changed milestone to %v1.7.0
added SUGGESTION TEST & CI/CD labels
added 1 commit
- 1dc1fd5f - test(calibration): add tests for all yearly, monthly, daily GR models with or without Cemaneige
added 1 commit
- db303278 - test(calibration): add tests for Hysteresis version of Cemaneige
added 1 commit
- 7a97389c - test(calibration): add tests for all hourly models
added 1 commit
- eaeff017 - test(calibration): fix issue wrong parameter on CemaNeigGR4H with hysteresis
assigned to @olivier.delaigue and unassigned @david.dorchies
added 1 commit
- d041d103 - tests: wrong place for the scheduled test scripts
added 1 commit
- 89353dd1 - ci: scheduled tests only on dev/master and schedules
I have solved the "test duration" issue as follow: these "scheduled" tests (calibration and regression) are only triggered on dev and master branches. At each push with R "patched" version and once a day for all R versions ("patched", "oldrel" and "devel").
It's not possible to schedule for example a weekly test for an automatic selection of branch (See for example: that's why there are scheduled tests only on master and dev branches.
Failed tests will be detected after merge into dev or master if the developer doesn't run them manually on his/her computer.
Good news: It's now easy to add new "scheduled" tests, you just have to create a file named
(instead of the traditionaltest-[something].R
) in the folder tests/testthat. It will be automatically run during scheduled tests.requested review from @olivier.delaigue
mentioned in commit 267ee1b7