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  • 115-add-pcict-date-format-managment
  • 118-plot-outputsmodel-remove-case-sensitivity-to-the-which-argument
  • 136-decreased-performance-of-calibration-execution-time
  • 60-migrate-transfoparam-functions-and-createcaliboptions-to-s3-methods
  • 96-parallelize-the-grid-screening-step-during-calibration
  • airGRplus
  • cleanAirGRplus
  • dev default
  • master
  • CRAN_v1.7.0
  • CRAN_v1.6.12
  • CRAN_v1.6.11
  • CRAN_v1.6.10.4
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.27
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.24
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.23
  • CRAN_v1.6.9.21
  • CRAN_v1.4.3.65
  • CRAN_v1.4.3.60
  • CRAN_v1.4.3.52
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.42
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.41
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.40
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.39
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.23
  • CRAN_v1.3.2.17
  • CRAN_v1.2.13.16
  • CRAN_v1.2.13.13
  • CRAN_v1.0.14.1
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Apr329Mar328Feb26729Jan282422212017151410719Dec1816121110654222Nov20198423Sep2019186421Jun20191276429May24232221203217Apr16432129Mar282725222120191813128764128Feb252119151330Jan29181123Oct22171615105128Sep27262431Aug302928918Jul29Jun1522May4Apr1Feb30Jan6Dec516Nov109726Oct231728Sep2713127518Aug161112Jul1126Junv1.4.3.74 DOC: a sentence talking about the composite criterion has been added in the get_started vignette #35v1.4.3.73 DOC: PEdaily_Oudin replaced by PE_Oudin in the explanations of the get_started vignette #35v1.4.3.72 DOC: minor typo revisions in airGR help pageNEW: missing reference added in get_started vignette and airGR help page #35v1.4.3.70 DOC: command line too wide has been shortened in the hysteresis vignettev1.4.3.69 DOC: minor revision in the NEWS file (moving one item)Merge branch '37-argument-verification-using-partial-matching' into 'dev'v1.4.3.68 CLEAN: LatUnit, TimeStepIn and TimeStepInOut arguments now checked using the match.arg function in PE_Oudin #37v1.4.3.67 CLEAN: TimeFormat and NewTimeFormat arguments now checked using the match.arg function in SeriesAggregMerge branch 'hydroPSO' into 'dev'v1.4.3.66 UPDATE: hydroPSO package back on CRAN and suggested again #38Cherry-pick 'master' v1.4.3.65airGRplus clean…airGRplus cleanAirGRplusv1.4.3.64 BUG: hydroPSO package is no longer suggested because it is no longer on CRANCRAN_v1.4.3.65CRAN_v1.4.3.65v1.4.3.64 DOC: minor typo revisions in the NEWS filev1.5.0.0 BUG: CReatInputsCrit can use RunOptions objects of class "LibMod"v1.4.3.63 DOC: minor typo revision in Calibration_Michel docv1.4.3.62 DOC: minor revision of the NEWS filev1.4.3.61 DOC: run period is reduced in Imax example to pass CRAN checks (and changed for RunModel_GR5H)v1.4.3.60 DOC: add a DOI for the manual in the CITATION fileCRAN_v1.4.3.60CRAN_v1.4.3.60v1.4.3.59 DOC: doc formatting (section displacement and indentation revision)v1.4.3.58 DOC: minor text revisions in the README file and in the airGR.Rd filev1.4.3.57 DOC: NEWS file updatedv1.4.3.56 BUG: default value of TestedValues fixed in Imax funv1.4.3.55 DOC: wrong link to vignette fixed and minor typo revisions in the README filev1.4.3.54 DOC: missing refererence to GR5H and minor typo revisions in the package help pagev1.4.3.53 DOC: minor text and code revisions in the vignette V01_get_startedv1.4.3.52 DOC: run period is reduced in Imax example to pass CRAN checks (and changed for RunModel_GR5H)CRAN_v1.4.3.52CRAN_v1.4.3.52v1.4.3.51 DOC: references to GR5H added in V01_get_started vignette (and bib file) and web linked corrected (from irstea to inrae)v1.4.3.50 DOC: run period is reduced in RunModel_GR5H to pass CRAN checksv1.4.3.49 CLEAN: StateStart and StateEnd initialised in frun_GR1A Fortran codesvv1.4.3.48 CLEAN: output time step unit corrected in comments of frun_GR4H Fortran codevv1.4.3.47 CLEAN: PS initialised in frun_GR4H Fortran codesv1.4.3.46 CLEAN: StateStart and StateEnd initialised in frun_GR1A Fortran codesMerge branch 'master' of CLEAN: 3 variables initialised even they are unused when IsHyst is .FALSE. in frun_CemaNeige Fortran code #15v1.4.3.45 CLEAN: 3 variables initialised even they are unused when IsHyst is .FALSE. in frun_CemaNeige Fortran code #15v1.4.3.45 CLEAN: 3 variables initialised even they are unused when IsHyst is .FALSE. in frun_CemaNeige Fortran code #15v1.4.3.44 CLEAN: double precision defined for all elements used by the MAX fun in frun_GR5H Fortran codev1.4.3.43 CLEAN: useless tanHyp variable removed from Fortran codesv1.4.3.42 DOC: missing references to GR5H added in DESCRIPTION and NEWS files