.g. ErrorCrit_RMSE, ErrorCrit_NSE)
#' @param FUN_TRANSFO (optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{$ParamFinalR } \tab [numeric] parameter set obtained at the end of the calibration \cr
#' \emph{$CritFinal } \tab [numeric] error criterion obtained at the end of the calibration \cr
#' \emph{$Nruns } \tab [numeric] number of model runs done during the calibration \cr
#' \emph{$CritName } \tab [character] name of the calibration criterion \cr
#' \emph{$CritBestValue} \tab [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr
#' }
Calibration_optim <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_MOD,FUN_CRIT,FUN_TRANSFO=NULL,quiet=FALSE){
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions")==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(CalibOptions,"CalibOptions")==FALSE){ stop("CalibOptions must be of class 'CalibOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(CalibOptions,"optim")==FALSE){ stop("CalibOptions must be of class 'optim' if Calibration_optim is used \n"); return(NULL); }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J )){ FUN_TRANSFO <- TransfoParam_GR4J ; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J )){ FUN_TRANSFO <- TransfoParam_GR5J ; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J )){ FUN_TRANSFO <- TransfoParam_GR6J ; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeige )){ FUN_TRANSFO <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)){ FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR4J; FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)){ FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR5J; FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){ FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR6J; FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige; }
FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn,Direction){
Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn);
if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn); }
ParamOut <- NA*ParamIn;
NParam <- ncol(ParamIn);
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-2)] <- FUN1(ParamIn[, 1:(NParam-2)],Direction);
ParamOut[,(NParam-1):NParam ] <- FUN2(ParamIn[,(NParam-1):NParam ],Direction);
if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamOut <- ParamOut[1,]; }
if(is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)){ stop("FUN_TRANSFO was not found (in Calibration function) \n"); return(NULL); }
RunModelAndCrit <- function(par,InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_MOD,FUN_CRIT,FUN_TRANSFO){
ParamT <- NA*CalibOptions$FixedParam;
ParamT[CalibOptions$OptimParam] <- par;
Param <- FUN_TRANSFO(ParamIn=ParamT,Direction="TR");
Param[!CalibOptions$OptimParam] <- CalibOptions$FixedParam[!CalibOptions$OptimParam];
OutputsModel <- FUN_MOD(InputsModel=InputsModel,RunOptions=RunOptions,Param=Param);
OutputsCrit <- FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit=InputsCrit,OutputsModel=OutputsModel);
RunOptions$Outputs_Sim <- RunOptions$Outputs_Cal; ### this reduces the size of the matrix exchange with fortran and therefore speeds the calibration
cat(paste("\t Calibration in progress (function optim from the stats package) \n",sep=""));
##_lower_and_upper_limit_values (transformed)
RangesR <- CalibOptions$SearchRanges;
RangesT <- FUN_TRANSFO(RangesR,"RT");
lower <- RangesT[1,CalibOptions$OptimParam];
upper <- RangesT[2,CalibOptions$OptimParam];
##_starting_values (transformed)
ParamStartT <- FUN_TRANSFO(CalibOptions$StartParam,"RT");
par_start <- ParamStartT[CalibOptions$OptimParam];
RESULT <- optim(par=par_start,fn=RunModelAndCrit,gr=NULL,
InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_MOD,FUN_CRIT,FUN_TRANSFO, ## arguments for the RunModelAndCrit function (other than par)
ParamFinalT <- NA*ParamStartT;
ParamFinalT[CalibOptions$OptimParam] <- RESULT$par;
ParamFinalR <- FUN_TRANSFO(ParamFinalT,"TR");
ParamFinalR[!CalibOptions$OptimParam] <- CalibOptions$FixedParam[!CalibOptions$OptimParam];
CritFinal <- RESULT$value;
OutputsModel <- FUN_MOD(InputsModel=InputsModel,RunOptions=RunOptions,Param=ParamFinalR);
OutputsCrit <- FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit=InputsCrit,OutputsModel=OutputsModel);
CritName <- OutputsCrit$CritName;
CritBestValue <- OutputsCrit$CritBestValue;
Multiplier <- OutputsCrit$Multiplier;
cat(paste("\t Calibration completed: \n",sep=""));
cat(paste("\t Param = ",paste(formatC(ParamFinalR,format="f",width=8,digits=3),collapse=" , "),"\n",sep=""));
cat(paste("\t Crit ",format(CritName,width=12,justify="left")," = ",formatC(CritFinal*Multiplier,format="f",digits=4),"\n",sep=""));
} else {
cat(paste("\t Calibration failed: \n",sep=""));
cat(paste("\t ",RESULT$message,sep=""));
OutputsCalib <- list(as.double(ParamFinalR),CritFinal*Multiplier,as.integer(RESULT$counts[1]),CritName,CritBestValue);
names(OutputsCalib) <- c("ParamFinalR","CritFinal","NRuns","CritName","CritBestValue");
class(OutputsCalib) <- c("OutputsCalib","optim");
#' Creation of the CalibOptions object required to the Calibration functions.
#' Users wanting to use FUN_MOD, FUN_CALIB or FUN_TRANSFO functions that are not included in
#' the package must create their own CalibOptions object accordingly.
