changed milestone to %v1.6.11
added Doing ENHANCEMENT labels
added 1 commit
- d712248f - ci: dependencies issue with package 'usethis'
added 1 commit
- 355898b3 - ci: dependencies issue with package 'usethis'
added 1 commit
- 8ca348c0 - ci: dependencies issue with package 'usethis'
added 1 commit
- 2260f61a - ci: dependencies issue with package 'usethis'
added 1 commit
- 955afb44 - fix(RunModel): documentation of argument "..." in RunModel and Calibration
added 1 commit
- 7fda30e5 - ci: case sensitive issue on airGR.check folder
added 1 commit
- 959e1eb7 - ci(revdepcheck): add artifacts for browsing report documents after the job
added 1 commit
- a1524242 - ci(revdepcheck): Reverse dependency check only performs on schedules and tags
assigned to @olivier.delaigue and unassigned @david.dorchies
I opened this MR because of a warning check that was not revealed after #108 (closed).
So I started first to solve this issue of false positive test in order to get a failed job when a warning is encountered in the R check. I then solved the documentation issue with #108 (closed) and, finally, I have implemented the reverse dependency checking which is triggered on scheduled jobs and when a tag is created. It seems that it's working pretty well
If you are OK, I kindly ask you to merge this branch into devel so that I can finish my task on #110 (closed)...
removed Doing label
mentioned in issue #110 (closed)
See #110 (comment 37315) for details about the newly draft status.
added 11 commits
a1524242...db128c87 - 10 commits from branch
- 03ecb8d2 - Merge branch 'dev' into '86-gitlab-ci-correctly-handle-warning-and-note-in-checks'
a1524242...db128c87 - 10 commits from branch
Nope. Nothing has changed. But it really seems to be an issue with the R version installed on the server.
I'm currently updating "patched version" because it still was v4.0.0 that I had compiled myself last year. I added the cran repository on my debian and update to v4.0.5 to not depend on a compiled version of R from source which is always a real challenge to manage...
I keep you in touch.
Found why in
devtools 2.4.0
Breaking changes and deprecated functions
The check_results() function has been removed. It was not used by any CRAN package, and much better alternatives are available in the rcmdcheck package.
It seems that I have solved this issue (and by the way again simplified the CI process):
Like the French people say: "Encore une victoire de canard!"
added 1 commit
- b131e890 - fix(ci): check_results() function has been removed from devtools package
mentioned in commit a70d4704