CreateInputsModel.R 12.1 KB
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Delaigue Olivier committed
#' Creation of the InputsModel object required to the RunModel functions.
#' Users wanting to use FUN_MOD functions that are not included in 
#' the package must create their own InputsModel object accordingly.
#' @title  Creation of the InputsModel object required to the RunModel functions
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}, \code{\link{DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN}}
#' @example tests/example_RunModel.R
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param  FUN_MOD     [function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)
#' @param  DatesR      [POSIXlt] vector of dates required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param  Precip      [numeric] time series of total precipitation (catchment average) [mm], required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param  PotEvap     [numeric] time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) [mm], required to create the GR model inputs
#' @param  TempMean    (optional) [numeric] time series of mean air temperature [degC], required to create the CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param  TempMin     (optional) [numeric] time series of min air temperature [degC], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param  TempMax     (optional) [numeric] time series of max air temperature [degC], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param  ZInputs     (optional) [numeric] real giving the mean elevation of the Precip and Temp series (before extrapolation) [m]
#' @param  HypsoData   (optional) [numeric] vector of 101 reals: min, q01 to q99 and max of catchment elevation distribution [m], required to create the GR model inputs, if not defined a single elevation is used for CemaNeige
#' @param  NLayers     (optional) [numeric] integer giving the number of elevation layers requested [-], required to create the GR model inputs, default=5
#' @param  quiet       (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return  [list] object of class \emph{InputsModel} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
#'          \tabular{ll}{
#'          \emph{$DatesR              }  \tab   [POSIXlt] vector of dates \cr
#'          \emph{$Precip              }  \tab   [numeric] time series of total precipitation (catchment average) [mm] \cr
#'          \emph{$PotEvap             }  \tab   [numeric] time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) [mm], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes GR4H, GR4J, GR5J, GR6J, GR2M or GR1A \cr \cr
#'          \emph{$LayerPrecip         }  \tab   [list] list of time series of precipitation (layer average) [mm], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
#'          \emph{$LayerTempMean       }  \tab   [list] list of time series of mean air temperature (layer average) [degC], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
#'          \emph{$LayerFracSolidPrecip}  \tab   [list] list of time series of solid precip. fract. (layer average) [-], \cr\tab defined if FUN_MOD includes CemaNeige \cr \cr
#'          }
CreateInputsModel <- function(FUN_MOD,DatesR,Precip,PotEvap=NULL,TempMean=NULL,TempMin=NULL,TempMax=NULL,ZInputs=NULL,HypsoData=NULL,NLayers=5,quiet=FALSE){

  ObjectClass <- NULL;

    BOOL <- FALSE;
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"hourly","GR"); 
      TimeStep <- as.integer(60*60);
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
    if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J)){
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"daily","GR"); 
      TimeStep <- as.integer(24*60*60);
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","monthly"); 
      TimeStep <- as.integer(c(28,29,30,31)*24*60*60);
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","yearly"); 
      TimeStep <- as.integer(c(365,366)*24*60*60);
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"daily","CemaNeige");
      TimeStep <- as.integer(24*60*60);
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
    if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"daily","GR","CemaNeige");
      TimeStep <- as.integer(24*60*60);
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
    if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_MOD for use in CreateInputsModel \n"); return(NULL); } 

