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  • 115-add-pcict-date-format-managment
  • 118-plot-outputsmodel-remove-case-sensitivity-to-the-which-argument
  • 136-decreased-performance-of-calibration-execution-time
  • 60-migrate-transfoparam-functions-and-createcaliboptions-to-s3-methods
  • 96-parallelize-the-grid-screening-step-during-calibration
  • airGRplus
  • cleanAirGRplus
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  • CRAN_v1.7.0
  • CRAN_v1.6.12
  • CRAN_v1.6.11
  • CRAN_v1.6.10.4
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.27
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.24
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.23
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.21
  • CRAN_v1.4.3.65
  • CRAN_v1.4.3.60
  • CRAN_v1.4.3.52
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.42
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.41
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.40
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.39
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.23
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.17
  • CRAN_v1.2.13.16
  • CRAN_v1.2.13.13
  • CRAN_v1.0.14.1
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Mar2725222120191813128764128Feb252119151330Jan29181123Oct22171615105128Sep27262431Aug302928918Jul29Jun1522May4Apr1Feb30Jan6Dec516Nov109726Oct231728Sep2713127518Aug161112Jul1126Jun23222115131222May11Apr7531Mar301523Feb1623Jan201918179Dec8723Nov3231Oct262521Apr191417Mar326Feb1225Jan9Dec29Oct289Apr20Augv1.2.11.19 NEW: website adress modifiedv1.2.11.17 CLEAN: blank line removed in ErrorCritv1.2.11.16 DOC:only one help page for all TransfoParam* funsv1.2.11.15 CLEAN: unnecessary command lines removed in CreateInputsCritv1.2.11.13 UPDATE: new quantiles in CreateCalibOptions for the grid-screening to calibrate CemaNeige when hysteresis is used #5252v1.2.11.12 BUG: add setting parameter values for Gthreshold and Glocalmax when hysteresis is used in RunModel_CemaNeige* funs #5252v1.2.11.11 BUG: check on setting parameter values added in frun_CEMANEIGE FORTRAN filev1.2.11.10 BUG: check of range values now works when there is only one Q, SCA or SCE varObsv1.2.11.9 CLEAN: unnecessary BasinData.r file removedv1.2.11.8 CLEAN: add blank lines in RunModelv1.2.11.7 CLEAN: remove == TRUE or == FALSE tests in many functionsv1.2.11.6 CLEAN: minor syntax revision of Calibrationv1.2.11.5 BUG: misspelled object renamed in RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6Jv1.2.11.4 CLEAN: remove unused IsHyst argument in RunModel_Cemaneige #5252v1.2.11.3 CLEAN: minror warning message revisionv1.2.11.2 UPDATE: RunModel_CemaNeige* funs do not present anymore the IsHyst argument (now in CreatRunOptions and CreatCalibOptions) #5252v1.2.11.1 UPDATE: Calibration_Michel now checks the use of hysteresis from CalibOptions #5252v1.2.11.0 NEW: add an IsHyst argument in CreatCalibOptions to use hysteresis #5252v1.2.10.0 NEW: add an IsHyst argument in CreatRunOptions to use hysteresis #5252v1.2.9.34 CLEAN: argument names added when FUN_CRIT is called in ErrorCritv1.2.9.33 CLEAN: argument names added when FUN_MOD is called in RunModelv1.2.9.32 BUG: check FUN_CRIT in Calibration* funs and fixed return in Calibration funv1.2.9.31 CLEAN: FUN_CALIB does not used anymore the FUN_CRIT arguments in Calibration funv1.2.9.30 CLEAN: minor syntax revision in Calibration_Michelv1.2.9.29 CLEAN: add varObs = "Q" argument of CreateInputsCrit in Calibration and Create* docs and deprectad FUN_CALIB and FUN_CRIT args in Create* docsv1.2.9.28 DOC: add varObs = "Q" argument of CreateInputsCrit in RunModel* docsv1.2.9.27 CLEAN: plot_OutputsModel alias removed from plot.OutputsModel docv1.2.9.26 BUG: message returned for composite formula fixed in ErrorCritv1.2.9.25 UPDATE: StartParamList completed in CreateCalibOptions to take into account the use of hysteresis #5252v1.2.9.24 UPDATE: check if FUN_MOD inherits from hysteresis in Calibration_Michel to take into account the use of hysteresis #5252v1.2.9.23 DOC: CreateIniStates doc updated to take into account the use of hysteresis #5252v1.2.9.22 DOC: NEWS file updatedv1.2.9.21 DOC: missing explanation for IsHyst in RunModel_CemaNeigeGR* docsv1.2.9.20 CLEAN: balise revision of RunModel_CemaNeigeGR* docsv1.2.9.19 CLEAN: plot_OutputsModel is defunctv1.2.9.18 UPDATE: warning message revision in TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHystv1.2.9.17 BUG: no more warning when Qobs = NULL in plot.OutputsModelv1.2.9.16 BUG: the X-axis of plot.OutputsModel now appears whith GR2M when the dates of the time series are not the 1st of the monthv1.2.9.15 BUG: y-label of Temp time series is fixed in plot.OutputsModel with the use of CemaNeige #5471v1.2.9.14 DOC: update of CemaNeige* docs to take into account the use of hysteresis #5252