Embed Oudin's Fortran code
Embed Oudin's Fortran code
The PREMHYCE project need a faster version of the PE_Oudin()
The vectorization of the code is not satisfactory, it would be preferable to integrate the Fortran version of the code. I think that is a good idea to keep the R version of the code to facilitate the comprehension by the users. In this case we can add an argument to switch from the R code to the Fortran code.
- Delaigue Olivier added FORTRAN R SUGGESTION labels
- Delaigue Olivier created merge request !14 (merged) to address this issue
created merge request !14 (merged) to address this issue
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in merge request !14 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !14 (merged)
- Owner
Oh yes, we need it !
- Owner
I can do it if it helps.
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit c9036a46
mentioned in commit c9036a46
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit b9d55e29
mentioned in commit b9d55e29
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 1e6cbf40
mentioned in commit 1e6cbf40
- Delaigue Olivier closed via merge request !14 (merged)
closed via merge request !14 (merged)
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit d34d6c66
mentioned in commit d34d6c66
- Author Owner
NB: the usage of the function is not the same if
RunFortran = TRUE
can only be an atomic vector. - TRUE:
can be an atomic vector or a vector of the same length asTemp
- Owner
Indeed. For more clarity you could perhaps add a boolean to indicate if the calculation is done for several basins and check that it can only be activated with the RunFortran option.
- Thirel Guillaume reopened
- Owner
@francois.bourgin The way time series of different stations are put one after the other is not satisfying (low user readibility) and does not comply with the way other
functionnalities are implemented.I understand that you did that for CPU time reasons. Could you detail where the gain was? From calling less often the R function? From calling less often the frun function? The last Fortran function, which actually calculates PE, is anyway called for any time step of any basin.
I consider using
as input of the R code instead. - Owner
It just feels easier and faster to deal with gridded meteorological data. I don't really see the problem, the users don't have to use the new functionality if they don't need it, the default behaviour can be the same as before with a boolean value to indicate if the calculation is done for several locations.
- Owner
Ok I better see your point now.
So we actually have 4 options:
- performing
on the current R function (not efficient according to @francois.bourgin when you want to deal with gridded data on a single time step, possibly because of all checks); this solution is actually already available to users - the one proposed by @francois.bourgin (option allowing all grid points put as a time series and LAT proposed as a vector of same length)
- proposing that
(as inputs of the R function) have a spatial dimension, through lists or data.frames and- changing internally in the R function the data to vectors to run the Fortran on a single 'time series'
- proposing an
internally in the R function
Thinking out loud, I may also see a further option: a separate function for treating spatial data, with an option to agregate PE so that it can be directly inserted in other
functions.@olivier.delaigue we need to brainstorm
- performing
- Owner
I cleant the code proposed by @francois.bourgin and @olivier.delaigue , allowing for the implementation of @francois.bourgin option.
Changed all ET and ETP and PET to PE, indentation improved, everything in doubleprecision in
, conversion to radian only done in the R code, headers improved. Please check. - Owner
@antoine.pelletier spotted a couple of errors in the codes. Attached are modified versions of the two files.
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- Delaigue Olivier changed milestone to %v1.6.10
changed milestone to %v1.6.10
- Delaigue Olivier created merge request !19 (merged) to address this issue
created merge request !19 (merged) to address this issue
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in merge request !19 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !19 (merged)
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 52cf5081
mentioned in commit 52cf5081
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit d6f27bc0
mentioned in commit d6f27bc0
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 2a524d43
mentioned in commit 2a524d43
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 1d087445
mentioned in commit 1d087445
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 5107b586
mentioned in commit 5107b586
- Delaigue Olivier closed via merge request !19 (merged)
closed via merge request !19 (merged)
- Delaigue Olivier reopened
- Delaigue Olivier added Doing label
added Doing label
- Delaigue Olivier closed
- François Bourgin reopened
- Owner
See my comments in d6f27bc0
- Owner
This is true, my mistake. Correct code attached.
- Delaigue Olivier mentioned in commit 7d0ed682
mentioned in commit 7d0ed682
- Delaigue Olivier closed
- Delaigue Olivier marked this issue as related to #134 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #134 (closed)