CreateRunOptions.R 19.5 KB
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Delaigue Olivier committed
#' Creation of the RunOptions object required to the RunModel functions.
#' Users wanting to use FUN_MOD functions that are not included in 
#' the package must create their own RunOptions object accordingly.
#' ##### Initialisation options #####
#' The model initialisation options can either be set to a default configuration or be defined by the user.
#' This is done via three vectors: \cr \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp}, \emph{IniStates}, \emph{IniResLevels}. \cr
#' A default configuration is used for initialisation if these vectors are not defined.
#' (1) Default initialisation options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} default setting ensures a one-year warm-up using the time-steps preceding the \emph{IndPeriod_Run}. 
#' The actual length of this warm-up might be shorter depending on data availability (no missing value being allowed on model input series).
#' \item \emph{IniStates} and \emph{IniResLevels} are automatically set to initialise all the model states at 0, except for the production and routing stores which are initialised at 50\% of their capacity. This initialisation is made at the very beginning of the model call (i.e. at the beginning of \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} or at the beginning of IndPeriod_Run if the warm-up period is disabled).
#' }
#' (2) Customisation of initialisation options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} can be used to specify the indices of the warm-up period (within the time-series prepared in InputsModel). \cr
#' - remark 1:	for most common cases, indices corresponding to one or several years preceding \emph{IndPeriod_Run} are used (e.g. \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp <- 1000:1365} and \emph{IndPeriod_Run <- 1366:5000)}. \cr
#' However, it is also possible to perform a long-term initialisation if other indices than the warm-up ones are set in \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp} (e.g. \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp <- c( 1:5000 , 1:5000 , 1:5000 ,1000:1365 )}). \cr
#' - remark 2:	it is also possible to completely disable the warm-up period when using \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp <- 0}.
#' \item \emph{IniStates} and \emph{IniResLevels} can be used to specify the initial model states. \cr
#' - remark 1:	if \emph{IniStates} is used, all model states must be provided (e.g. 60 floats [mm] are required for GR4J, GR5J and GR6J; 60+2*NLayers floats [mm] are required for CemaNeigeGR4J, CemaNeigeGR5J and CemaNeigeGR6J; see fortran source code for details). \cr
#' - remark 2:	in addition to \emph{IniStates}, \emph{IniResLevels} allows to set the filling rate of the production and routing stores for the GR models. For instance for GR4J, GR5J and GR6J: \emph{IniResLevels <- c(0.3,0.5)} should be used to obtain initial fillings of 30\% and 50\% for the production and routing stores, respectively.  \emph{IniResLevels} is optional and can only be used if \emph{IniStates} is also defined (the state values corresponding to these two stores in \emph{IniStates} are not used in such case). \cr \cr
#' }
#' @title  Creation of the RunOptions object required to the RunModel functions
#' @author Laurent Coron (June 2014)
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunModel}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}
#' @example tests/example_RunModel.R
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @param  FUN_MOD             [function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)
#' @param  InputsModel         [object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details
#' @param  IndPeriod_WarmUp    (optional) [numeric] index of period to be used for the model warm-up [-]
#' @param  IndPeriod_Run       [numeric] index of period to be used for the model run [-]
#' @param  IniStates           (optional) [numeric] vector of initial model states [mm]
#' @param  IniResLevels        (optional) [numeric] vector of initial filling rates for production and routing stores (2 values between 0 and 1) [-]
#' @param  Outputs_Cal         (optional) [character] vector giving the outputs needed for the calibration \cr (e.g. c("Qsim")), the least outputs the fastest the calibration
#' @param  Outputs_Sim         (optional) [character] vector giving the requested outputs \cr (e.g. c("DatesR","Qsim","SnowPack")), default="all"
#' @param  RunSnowModule       (optional) [boolean] option indicating whether CemaNeige should be activated, default=TRUE
#' @param  MeanAnSolidPrecip   (optional) [numeric] vector giving the annual mean of average solid precipitation for each layer (computed from InputsModel if not defined) [mm/y]
#' @param  quiet               (optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE
#' @return  [list] object of class \emph{RunOptions} containing the data required to evaluate the model outputs; it can include the following:
#'          \tabular{ll}{
#'          \emph{IndPeriod_WarmUp }  \tab  [numeric] index of period to be used for the model warm-up [-] \cr
#'          \emph{IndPeriod_Run    }  \tab  [numeric] index of period to be used for the model run [-] \cr
#'          \emph{IniStates        }  \tab  [numeric] vector of initial model states [mm] \cr
#'          \emph{IniResLevels     }  \tab  [numeric] vector of initial filling rates for production and routing stores [-] \cr
#'          \emph{Outputs_Cal      }  \tab  [character] character vector giving only the outputs needed for the calibration \cr
#'          \emph{Outputs_Sim      }  \tab  [character] character vector giving the requested outputs \cr
#'          \emph{RunSnowModule    }  \tab  [boolean] option indicating whether CemaNeige should be activated \cr
#'          \emph{MeanAnSolidPrecip}  \tab  [numeric] vector giving the annual mean of average solid precipitation for each layer [mm/y] \cr
#'          }
CreateRunOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,InputsModel,IndPeriod_WarmUp=NULL,IndPeriod_Run,IniStates=NULL,IniResLevels=NULL,

