Commit 4fe6ca59 authored by Delaigue Olivier's avatar Delaigue Olivier
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v1.1.2.14 UPDATE: NEWS file

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+37 -4
Package: airGR
Type: Package
Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
Date: 2018-10-22
Authors@R: c(
person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-1503-6204")),
......@@ -13,12 +13,45 @@ output:
### Release Notes (2018-10-17)
### Release Notes (2018-10-22)
#### Deprecated and defunct
- The <code>Qobs</code> argument is now deprecated in <code>CreateRunOptions()</code> and has been renamed <code>obs</code>.
- The <code>FUN_CRIT</code> argument is now deprecated in <code>ErrorCrit()</code>. This function now get this information from the <code>InputsCrit</code> argument.
- The <code>FUN_CRIT</code> argument is now deprecated in <code>Calibration_Michel()</code>. This function now get this information from the <code>InputsCrit</code> argument.
#### New features
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now can prepare an <code>InputsCrit</code> object in order to compute a single criterion (<code>Single</code> class), multiple criteria (<code>Multi</code> class) with the <code>ErrorCrit()</code> function. So it is now possible to set the following arguments as atomic (as before) or as list: <code>FUN_CRIT</code>, <code>obs</code>, <code>BoolCrit</code>, <code>transfo</code>, <code>weights</code>. If the list format is chosen, all the lists must have the same length.
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now presents a <code>varObs</code> argument in order to prepare an <code>InputsCrit</code> object in order run a criterion on other variable than observed discharges with the <code>ErrorCrit()</code> function.
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now presents a <code>weights</code> argument in order to prepare an <code>InputsCrit</code> object in order to compute a composite criterion (<code>Compo</code> class) with <code>ErrorCrit()</code> or <code>Calibration_Michel()</code>.
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now presents a <code>warnings</code> argument to replace the verbose action (the <code>verbose</code> argument is keep to print messages).
- <code>CreateRunOptions()</code> now presents a <code>warnings</code> argument to replace the verbose action (the <code>verbose</code> argument is keep to print messages).
#### Major user-visible changes
- <code>ErrorCrit_&#42;()</code> functions now return an error message if the <code>InputsCrit</code> object is of class <code>Multi</code> or <code>Compo</code>
- <code>ErrorCrit()</code> function can now run on a multiple <code>InputsCrit</code>. It returns a list of <code>InputsCrit</code>.
- <code>Calibration_Michel()</code> function can now run on a composite <code>InputsCrit</code>. It returns a composite value of error and the list of <code>InputsCrit</code> used to calculate this composite criterion.
#### Minor user-visible changes
- <code>ErrorCrit_&#42;()</code> functions now return objects of class <code>ErrorCrit</code> and <code>NSE</code>, <code>KGE</code>, <code>KGE2</code> or <code>RMSE</code>.
......@@ -67,7 +100,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now returns a warning message in the following case: there are zeroes values in <code>Qobs</code>, <code>epsilon = NULL</code> and <code>transfo = log</code> or <code>inv</code>.
- <code>ErrorCrit*()</code> functions now return a warning message in the following case: there are zeroes values in <code>Qobs</code> or <code>Qsim</code>, <code>epsilon = NULL</code> and <code>transfo = log</code> or <code>inv</code>.
- <code>ErrorCrit_&#42;()</code> functions now return a warning message in the following case: there are zeroes values in <code>Qobs</code> or <code>Qsim</code>, <code>epsilon = NULL</code> and <code>transfo = log</code> or <code>inv</code>.
#### Minor user-visible changes
......@@ -218,7 +251,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
#### New features
- <code>ErrorCrit&#42;()</code> functions gain a <code>warnings</code> argument to replace the verbose action and the <code>verbose</code> argument now prints the criterion value(s).
- <code>ErrorCrit_&#42;()</code> functions gain a <code>warnings</code> argument to replace the verbose action and the <code>verbose</code> argument now prints the criterion value(s).
#### Bug fixes
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