#' @title Creation of the CalibOptions object required to the Calibration functions
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}
#' @example tests/example_Calibration.R
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param FUN_MOD [function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)
#' @param FUN_CALIB (optional) [function] calibration algorithm function (e.g. Calibration_HBAN, Calibration_optim), default=Calibration_HBAN
#' @param FUN_TRANSFO (optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined
#' @param RunOptions (optional) [object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details
#' @param OptimParam (optional) [boolean] vector of booleans indicating which parameters must be optimised (NParam columns, 1 line)
#' @param FixedParam (optional) [numeric] vector giving the values to allocate to non-optimised parameter values (NParam columns, 1 line)
#' @param SearchRanges (optional) [numeric] matrix giving the ranges of real parameters (NParam columns, 2 lines)
#' \tabular{llllll}{
#' \tab [X1] \tab [X2] \tab [X3] \tab [...] \tab [Xi] \cr
#' [1,] \tab 0 \tab -1 \tab 0 \tab ... \tab 0.0 \cr
#' [2,] \tab 3000 \tab +1 \tab 100 \tab ... \tab 3.0 \cr
#' }
#' @param StartParam (optional) [numeric] vector of parameter values used to start global search calibration procedure (e.g. Calibration_optim)
#' \tabular{llllll}{
#' \tab [X1] \tab [X2] \tab [X3] \tab [...] \tab [Xi] \cr
#' \tab 1000 \tab -0.5 \tab 22 \tab ... \tab 1.1 \cr
#' }
#' @param StartParamList (optional) [numeric] matrix of parameter sets used for grid-screening calibration procedure (values in columns, sets in line)
#' \tabular{llllll}{
#' \tab [X1] \tab [X2] \tab [X3] \tab [...] \tab [Xi] \cr
#' [set1] \tab 800 \tab -0.7 \tab 25 \tab ... \tab 1.0 \cr
#' [set2] \tab 1000 \tab -0.5 \tab 22 \tab ... \tab 1.1 \cr
#' [...] \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#' [set n] \tab 200 \tab -0.3 \tab 17 \tab ... \tab 1.0 \cr
#' }
#' @param StartParamDistrib (optional) [numeric] matrix of parameter values used for grid-screening calibration procedure (values in columns, percentiles in line) \cr
#' \tabular{llllll}{
#' \tab [X1] \tab [X2] \tab [X3] \tab [...] \tab [Xi] \cr
#' [value1] \tab 800 \tab -0.7 \tab 25 \tab ... \tab 1.0 \cr
#' [value2] \tab 1000 \tab NA \tab 50 \tab ... \tab 1.2 \cr
#' [value3] \tab 1200 \tab NA \tab NA \tab ... \tab 1.6 \cr
#' }
#' @return [list] object of class \emph{CalibOptions} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{$OptimParam } \tab [boolean] vector of booleans indicating which parameters must be optimised \cr
#' \emph{$FixedParam } \tab [numeric] vector giving the values to allocate to non-optimised parameter values \cr
#' \emph{$SearchRanges } \tab [numeric] matrix giving the ranges of real parameters \cr
#' \emph{$StartParam } \tab [numeric] vector of parameter values used to start global search calibration procedure \cr
#' \emph{$StartParamList } \tab [numeric] matrix of parameter sets used for grid-screening calibration procedure \cr
#' \emph{$StartParamDistrib} \tab [numeric] matrix of parameter values used for grid-screening calibration procedure \cr
#' }
CreateCalibOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_HBAN,FUN_TRANSFO=NULL,RunOptions=NULL,OptimParam=NULL,FixedParam=NULL,SearchRanges=NULL,
ObjectClass <- NULL;
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR4J" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR5J" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR6J" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeige )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeige" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeigeGR4J"); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeigeGR5J"); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeigeGR6J"); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_MOD for use in CreateCalibOptions \n"); return(NULL); }
if(identical(FUN_CALIB,Calibration_HBAN )){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"HBAN" ); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(identical(FUN_CALIB,Calibration_optim)){ ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"optim"); BOOL <- TRUE; }
if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_CALIB for use in CreateCalibOptions \n"); return(NULL); }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J ) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) ){ FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR4J ; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J ) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) ){ FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR5J ; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J ) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J) ){ FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR6J ; }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeige) ){ FUN1 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige; }
if(is.null(FUN1)){ stop("FUN1 was not found \n"); return(NULL); }
FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige;
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeige)){
} else {
FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn,Direction){
Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn);
if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn); }
ParamOut <- NA*ParamIn;
NParam <- ncol(ParamIn);
if(NParam <= 3){
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-2)] <- FUN1(cbind(ParamIn[,1:(NParam-2)]),Direction);
} else {
ParamOut[, 1:(NParam-2)] <- FUN1(ParamIn[,1:(NParam-2) ],Direction); }
ParamOut[,(NParam-1):NParam ] <- FUN2(ParamIn[,(NParam-1):NParam],Direction);
if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamOut <- ParamOut[1,]; }
if(is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)){ stop("FUN_TRANSFO was not found \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions")==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' if not null= \n"); return(NULL); }
if("GR4J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 4; }
if("GR5J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 5; }
if("GR6J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 6; }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 2; }
if("CemaNeigeGR4J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 6; }
if("CemaNeigeGR5J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 7; }
if("CemaNeigeGR6J" %in% ObjectClass){ NParam <- 8; }
OptimParam <- rep(TRUE,NParam);
} else {
if(!is.vector(OptimParam) ){ stop("OptimParam must be a vector of booleans \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(OptimParam)!=NParam){ stop("Incompatibility between OptimParam length and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.logical(OptimParam) ){ stop("OptimParam must be a vector of booleans \n"); return(NULL); }
FixedParam <- rep(NA,NParam);
} else {
if(!is.vector(FixedParam) ){ stop("FixedParam must be a vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(FixedParam)!=NParam ){ stop("Incompatibility between OptimParam length and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(FixedParam[!OptimParam])){ stop("if OptimParam[i]==FALSE, FixedParam[i] must be a numeric value \n"); return(NULL); }
ParamT <- matrix(c(rep(-9.99,NParam),rep(+9.99,NParam)),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE);
SearchRanges <- TransfoParam(ParamIn=ParamT,Direction="TR",FUN_TRANSFO=FUN_TRANSFO);
} else {
if(!is.matrix( SearchRanges) ){ stop("SearchRanges must be a matrix \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(SearchRanges) ){ stop("SearchRanges must be a matrix of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0){ stop("SearchRanges must not include NA values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(nrow(SearchRanges)!=2 ){ stop("SearchRanges must have 2 rows \n"); return(NULL); }
if(ncol(SearchRanges)!=NParam ){ stop("Incompatibility between SearchRanges ncol and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
if( ("HBAN" %in% ObjectClass & is.null(StartParamList) & is.null(StartParamDistrib)) |
("optim" %in% ObjectClass & is.null(StartParam)) ){
if("GR4J"%in% ObjectClass){
ParamT <- matrix( c( +3.60, -2.00, +3.40, -9.10,
+3.90, -0.90, +4.10, -8.70,