  ObjectClass <- NULL;

    BOOL <- FALSE;
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","hourly"); 
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
    if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J)){
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","daily"); 
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","monthly"); 
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","yearly"); 
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"CemaNeige","daily");
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
    if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass,"GR","CemaNeige","daily");
      BOOL <- TRUE; 
    if(!BOOL){ stop("incorrect FUN_MOD for use in CreateRunOptions \n"); return(NULL); } 

      stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if("GR" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"GR")){
      stop("InputsModel must be of class 'GR' \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"CemaNeige")){
      stop("InputsModel must be of class 'CemaNeige' \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if("hourly" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"hourly")){
      stop("InputsModel must be of class 'hourly' \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if("daily" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"daily")){
      stop("InputsModel must be of class 'daily' \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if("monthly" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"monthly")){
      stop("InputsModel must be of class 'monthly' \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if("yearly" %in% ObjectClass & !inherits(InputsModel,"yearly")){
      stop("InputsModel must be of class 'yearly' \n"); return(NULL); } 

    if(!is.vector( IndPeriod_Run)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if(!is.numeric(IndPeriod_Run)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
      stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a continuous sequence of integers \n"); return(NULL); } 
    if(storage.mode(IndPeriod_Run)!="integer"){ stop("IndPeriod_Run should be of type integer \n"); return(NULL); } 

    WTxt <- NULL;
      WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Model warm-up period not defined -> default configuration used \n",sep="");
        IndPeriod_WarmUp <- as.integer(0);
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t    No data were found for model warm-up! \n",sep="");
      } else {
        TmpDateR <- InputsModel$DatesR[IndPeriod_Run[1]] - 365*24*60*60; ### minimal date to start the warmup        
        IndPeriod_WarmUp <- which(InputsModel$DatesR==max(InputsModel$DatesR[1],TmpDateR)) : (IndPeriod_Run[1]-1); 
        if("hourly"  %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer(          60*60); }
        if("daily"   %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer(       24*60*60); }
        if("monthly" %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer( 30.44*24*60*60); }
        if("yearly"  %in% ObjectClass){ TimeStep <- as.integer(365.25*24*60*60); }
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t    The year preceding the run period is used \n",sep="");
        } else {
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t    Less than a year (without missing values) was found for model warm-up: \n",sep="");
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t    (",length(IndPeriod_WarmUp)," time-steps are used for initialisation) \n",sep=""); 
      if(!is.vector( IndPeriod_WarmUp)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(!is.numeric(IndPeriod_WarmUp)){ stop("IndPeriod_Run must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL); } 
      if(storage.mode(IndPeriod_WarmUp)!="integer"){ stop("IndPeriod_Run should be of type integer \n"); return(NULL); } 
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t No warm-up period is used! \n",sep=""); }
      if((IndPeriod_Run[1]-1)!=tail(IndPeriod_WarmUp,1) & !identical(IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ 
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t Model warm-up period is not directly before the model run period \n",sep=""); }
    if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }

    if(is.null(IniStates) & is.null(IniResLevels) & !quiet){ 
      warning("\t Model states initialisation not defined -> default configuration used \n"); }
    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip); } else { NLayers <- 0; }
    NState <- NULL;
    if("GR" %in% ObjectClass | "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ 
      if("hourly"  %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 3*24*20; }
      if("daily"   %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 3*20 + 2*NLayers; }
      if("monthly" %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 2; }
      if("yearly"  %in% ObjectClass){ NState <- 1; }
      if(!is.vector( IniStates)   ){ stop("IniStates must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if(!is.numeric(IniStates)   ){ stop("IniStates must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if(length(IniStates)!=NState){ stop(paste("The length of IniStates must be ",NState," for the chosen FUN_MOD \n",sep="")); return(NULL);  }
    } else {
      IniStates <- as.double(rep(0.0,NState));
    if("GR" %in% ObjectClass & ("monthly" %in% ObjectClass | "daily" %in% ObjectClass | "hourly" %in% ObjectClass)){
        if(!is.vector(IniResLevels) ){ stop("IniResLevels must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL);  }
        if(!is.numeric(IniResLevels)){ stop("IniResLevels must be a vector of numeric values \n"); return(NULL);  }
        if(length(IniResLevels)!=2 ) { stop("The length of IniStates must be 2 for the chosen FUN_MOD \n"); return(NULL);  }
      } else {
        IniResLevels <- as.double(c(0.3,0.5));
    } else {
      if(!is.null(IniResLevels)){ stop("IniResLevels can only be used with monthly or daily or hourly GR models \n") }