    if("GR" %in% ObjectClass | "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
      if(is.null(DatesR)){ stop("DatesR is missing \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if("POSIXlt" %in% class(DatesR) == FALSE & "POSIXct" %in% class(DatesR) == FALSE){ stop("DatesR must be defined as POSIXlt or POSIXct \n"); return(NULL); }
      if("POSIXlt" %in% class(DatesR) == FALSE){ DatesR <- as.POSIXlt(DatesR); }
      if(difftime(tail(DatesR,1),tail(DatesR,2),units="secs")[[1]] %in% TimeStep==FALSE){ stop(paste("the time step of the model inputs must be ",TimeStep," seconds \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }    
      LLL <- length(DatesR);
    if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
      if(is.null(Precip  )){ stop("Precip is missing \n"  ); return(NULL); } 
      if(is.null(PotEvap )){ stop("PotEvap is missing \n" ); return(NULL); } 
      if(!is.vector( Precip) | !is.vector( PotEvap)){ stop("Precip and PotEvap must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(!is.numeric(Precip) | !is.numeric(PotEvap)){ stop("Precip and PotEvap must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(length(Precip)!=LLL | length(PotEvap)!=LLL){ stop("Precip, PotEvap and DatesR must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
      if(is.null(Precip  )){ stop("Precip is missing \n"  ); return(NULL); } 
      if(is.null(TempMean)){ stop("TempMean is missing \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(!is.vector( Precip) | !is.vector( TempMean)){ stop("Precip and TempMean must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(!is.numeric(Precip) | !is.numeric(TempMean)){ stop("Precip and TempMean must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(length(Precip)!=LLL | length(TempMean)!=LLL){ stop("Precip, TempMean and DatesR must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(is.null(TempMin)!=is.null(TempMax)){ stop("TempMin and TempMax must be both defined if not null \n"); return(NULL); }
      if(!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)){ 
        if(!is.vector( TempMin) | !is.vector( TempMax)){ stop("TempMin and TempMax must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if(!is.numeric(TempMin) | !is.numeric(TempMax)){ stop("TempMin and TempMax must be vectors of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if(length(TempMin)!=LLL | length(TempMax)!=LLL){ stop("TempMin, TempMax and DatesR must have the same length \n"); return(NULL); }
        if(!is.vector( HypsoData)){ stop("HypsoData must be a vector of numeric values  if not null \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if(!is.numeric(HypsoData)){ stop("HypsoData must be a vector of numeric values  if not null \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if(length(HypsoData)!=101){ stop("HypsoData must be of length 101 if not null \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if(sum(!=0 & sum(!=101){ stop("HypsoData must not contain any NA if not null \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if(length(ZInputs)!=1                   ){ stop("\t ZInputs must be a single numeric value if not null \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if( | !is.numeric(ZInputs)){ stop("\t ZInputs must be a single numeric value if not null \n"); return(NULL); } 
        if(!quiet){ warning("\t HypsoData is missing => a single layer is used and no extrapolation is made \n"); }
        HypsoData <- as.numeric(rep(NA,101)); ZInputs <- as.numeric(NA); NLayers <- as.integer(1);
        if(!quiet & !identical(HypsoData,as.numeric(rep(NA,101)))){ warning("\t ZInputs is missing => HypsoData[51] is used \n"); }
        ZInputs <- HypsoData[51];

    BOOL_NA <- rep(FALSE,length(DatesR));
    if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
      BOOL_NA_TMP <- (Precip  < 0) | );  if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < 0 or NA values detected in Precip series  \n"); } } 
      BOOL_NA_TMP <- (PotEvap < 0) |;  if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < 0 or NA values detected in PotEvap series \n"); } } 
    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
      BOOL_NA_TMP <- (Precip  < 0    ) |  );  if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < 0 or NA values detected in Precip series       \n"); } } 
      BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMean<(-150)) |;  if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < -150) or NA values detected in TempMean series \n"); } }
      if(!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)){
      BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMin<(-150)) |;  if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < -150) or NA values detected in TempMin series \n"); } }
      BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMax<(-150)) |;  if(sum(BOOL_NA_TMP)!=0){ BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP; if(!quiet){ warning("\t Values < -150) or NA values detected in TempMax series \n"); } } }
      WTxt <- NULL;
      WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Missing values are not allowed in InputsModel \n",sep="");
      Select <- (max(which(BOOL_NA))+1):length(BOOL_NA);
      if(Select[1]>Select[2]){ stop(paste("time series could not be trunced since missing values were detected at the list time-step  \n",sep="")); return(NULL); }
      if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
        Precip <- Precip[Select];  PotEvap <- PotEvap[Select]; }
      if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
        Precip <- Precip[Select];  TempMean <- TempMean[Select]; if(!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)){ TempMin <- TempMin[Select]; TempMax <- TempMax[Select]; } }
      WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> data were trunced to keep the most recent available time-steps \n",sep="");
      WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> ",length(Select)," time-steps were kept \n",sep="");
      if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }

    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
      RESULT <- DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN(DatesR=DatesR,Precip=Precip,TempMean=TempMean,TempMin=TempMin,TempMax=TempMax,ZInputs=ZInputs,HypsoData=HypsoData,NLayers=NLayers,quiet=quiet);
      if(!quiet){ if(NLayers==1){ cat(paste("\t Input series were successfully created on 1 elevation layer for use by CemaNeige \n",sep=""));
                         } else { cat(paste("\t Input series were successfully created on ",NLayers," elevation layers for use by CemaNeige \n",sep="")); } }

    InputsModel <- list(DatesR=DatesR);
    if("GR" %in% ObjectClass){
      InputsModel <- c(InputsModel,list(Precip=as.double(Precip),PotEvap=as.double(PotEvap)));    }
    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
      InputsModel <- c(InputsModel,list(LayerPrecip=RESULT$LayerPrecip,LayerTempMean=RESULT$LayerTempMean,
                                        LayerFracSolidPrecip=RESULT$LayerFracSolidPrecip,ZLayers=RESULT$ZLayers));    }

    class(InputsModel) <- c("InputsModel",ObjectClass);