+4.50, -0.10, +5.00, -8.10),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE); }
if("GR5J"%in% ObjectClass){
ParamT <- matrix( c( +3.60, -1.70, +3.30, -9.10, -0.70,
+3.90, -0.60, +4.10, -8.70, +0.30,
+4.50, -0.10, +5.00, -8.10, +0.50),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE); }
if("GR6J"%in% ObjectClass){
ParamT <- matrix( c( +3.60, -1.00, +3.30, -9.10, -0.90, +3.00,
+3.90, -0.50, +4.10, -8.70, +0.10, +4.00,
+4.50, +0.50, +5.00, -8.10, +1.10, +5.00),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE); }
if("CemaNeige"%in% ObjectClass){
ParamT <- matrix( c( -6.26, +0.55,
-2.13, +0.92,
+4.86, +1.40),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE); }
if("CemaNeigeGR4J"%in% ObjectClass){
ParamT <- matrix( c( +3.60, -2.00, +3.40, -9.10, -6.26, +0.55,
+3.90, -0.90, +4.10, -8.70, -2.13, +0.92,
+4.50, -0.10, +5.00, -8.10, +4.86, +1.40),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE); }
if("CemaNeigeGR5J"%in% ObjectClass){
ParamT <- matrix( c( +3.60, -1.70, +3.30, -9.10, -0.70, -6.26, +0.55,
+3.90, -0.60, +4.10, -8.70, +0.30, -2.13, +0.92,
+4.50, -0.10, +5.00, -8.10, +0.50, +4.86, +1.40),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE); }
if("CemaNeigeGR6J"%in% ObjectClass){
ParamT <- matrix( c( +3.60, -1.00, +3.30, -9.10, -0.90, +3.00, -6.26, +0.55,
+3.90, -0.50, +4.10, -8.70, +0.10, +4.00, -2.13, +0.92,
+4.50, +0.50, +5.00, -8.10, +1.10, +5.00, +4.86, +1.40),ncol=NParam,byrow=TRUE); }
StartParamList <- NULL;
StartParamDistrib <- TransfoParam(ParamIn=ParamT,Direction="TR",FUN_TRANSFO=FUN_TRANSFO);
StartParam <- StartParamDistrib[2,];
if("HBAN" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(StartParamList)){
if(!is.matrix( StartParamList) ){ stop("StartParamList must be a matrix \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(StartParamList) ){ stop("StartParamList must be a matrix of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0){ stop("StartParamList must not include NA values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(ncol(StartParamList)!=NParam ){ stop("Incompatibility between StartParamList ncol and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
if("HBAN" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(StartParamDistrib)){
if(!is.matrix( StartParamDistrib) ){ stop("StartParamDistrib must be a matrix \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(StartParamDistrib[1,]) ){ stop("StartParamDistrib must be a matrix of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum([1,]))!=0){ stop("StartParamDistrib must not include NA values on the first line \n"); return(NULL); }
if(ncol(StartParamDistrib)!=NParam ){ stop("Incompatibility between StartParamDistrib ncol and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
if("optim" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(StartParam)){
if(!is.vector( StartParam) ){ stop("StartParam must be a vector \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(StartParam) ){ stop("StartParam must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0 ){ stop("StartParam must not include NA values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(StartParam)!=NParam ){ stop("Incompatibility between StartParam length and FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
CalibOptions <- list(OptimParam=OptimParam,FixedParam=FixedParam,SearchRanges=SearchRanges);
if(!is.null(StartParam )){ CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions,list(StartParam=StartParam)); }
if(!is.null(StartParamList )){ CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions,list(StartParamList=StartParamList)); }
if(!is.null(StartParamDistrib)){ CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions,list(StartParamDistrib=StartParamDistrib)); }
class(CalibOptions) <- c("CalibOptions",ObjectClass);
#' Creation of the InputsCrit object required to the ErrorCrit functions.
#' Users wanting to use FUN_CRIT functions that are not included in
#' the package must create their own InputsCrit object accordingly.
#' @title Creation of the InputsCrit object required to the ErrorCrit functions
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}
#' @example tests/example_ErrorCrit.R
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param FUN_CRIT [function] error criterion function (e.g. ErrorCrit_RMSE, ErrorCrit_NSE)
#' @param InputsModel [object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details
#' @param RunOptions [object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details
#' @param Qobs [numeric] series of observed discharges [mm]
#' @param BoolCrit (optional) [boolean] boolean giving the time steps to consider in the computation (all time steps are consider by default)
#' @param transfo (optional) [character] name of the transformation (e.g. "", "sqrt", "log", "inv", "sort")
#' @param Ind_zeroes (optional) [numeric] indices of the time-steps where zeroes are observed
#' @param epsilon (optional) [numeric] epsilon to add to all Qobs and Qsim if \emph{$Ind_zeroes} is not empty
#' @return [list] object of class \emph{InputsCrit} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{$BoolCrit } \tab [boolean] boolean giving the time steps to consider in the computation \cr
#' \emph{$Qobs } \tab [numeric] series of observed discharges [mm] \cr
#' \emph{$transfo } \tab [character] name of the transformation (e.g. "", "sqrt", "log", "inv", "sort") \cr
#' \emph{$Ind_zeroes} \tab [numeric] indices of the time-steps where zeroes are observed \cr
#' \emph{$epsilon } \tab [numeric] epsilon to add to all Qobs and Qsim if \emph{$Ind_zeroes} is not empty \cr
#' }
CreateInputsCrit <- function(FUN_CRIT,InputsModel,RunOptions,Qobs,BoolCrit=NULL,transfo="",Ind_zeroes=NULL,epsilon=NULL){
ObjectClass <- NULL;
if(identical(FUN_CRIT,ErrorCrit_RMSE) | identical(FUN_CRIT,ErrorCrit_NSE) | identical(FUN_CRIT,ErrorCrit_KGE) | identical(FUN_CRIT,ErrorCrit_KGE2)){
if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_CRIT for use in CreateInputsCrit \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n" ); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(RunOptions ,"RunOptions" )==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n" ); return(NULL); }
LLL <- length(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run])
if(is.null(Qobs) ){ stop("Qobs is missing \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( Qobs)){ stop(paste("Qobs must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(Qobs)){ stop(paste("Qobs must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if(length(Qobs)!=LLL){ stop("Qobs and InputsModel series must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); }
if(is.null(BoolCrit)){ BoolCrit <- rep(TRUE,length(Qobs)); }
if(!is.logical(BoolCrit)){ stop("BoolCrit must be a vector of boolean \n" ); return(NULL); }
if(length(BoolCrit)!=LLL){ stop("BoolCrit and InputsModel series must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); }
if(is.null(transfo) ){ stop("transfo must be a chosen among the following: '', 'sqrt', 'log' or 'inv' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( transfo)){ stop("transfo must be a chosen among the following: '', 'sqrt', 'log' or 'inv' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(transfo)!=1 ){ stop("transfo must be a chosen among the following: '', 'sqrt', 'log' or 'inv' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.character(transfo)){ stop("transfo must be a chosen among the following: '', 'sqrt', 'log' or 'inv' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(transfo %in% c("","sqrt","log","inv") == FALSE){
stop("transfo must be a chosen among the following: '', 'sqrt', 'log' or 'inv' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( Ind_zeroes)){ stop("Ind_zeroes must be a vector of integers \n" ); return(NULL); }
if(!is.integer(Ind_zeroes)){ stop("Ind_zeroes must be a vector of integers \n" ); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( epsilon) | length(epsilon)!=1 | !is.numeric(epsilon)){
stop("epsilon must be single numeric value \n" ); return(NULL); }
InputsCrit <- list(BoolCrit=BoolCrit,Qobs=Qobs,transfo=transfo,Ind_zeroes=Ind_zeroes,epsilon=epsilon);
class(InputsCrit) <- c("InputsCrit",ObjectClass);
#' Creation of the InputsModel object required to the RunModel functions.