      Outputs_all <- NULL;
        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
      if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)){
        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
      if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)){
        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
      if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QR1","Exp","QD","Qsim"); }
        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Qsim"); }
        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Qsim"); }
      if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt"); }

      if(!is.vector(   Outputs_Sim)){ stop("Outputs_Sim must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if(!is.character(Outputs_Sim)){ stop("Outputs_Sim must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if(sum(!=0){ stop("Outputs_Sim must not contain NA \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if("all" %in% Outputs_Sim){ Outputs_Sim <- c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd");  }
      Test <- which(Outputs_Sim %in% c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd") == FALSE); if(length(Test)!=0){ 
        stop(paste("Outputs_Sim is incorrectly defined: ",paste(Outputs_Sim[Test],collapse=", ")," not found \n",sep="")); return(NULL); } 
      Outputs_Sim <- Outputs_Sim[!duplicated(Outputs_Sim)];

        if("GR" %in% ObjectClass                               ){ Outputs_Cal <- c("Qsim"); }
        if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass                        ){ Outputs_Cal <- c("all"); }
        if("GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){ Outputs_Cal <- c("PliqAndMelt","Qsim"); }
      } else {
        if(!is.vector(   Outputs_Cal)){ stop("Outputs_Cal must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL);  }
        if(!is.character(Outputs_Cal)){ stop("Outputs_Cal must be a vector of characters \n"); return(NULL);  }
        if(sum(!=0){ stop("Outputs_Cal must not contain NA \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if("all" %in% Outputs_Cal){ Outputs_Cal <- c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd");  }
      Test <- which(Outputs_Cal %in% c("DatesR",Outputs_all,"StateEnd") == FALSE); if(length(Test)!=0){ 
        stop(paste("Outputs_Cal is incorrectly defined: ",paste(Outputs_Cal[Test],collapse=", ")," not found \n",sep="")); return(NULL); } 
      Outputs_Cal <- Outputs_Cal[!duplicated(Outputs_Cal)];

    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
      if(!is.vector( RunSnowModule)){ stop("RunSnowModule must be a single boolean \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if(!is.logical(RunSnowModule)){ stop("RunSnowModule must be either TRUE or FALSE \n"); return(NULL);  }
      if(length(RunSnowModule)!=1  ){ stop("RunSnowModule must be either TRUE or FALSE \n"); return(NULL);  }

    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)){
      NLayers <- length(InputsModel$LayerPrecip);
      SolidPrecip <- NULL; for(iLayer in 1:NLayers){
        if(iLayer==1){ SolidPrecip <- InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[1]]*InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]]/NLayers;
              } else { SolidPrecip <- SolidPrecip + InputsModel$LayerFracSolidPrecip[[iLayer]]*InputsModel$LayerPrecip[[iLayer]]/NLayers; } }
      Factor <- NULL;
      if(inherits(InputsModel,"hourly" )){ Factor <- 365.25*24; }
      if(inherits(InputsModel,"daily"  )){ Factor <-    365.25; }
      if(inherits(InputsModel,"monthly")){ Factor <-        12; }
      if(inherits(InputsModel,"yearly" )){ Factor <-         1; }
      if(is.null(Factor)){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly' \n"); return(NULL);  }
      MeanAnSolidPrecip <- rep(mean(SolidPrecip)*Factor,NLayers); ### default value: same Gseuil for all layers
      if(!quiet){ warning("\t MeanAnSolidPrecip not defined -> it was automatically set to c(",paste(round(MeanAnSolidPrecip),collapse=","),") \n"); }
    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(MeanAnSolidPrecip)){
      if(!is.vector( MeanAnSolidPrecip)    ){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL);  }
      if(!is.numeric(MeanAnSolidPrecip)    ){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a vector of numeric values \n",sep="")); return(NULL);  }
      if(length(MeanAnSolidPrecip)!=NLayers){ stop(paste("MeanAnSolidPrecip must be a numeric vector of length ",NLayers," \n",sep="")); return(NULL);  }

    if(RunSnowModule & "GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
      if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE){
        WTxt <- NULL;
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Cal but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow module outputs \n",sep="");
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
        if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }
        Outputs_Cal <- c(Outputs_Cal,"PliqAndMelt"); }
      if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE){
        WTxt <- NULL;
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Sim but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow module outputs \n",sep="");
        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
        if(!is.null(WTxt) & !quiet){ warning(WTxt); }
        Outputs_Sim <- c(Outputs_Sim,"PliqAndMelt"); }

    RunOptions <- list(IndPeriod_WarmUp=IndPeriod_WarmUp,IndPeriod_Run=IndPeriod_Run,IniStates=IniStates,IniResLevels=IniResLevels,
    if("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
        RunOptions <- c(RunOptions,list(RunSnowModule=RunSnowModule,MeanAnSolidPrecip=MeanAnSolidPrecip));    }
    class(RunOptions) <- c("RunOptions",ObjectClass);
