Daniel Falster authoredfc6577a2
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
use | var | units | description |
0 | Plot | ||
0 | Latin | ||
0 | Quadrat | Quadrat designation. | |
0 | gx | The x coordinate within the plot relative to one edge of the plot. | |
0 | gy | The y plot coordinate. | |
0 | TreeID | The unique tree identifier in CTFS database. Useful to be certain in matching trees. | |
0 | Tag | Tag number used in the field. | |
0 | StemID | The unique stem identifier in CTFS database. Useful to be certain in matching stems. | |
0 | StemTag | Tag number on the individual stem | |
0 | Census | The numeric identifier of the census. | |
0 | DBH | Diameter of one stem on the tree the stem whose stemID is given. | |
0 | HOM | The height-of-measure | |
0 | Date | The date on which a tree was measured. | |
0 | Codes | The codes for the measurement as recorded in the field. | |
0 | Stem | The number of living stems on the date of measurement. | |
0 | Status | An abbreviated version of status, for compatibility with earlier versions of functions in the CTSF R package: A, D, M, P |