#' Users wanting to use FUN_MOD functions that are not included in
#' the package must create their own InputsModel object accordingly.
#' @title Creation of the InputsModel object required to the RunModel functions
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}, \code{\link{DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN}}
#' @example tests/example_RunModel.R
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param FUN_MOD [function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)
#' @param DatesR [POSIXlt] vector of dates required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param Precip [numeric] time series of daily total precipitation (catchment average) [mm], required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param PotEvap [numeric] time series of daily potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) [mm], required to create the GR model inputs
#' @param TempMean [numeric] time series of daily mean air temperature [degC], required to create the CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param TempMin (optional) [numeric] time series of daily min air temperature [degC], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param TempMax (optional) [numeric] time series of daily max air temperature [degC], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param ZInputs (optional) [numeric] real giving the mean elevation of the Precip and Temp series (before extrapolation) [m]
#' @param HypsoData (optional) [numeric] vector of 101 reals: min, q01 to q99 and max of catchment elevation distribution [m], required to create the GR model inputs, if not defined a single elevation is used for CemaNeige
#' @param NLayers (optional) [numeric] integer giving the number of elevation layers requested [-], required to create the GR model inputs, default=5
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] object of class \emph{InputsModel} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{$DatesR } \tab [POSIXlt] vector of dates \cr
#' \emph{$Precip } \tab [numeric] time series of daily total precipitation (catchment average) [mm] \cr
#' \emph{$PotEvap } \tab [numeric] time series of daily potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) [mm], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes GR4J, GR5J or GR6J \cr \cr
#' \emph{$LayerPrecip } \tab [list] list of time series of daily precipitation (layer average) [mm], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
#' \emph{$LayerTempMean } \tab [list] list of time series of daily mean air temperature (layer average) [degC], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
#' \emph{$LayerFracSolidPrecip} \tab [list] list of time series of daily solid precip. fract. (layer average) [-], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
#' }
CreateInputsModel <- function(FUN_MOD,DatesR,Precip,PotEvap=NULL,TempMean=NULL,TempMin=NULL,TempMax=NULL,ZInputs=NULL,HypsoData=NULL,NLayers=5,quiet=FALSE){
ObjectClass <- NULL;
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J)){
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"daily","GR");
TimeStep <- as.integer(24*60*60);
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"daily","CemaNeige");
TimeStep <- as.integer(24*60*60);
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"daily","GR","CemaNeige");
TimeStep <- as.integer(24*60*60);
if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_MOD for use in CreateInputsModel \n"); return(NULL); }
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass | "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
if(is.null(DatesR)){ stop("DatesR is missing \n"); return(NULL); }
if("POSIXlt" %in% class(DatesR) == FALSE & "POSIXct" %in% class(DatesR) == FALSE){ stop("DatesR must be defined as POSIXlt or POSIXct \n"); return(NULL); }
if("POSIXlt" %in% class(DatesR) == FALSE){ DatesR <- as.POSIXlt(DatesR); }
if(difftime(tail(DatesR,1),tail(DatesR,2),units="secs")[[1]]!=TimeStep){ stop(paste("the time step of the model inputs must be ",TimeStep," seconds \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
LLL <- length(DatesR);
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
if(is.null(Precip )){ stop("Precip is missing \n" ); return(NULL); }
if(is.null(PotEvap )){ stop("PotEvap is missing \n" ); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( Precip) | !is.vector( PotEvap)){ stop("Precip and PotEvap must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(Precip) | !is.numeric(PotEvap)){ stop("Precip and PotEvap must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(Precip)!=LLL | length(PotEvap)!=LLL){ stop("Precip, PotEvap and DatesR must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
if(is.null(Precip )){ stop("Precip is missing \n" ); return(NULL); }
if(is.null(TempMean)){ stop("TempMean is missing \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( Precip) | !is.vector( TempMean)){ stop("Precip and TempMean must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(Precip) | !is.numeric(TempMean)){ stop("Precip and TempMean must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(Precip)!=LLL | length(TempMean)!=LLL){ stop("Precip, TempMean and DatesR must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); }
if(is.null(TempMin)!=is.null(TempMax)){ stop("TempMin and TempMax must be both defined if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)){
if(!is.vector( TempMin) | !is.vector( TempMax)){ stop("TempMin and TempMax must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(TempMin) | !is.numeric(TempMax)){ stop("TempMin and TempMax must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(TempMin)!=LLL | length(TempMax)!=LLL){ stop("TempMin, TempMax and DatesR must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( HypsoData)){ stop("HypsoData must be a vector of numeric values if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(HypsoData)){ stop("HypsoData must be a vector of numeric values if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(HypsoData)!=101){ stop("HypsoData must be of length 101 if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0 & sum(!=101){ stop("HypsoData must not contain any NA if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(ZInputs)!=1 ){ stop("\t ZInputs must be a single numeric value if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
if( | !is.numeric(ZInputs)){ stop("\t ZInputs must be a single numeric value if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!quiet){ warning("\t HypsoData is missing => a single layer is used and no extrapolation is made \n"); }
HypsoData <- as.numeric(rep(NA,101)); ZInputs <- as.numeric(NA); NLayers <- as.integer(1);
if(!quiet & !identical(HypsoData,as.numeric(rep(NA,101)))){ warning("\t ZInputs is missing => HypsoData[51] is used \n"); }
ZInputs <- HypsoData[51];
BOOL_NA <- rep(FALSE,length(DatesR));
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
BOOL_NA_TMP <- (Precip < 0) | ); if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < 0 or NA values detected in Precip series \n"); } }
BOOL_NA_TMP <- (PotEvap < 0) |; if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < 0 or NA values detected in PotEvap series \n"); } }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
BOOL_NA_TMP <- (Precip < 0 ) | ); if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < 0 or NA values detected in Precip series \n"); } }
BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMean<(-150)) |; if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < -150) or NA values detected in TempMean series \n"); } }
if(!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)){
BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMin<(-150)) |; if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < -150) or NA values detected in TempMin series \n"); } }
BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMax<(-150)) |; if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < -150) or NA values detected in TempMax series \n"); } } }
WTxt <- NULL;
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Missing values are not allowed in InputsModel \n",sep="");
Select <- (max(which(BOOL_NA))+1):length(BOOL_NA);
if(Select[1]>Select[2]){ stop(paste("time series could not be trunced since missing values were detected at the list time-step \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
Precip <- Precip[Select]; PotEvap <- PotEvap[Select]; }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
Precip <- Precip[Select]; TempMean <- TempMean[Select]; if(!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)){ TempMin <- TempMin[Select]; TempMax <- TempMax[Select]; } }
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> data were trunced to keep the most recent available time-steps \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> ",length(Select)," time-steps were kept \n",sep="");
if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
RESULT <- DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN(DatesR=DatesR,Precip=Precip,TempMean=TempMean,TempMin=TempMin,TempMax=TempMax,ZInputs=ZInputs,HypsoData=HypsoData,NLayers=NLayers,quiet=quiet);
if(!quiet){ if(NLayers==1){ cat(paste("\t Input series were successfully created on 1 elevation layer for use by CemaNeige \n",sep=""));
} else { cat(paste("\t Input series were successfully created on ",NLayers," elevation layers for use by CemaNeige \n",sep="")); } }
InputsModel <- list(DatesR=DatesR);
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
InputsModel <- c(InputsModel,list(Precip=as.double(Precip),PotEvap=as.double(PotEvap))); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
InputsModel <- c(InputsModel,list(LayerPrecip=RESULT$LayerPrecip,LayerTempMean=RESULT$LayerTempMean,
LayerFracSolidPrecip=RESULT$LayerFracSolidPrecip,ZLayers=RESULT$ZLayers)); }
class(InputsModel) <- c("InputsModel",ObjectClass);
#' Creation of the RunOptions object required to the RunModel functions.
#' Users wanting to use FUN_MOD functions that are not included in
#' the package must create their own RunOptions object accordingly.
#' ##### Initialisation options #####
#' The model initialisation options can either be set to a default configuration or be defined by the user.
#' This is done via three vectors: \cr \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp}, \emph{IniStates}, \emph{IniResLevels}. \cr
#' A default configuration is used for initialisation if these vectors are not defined.
#' (1) Default initialisation options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} default setting ensures a one-year warm-up using the time-steps preceding the \emph{IndPeriod_Run}.
#' The actual length of this warm-up might be shorter depending on data availability (no missing value being allowed on model input series).
#' \item \emph{IniStates} and \emph{IniResLevels} are automatically set to initialise all the model states at 0, except for the production and routing stores which are initialised at 50\% of their capacity. This initialisation is made at the very beginning of the model call (i.e. at the beginning of \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} or at the beginning of IndPeriod_Run if the warm-up period is disabled).
#' }
#' (2) Customisation of initialisation options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} can be used to specify the indices of the warm-up period (within the time-series prepared in InputsModel). \cr
#' - remark 1: for most common cases, indices corresponding to one or several years preceding \emph{IndPeriod_Run} are used (e.g. \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp <- 1000:1365} and \emph{IndPeriod_Run <- 1366:5000)}. \cr
#' However, it is also possible to perform a long-term initialisation if other indices than the warm-up ones are set in \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} (e.g. \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp <- c( 1:5000 , 1:5000 , 1:5000 ,1000:1365 )}). \cr
#' - remark 2: it is also possible to completely disable the warm-up period when using \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp <- 0}.
