- The <code>LatRad</code> argument is now deprecated in <code>PEdaily_Oudin()</code> and replaced by the <code>Lat</code> argument.
@@ -26,29 +26,29 @@ output:
#### New features
- <code>PEdaily_Oudin()</code> now presents a <code>LatUnit</code> argument which allows to chose the unit of the latitude between radians and degrees.
- <code>PEdaily_Oudin()</code> now presents a <code>LatUnit</code> argument which allows to choose the unit of the latitude (radians and degrees).
#### Major user-visible changes
- <code>Calibration_Michel()</code> is now faster during the grid-screening step when a parameter is set using <code>FixedParam</code> in <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code>.
- <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> now returns an error when all the parameters are set and a warning message when all the parameters are not set <code>FixedParam</code> in the <code>FixedParam</code> argument.
- <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> now returns FixedParam argument and a warning message when all the parameters are free (NA) in the <code>FixedParam</code> argument.
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now returns an error when <code>epsilon</code> is not positive.
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now returns a warning message if there are zeroes values in <code>Qobs</code>, <code>epsilon = NULL</code> and <code>transfo = log</code> or <code>inv</code>.
- <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> now returns a warning message in the following case: there are zeroes values in <code>Qobs</code>, <code>epsilon = NULL</code> and <code>transfo = log</code> or <code>inv</code>.
- <code>ErrorCrit*()</code> functions now return a warning message if there are zeroes values in <code>Qobs</code> or <code>Qsim</code>, <code>epsilon = NULL</code> and <code>transfo = log</code> or <code>inv</code>.
- <code>ErrorCrit*()</code> functions now return a warning message in the following case: there are zeroes values in <code>Qobs</code> or <code>Qsim</code>, <code>epsilon = NULL</code> and <code>transfo = log</code> or <code>inv</code>.
#### Minor user-visible changes
- Several functions of the package were cleant or slightly modified, with no effect on their outputs.
- Suspects Qls and Qmm set to NA values between 1997-01-05 and 1997-01-21 in the L0123001 dataset.
- Dubious Qls and Qmm values set to NA values between 1997-01-05 and 1997-01-21 in the L0123001 dataset.
- ORCID numbers are now joined to the authors names of the package.
- ORCID numbers are now joined to the names of the authors of the package.
- Fixed bug in <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> for the y-axis labelling of flows time series when <code>log_scale = TRUE</code> and <code>BasinArea</code> is used.
#### Deprectated and defunct
#### Deprecated and defunct
- The <code>RunSnowModule</code> argument is now deprecated in <code>CreateRunOptions()</code>.
- <code>RunModel_CemaNeige()</code>, <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J()</code>, <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J()</code> and <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J()</code> now return air temperature for each elevation layer.
#### Deprectated and defunct
#### Deprecated and defunct
- S3 plot method defined for <code>OutputsModel</code> objects. It means that the <code>plot_OutputsModel()</code> function is deprecated and his use has been replaced by the use of <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> or <code>plot()</code>.
- The value <code>sort</code> for the <code>transfo</code> argument of <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> was not taken into account. It is now fixed.
#### Deprectated and defunct
#### Deprecated and defunct
- <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> loses the OptimParam argument that was redundant with the <code>FixedParam</code> argument. The <code>Calibration_Michel()</code> was modified to take into account this change by using directly <code>FixedParam</code>, but this is transparent to the user.
- The <code>Calibration_HBAN()</code> and <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN()</code> functions have respectively been renamed as <code>Calibration_Michel()</code> and <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code> after the names of their creators.