#' \item \emph{IniStates} and \emph{IniResLevels} can be used to specify the initial model states. \cr
#' - remark 1: if \emph{IniStates} is used, all model states must be provided (e.g. 60 floats [mm] are required for GR4J, GR5J and GR6J; 60+2*NLayers floats [mm] are required for CemaNeigeGR4J, CemaNeigeGR5J and CemaNeigeGR6J; see fortran source code for details). \cr
#' - remark 2: in addition to \emph{IniStates}, \emph{IniResLevels} allows to set the filling rate of the production and routing stores for the GR models. For instance for GR4J, GR5J and GR6J: \emph{IniResLevels <- c(0.3,0.5)} should be used to obtain initial fillings of 30\% and 50\% for the production and routing stores, respectively. \emph{IniResLevels} is optional and can only be used if \emph{IniStates} is also defined (the state values corresponding to these two stores in \emph{IniStates} are not used in such case). \cr \cr
#' }
#' @title Creation of the RunOptions object required to the RunModel functions
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}
#' @example tests/example_RunModel.R
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param FUN_MOD [function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)
#' @param InputsModel [object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details
#' @param IndPeriod_WarmUp (optional) [numeric] index of period to be used for the model warm-up [-]
#' @param IndPeriod_Run [numeric] index of period to be used for the model run [-]
#' @param IniStates (optional) [numeric] vector of initial model states [mm]
#' @param IniResLevels (optional) [numeric] vector of initial filling rates for production and routing stores (2 values between 0 and 1) [-]
#' @param Outputs_Cal (optional) [character] vector giving the outputs needed for the calibration \cr (e.g. c("Qsim")), the least outputs the fastest the calibration
#' @param Outputs_Sim (optional) [character] vector giving the requested outputs \cr (e.g. c("DatesR","Qsim","SnowPack")), default="all"
#' @param RunSnowModule (optional) [boolean] option indicating whether CemaNeige should be activated, default=TRUE
#' @param MeanAnSolidPrecip (optional) [numeric] vector giving the annual mean of average solid precipitation for each layer (computed from InputsModel if not defined) [mm/y]
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] object of class \emph{RunOptions} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp } \tab [numeric] index of period to be used for the model warm-up [-] \cr
#' \emph{IndPeriod_Run } \tab [numeric] index of period to be used for the model run [-] \cr
#' \emph{IniStates } \tab [numeric] vector of initial model states [mm] \cr
#' \emph{IniResLevels } \tab [numeric] vector of initial filling rates for production and routing stores [-] \cr
#' \emph{Outputs_Cal } \tab [character] character vector giving only the outputs needed for the calibration \cr
#' \emph{Outputs_Sim } \tab [character] character vector giving the requested outputs \cr
#' \emph{RunSnowModule } \tab [boolean] option indicating whether CemaNeige should be activated \cr
#' \emph{MeanAnSolidPrecip} \tab [numeric] vector giving the annual mean of average solid precipitation for each layer [mm/y] \cr
#' }
CreateRunOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,InputsModel,IndPeriod_WarmUp=NULL,IndPeriod_Run,IniStates=NULL,IniResLevels=NULL,
ObjectClass <- NULL;
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J)){
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","daily");
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeige","daily");
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","CemaNeige","daily");
if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_MOD for use in CreateRunOptions \n"); return(NULL); }
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
if("daily" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"daily")){
stop("InputsModel must be of class 'daily' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.vector( IndPeriod_Run)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(IndPeriod_Run)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a continuous sequence of integers \n"); return(NULL); }
if(storage.mode(IndPeriod_Run)!="integer"){ stop("IndPeriod_Run should be of type integer \n"); return(NULL); }
WTxt <- NULL;
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Model warm-up period not defined -> default configuration used \n",sep="");
IndPeriod_WarmUp <- as.integer(0);
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t No data were found for model warm-up! \n",sep="");
} else {
TmpDateR <- InputsModel$DatesR[IndPeriod_Run[1]] - 365*24*60*60; ### minimal date to start the warmup
IndPeriod_WarmUp <- which(InputsModel$DatesR==max(InputsModel$DatesR[1],TmpDateR)) : (IndPeriod_Run[1]-1);
if("daily" %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer( 24*60*60); }
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t The year preceding the run period is used \n",sep="");
} else {
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Less than a year (without missing values) was found for model warm-up: \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Only ",length(IndPeriod_WarmUp)," time-steps are used! \n",sep="");
if(!is.vector( IndPeriod_WarmUp)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(IndPeriod_WarmUp)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(storage.mode(IndPeriod_WarmUp)!="integer"){ stop("IndPeriod_Run should be of type integer \n"); return(NULL); }
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t No warm-up period is used! \n",sep=""); }
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Model warm-up period is not directly before the model run period \n",sep=""); }
if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }
if(is.null(IniStates) & is.null(IniResLevels) & !quiet){
warning("\t Model states initialisation not defined -> default configuration used \n"); }
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
if("daily" %in% ObjectClass){ NH <- 20; }
} else {
NH <- 0;
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip); } else { NLayers <- 0; }
NState <- 3*NH + 2*NLayers;
if(!is.vector( IniStates) ){ stop("IniStates must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(IniStates) ){ stop("IniStates must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(IniStates)!=NState){ stop(paste("the length of IniStates must be ",NState," for the chosen FUN_MOD \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
} else {
IniStates <- as.double(rep(0.0,NState));
if(!is.vector(IniResLevels) ){ stop("IniResLevels must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(IniResLevels)){ stop("IniResLevels must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(IniResLevels)!=2 ) { stop("the length of IniStates must be 2 for the chosen FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL); }
} else {
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){ IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3,0.5)); }
Outputs_all <- NULL;
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QR1","Exp","QD","Qsim"); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt"); }
if(!is.vector( Outputs_Sim)){ stop("Outputs_Sim must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.character(Outputs_Sim)){ stop("Outputs_Sim must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0){ stop("Outputs_Sim must not contain NA \n"); return(NULL); }
if("all" %in% Outputs_Sim){ Outputs_Sim <- c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd"); }
Test <- which(Outputs_Sim %in% c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd") == FALSE); if(length(Test)!=0){
stop(paste("Outputs_Sim is incorrectly defined: ",paste(Outputs_Sim[Test],collapse=", ")," not found \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Outputs_Sim <- Outputs_Sim[!duplicated(Outputs_Sim)];
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass ){ Outputs_Cal <- c("Qsim"); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass ){ Outputs_Cal <- c("all"); }
if("GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ Outputs_Cal <- c("PliqAndMelt","Qsim"); }
} else {
if(!is.vector( Outputs_Cal)){ stop("Outputs_Cal must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.character(Outputs_Cal)){ stop("Outputs_Cal must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL); }
if(sum(!=0){ stop("Outputs_Cal must not contain NA \n"); return(NULL); }
if("all" %in% Outputs_Cal){ Outputs_Cal <- c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd"); }
Test <- which(Outputs_Cal %in% c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd") == FALSE); if(length(Test)!=0){
stop(paste("Outputs_Cal is incorrectly defined: ",paste(Outputs_Cal[Test],collapse=", ")," not found \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
Outputs_Cal <- Outputs_Cal[!duplicated(Outputs_Cal)];
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
if(!is.vector( RunSnowModule)){ stop("RunSnowModule must be a single boolean \n"); return(NULL); }
if(!is.logical(RunSnowModule)){ stop("RunSnowModule must be either TRUE or FALSE \n"); return(NULL); }
if(length(RunSnowModule)!=1 ){ stop("RunSnowModule must be either TRUE or FALSE \n"); return(NULL); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)){
NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip);
SolidPrecip <- NULL; for(iLayer in 1:NLayers){
if(iLayer==1){ SolidPrecip <- InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[1]]*InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]]/NLayers;
} else { SolidPrecip <- SolidPrecip + InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]]*InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]]/NLayers; } }
Factor <- NULL;
if(inherits(InputsModel,"hourly" )){ Factor <- 365.25*24; }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"daily" )){ Factor <- 365.25; }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"monthly")){ Factor <- 12; }
if(inherits(InputsModel,"yearly" )){ Factor <- 1; }
if(is.null(Factor)){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly' \n"); return(NULL); }
MeanAnSolidPrecip <- rep(mean(SolidPrecip)*Factor,NLayers); ### default value: same Gseuil for all layers
if(!quiet){ warning("\t MeanAnSolidPrecip not defined -> it was automatically set to c(",paste(round(MeanAnSolidPrecip),collapse=","),") \n"); }
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)){
if(!is.vector( MeanAnSolidPrecip) ){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if(!is.numeric(MeanAnSolidPrecip) ){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if(length(MeanAnSolidPrecip)!=NLayers){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a numeric vector of length ",NLayers," \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
if(RunSnowModule & "GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE){
WTxt <- NULL;
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Cal but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow module outputs \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }
Outputs_Cal <- c(Outputs_Cal,"PliqAndMelt"); }
if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE){
WTxt <- NULL;
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Sim but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow module outputs \n",sep="");
WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }
Outputs_Sim <- c(Outputs_Sim,"PliqAndMelt"); }
RunOptions <- list(IndPeriod_WarmUp=IndPeriod_WarmUp,IndPeriod_Run=IndPeriod_Run,IniStates=IniStates,IniResLevels=IniResLevels,
if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
RunOptions <- c(RunOptions,list(RunSnowModule=RunSnowModule,MeanAnSolidPrecip=MeanAnSolidPrecip)); }
class(RunOptions) <- c("RunOptions",ObjectClass);
This diff is collapsed.
R/ErrorCrit.R 0 → 100644
#' Function which computes an error criterion with the provided function.
#' @title Error criterion using the provided function
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_NSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_KGE}}
#' @example tests/example_ErrorCrit.R
#' @useDynLib airgr
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param InputsCrit [object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details
#' @param OutputsModel [object of class \emph{OutputsModel}] see \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}} or \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}} for details
#' @param FUN_CRIT [function] error criterion function (e.g. ErrorCrit_RMSE, ErrorCrit_NSE)
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] list containing the function outputs, see \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}} or \code{\link{ErrorCrit_NSE}} for details
ErrorCrit <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,FUN_CRIT,quiet=FALSE){
return( FUN_CRIT(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,quiet=quiet) )
#' Function which computes an error criterion based on the KGE formula proposed by Gupta et al. (2009).
#' In addition to the criterion value, the function outputs include a multiplier (-1 or +1) which allows
#' the use of the function for model calibration: the product CritValue*Multiplier is the criterion to be minimised
#' (e.g. Multiplier=+1 for RMSE, Multiplier=-1 for NSE).
#' @title Error criterion based on the KGE formula
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @references
#' Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K. and Martinez, G. F. (2009),
#' Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria: Implications
#' for improving hydrological modelling, Journal of Hydrology, 377(1-2), 80-91, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.08.003. \cr
#' @seealso \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_NSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_KGE2}}
#' @examples ## see example of the ErrorCrit function
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param InputsCrit [object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details
#' @param OutputsModel [object of class \emph{OutputsModel}] see \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}} or \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}} for details
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{$CritValue } \tab [numeric] value of the criterion \cr
#' \emph{$CritName } \tab [character] name of the criterion \cr
#' \emph{$SubCritValues } \tab [numeric] values of the sub-criteria \cr
#' \emph{$SubCritNames } \tab [character] names of the sub-criteria \cr
#' \emph{$CritBestValue } \tab [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr
#' \emph{$Multiplier } \tab [numeric] integer indicating whether the criterion is indeed an error (+1) or an efficiency (-1) \cr
#' \emph{$Ind_notcomputed} \tab [numeric] indices of the time-steps where InputsCrit$BoolCrit=FALSE or no data is available \cr
#' }
ErrorCrit_KGE <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,quiet=FALSE){
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"OutputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
CritName <- NA;
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="" ){ CritName <- "KGE[Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ CritName <- "KGE[sqrt(Q)]"; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ CritName <- "KGE[log(Q)]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ CritName <- "KGE[1/Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ CritName <- "KGE[sort(Q)]"; }
CritValue <- NA;
CritBestValue <- +1;
Multiplier <- -1; ### must be equal to -1 or +1 only
VarObs <- InputsCrit$Qobs ; VarObs[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
VarSim <- OutputsModel$Qsim; VarSim[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
if("Ind_zeroes" %in% names(InputsCrit) & "epsilon" %in% names(InputsCrit)){ if(length(InputsCrit$Ind_zeroes)>0){
VarObs <- VarObs + InputsCrit$epsilon;
VarSim <- VarSim + InputsCrit$epsilon;
} }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ VarObs <- sqrt(VarObs); VarSim <- sqrt(VarSim); }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ VarObs <- log(VarObs) ; VarSim <- log(VarSim) ; VarSim[VarSim < -1E100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ VarObs <- 1/VarObs ; VarSim <- 1/VarSim ; VarSim[abs(VarSim) > 1E+100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ VarObs <- sort(VarObs); VarSim <- sort(VarSim); }
TS_ignore <- !is.finite(VarObs) | !is.finite(VarSim) | !InputsCrit$BoolCrit ;
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==0){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)<365 & !quiet){ warning("\t criterion computed on less than 365 time-steps \n"); }
meanVarObs <- mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
meanVarSim <- mean(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
iCrit <- 0;
SubCritNames <- NULL;
SubCritValues <- NULL;
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," rPEARSON(sim vs. obs)",sep="");
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
Numer <- sum( (VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)*(VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim) );
Deno1 <- sqrt( sum((VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)^2) );
Deno2 <- sqrt( sum((VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim)^2) );
if(Numer==0){ if(Deno1==0 & Deno2==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- 0; }
} else { Crit <- Numer/(Deno1*Deno2); }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," STDEVsim/STDEVobs",sep="");
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
Numer <- sd(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
Denom <- sd(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
if(Numer==0 & Denom==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- Numer/Denom ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," MEANsim/MEANobs",sep="");
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
if(meanVarSim==0 & meanVarObs==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- meanVarSim/meanVarObs ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
CritValue <- ( 1 - sqrt( (SubCritValues[1]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[2]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[3]-1)^2 ) );
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue,CritName,SubCritValues,SubCritNames,CritBestValue,Multiplier,which(TS_ignore));
names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue","CritName","SubCritValues","SubCritNames","CritBestValue","Multiplier","Ind_notcomputed");
#' Function which computes an error criterion based on the KGE' formula proposed by Kling et al. (2012).
#' In addition to the criterion value, the function outputs include a multiplier (-1 or +1) which allows
#' the use of the function for model calibration: the product CritValue*Multiplier is the criterion to be minimised
#' (e.g. Multiplier=+1 for RMSE, Multiplier=-1 for NSE).
#' @title Error criterion based on the KGE' formula
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @references
#' Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K. and Martinez, G. F. (2009),
#' Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria: Implications
#' for improving hydrological modelling, Journal of Hydrology, 377(1-2), 80-91, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.08.003. \cr
#' Kling, H., Fuchs, M. and Paulin, M. (2012),
#' Runoff conditions in the upper Danube basin under an ensemble of climate change scenarios,
#' Journal of Hydrology, 424-425, 264-277, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.01.011.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_NSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_KGE}}
#' @examples ## see example of the ErrorCrit function
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param InputsCrit [object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details
#' @param OutputsModel [object of class \emph{OutputsModel}] see \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}} or \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}} for details
#' @param quiet (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return [list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \emph{$CritValue } \tab [numeric] value of the criterion \cr
#' \emph{$CritName } \tab [character] name of the criterion \cr
#' \emph{$SubCritValues } \tab [numeric] values of the sub-criteria \cr
#' \emph{$SubCritNames } \tab [character] names of the sub-criteria \cr
#' \emph{$CritBestValue } \tab [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr
#' \emph{$Multiplier } \tab [numeric] integer indicating whether the criterion is indeed an error (+1) or an efficiency (-1) \cr
#' \emph{$Ind_notcomputed} \tab [numeric] indices of the time-steps where InputsCrit$BoolCrit=FALSE or no data is available \cr
#' }
ErrorCrit_KGE2 <- function(InputsCrit,OutputsModel,quiet=FALSE){
if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }
if(inherits(OutputsModel,"OutputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("OutputsModel must be of class 'OutputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }
CritName <- NA;
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="" ){ CritName <- "KGE'[Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ CritName <- "KGE'[sqrt(Q)]"; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ CritName <- "KGE'[log(Q)]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ CritName <- "KGE'[1/Q]" ; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ CritName <- "KGE'[sort(Q)]"; }
CritValue <- NA;
CritBestValue <- +1;
Multiplier <- -1; ### must be equal to -1 or +1 only
VarObs <- InputsCrit$Qobs ; VarObs[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
VarSim <- OutputsModel$Qsim; VarSim[!InputsCrit$BoolCrit] <- NA;
if("Ind_zeroes" %in% names(InputsCrit) & "epsilon" %in% names(InputsCrit)){ if(length(InputsCrit$Ind_zeroes)>0){
VarObs <- VarObs + InputsCrit$epsilon;
VarSim <- VarSim + InputsCrit$epsilon;
} }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sqrt"){ VarObs <- sqrt(VarObs); VarSim <- sqrt(VarSim); }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="log" ){ VarObs <- log(VarObs) ; VarSim <- log(VarSim) ; VarSim[VarSim < -1E100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="inv" ){ VarObs <- 1/VarObs ; VarSim <- 1/VarSim ; VarSim[abs(VarSim) > 1E+100] <- NA; }
if(InputsCrit$transfo=="sort"){ VarObs <- sort(VarObs); VarSim <- sort(VarSim); }
TS_ignore <- !is.finite(VarObs) | !is.finite(VarSim) | !InputsCrit$BoolCrit ;
if(sum(!TS_ignore)==0){ OutputsCrit <- list(NA); names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue"); return(OutputsCrit); }
if(sum(!TS_ignore)<365 & !quiet){ warning("\t criterion computed on less than 365 time-steps \n"); }
meanVarObs <- mean(VarObs[!TS_ignore]);
meanVarSim <- mean(VarSim[!TS_ignore]);
iCrit <- 0;
SubCritNames <- NULL;
SubCritValues <- NULL;
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," rPEARSON(sim vs. obs)",sep="");
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
Numer <- sum( (VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)*(VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim) );
Deno1 <- sqrt( sum((VarObs[!TS_ignore]-meanVarObs)^2) );
Deno2 <- sqrt( sum((VarSim[!TS_ignore]-meanVarSim)^2) );
if(Numer==0){ if(Deno1==0 & Deno2==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- 0; }
} else { Crit <- Numer/(Deno1*Deno2); }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," CVsim/CVobs",sep="");
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
if(meanVarSim==0){ if(sd(VarSim[!TS_ignore])==0){ CVsim <- 1; } else { CVsim <- 99999; } } else { CVsim <- sd(VarSim[!TS_ignore])/meanVarSim; }
if(meanVarObs==0){ if(sd(VarObs[!TS_ignore])==0){ CVobs <- 1; } else { CVobs <- 99999; } } else { CVobs <- sd(VarObs[!TS_ignore])/meanVarObs; }
if(CVsim==0 & CVobs==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- CVsim/CVobs ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
iCrit <- iCrit+1;
SubCritNames[iCrit] <- paste(CritName," MEANsim/MEANobs",sep="");
SubCritValues[iCrit] <- NA;
if(meanVarSim==0 & meanVarObs==0){ Crit <- 1; } else { Crit <- meanVarSim/meanVarObs ; }
if(is.numeric(Crit) & is.finite(Crit)){ SubCritValues[iCrit] <- Crit; }
CritValue <- ( 1 - sqrt( (SubCritValues[1]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[2]-1)^2 + (SubCritValues[3]-1)^2 ) );
OutputsCrit <- list(CritValue,CritName,SubCritValues,SubCritNames,CritBestValue,Multiplier,which(TS_ignore));
names(OutputsCrit) <- c("CritValue","CritName","SubCritValues","SubCritNames","CritBestValue","Multiplier","Ind_notcomputed");
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