Commit 2d24ec57 authored by Georges Kunstler's avatar Georges Kunstler
Browse files

added variables description for France

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Rscript knit_site_description.R
rm -f output/*
.PHONY: all clean
use,var,units,description use var units description
0,idp,, 1 idp NA plot number (a single census)
0,a,, 1 a NA tree number within the plot
0,veget,, 1 veget NA 1 alive 2 or 3 dead
0,simplif,, 1 simplif NA indicator with tree with only dbh measurement no growth
0,acci,, 1 acci NA 0 tree not damaged else tree damaged (1 broken 2 partil unrooten 3 bended 4 burned)
0,espar,, 1 espar NA species code
0,ori,, 1 ori NA origin of the tree (0 resprout 1 from seed 2 resprout from windthrown tree)
0,lib,, 0 lib NA percentage of canopy in full light in three class (0 between 0 and 2/3 more than 2/3)
0,mortb,, 0 mortb NA percentage of branch mortality in 5 classes
0,c13,, 1 c13 cm circumference at 1m30
0,ir5,, 1 ir5 mm radial growth over 5 years ( !!! not diameter growth)
0,htot,, 1 htot m height
0,r,, 0 r % percentage of wood of bad quality
0,age,, 1 age yr age
0,w,, 1 w 1/ha weighting fqtcor to convert qt hectqr bqsis
0,YEAR,, 1 YEAR yr year of measurment
0,datemort,, 1 datemort NA died less than 5 years ago =1 more than 5 years ago =2
0,dead,, 1 dead NA 0 alive 1 dead
0,SER,, 1 SER NA ecoregion (first letter large scale ecoregion number smaller division)
0,sgdd,, 1 sgdd ?/day sum of degree days above 5.56?C
0,WB.y,, 1 WB.y mm water budget in mm over the year
0,WB.s,, 1 WB.s mm water budget in mm over the growing season
0,WS.y,, 1 WS.y NA water stress index over the year
0,WS.s,, 1 WS.s NA water stress index over the growing season
0,MAT,, 1 MAT ?C mean annual temperature
0,SAP,, 1 SAP mm annual sum of precipitation
0,xl93,, 1 xl93 m x in lambert 93
0,yl93,, 1 yl93 m y in lambert 93
0,dep,, 0 dep NA French department (admin region)
0,csa,, 0 csa NA type of forest 1 closed forest 2 small patch 3 open forest
0,plisi,, 1 plisi NA presence of forest edge
0,sfo,, 1 sfo NA forest structure in 5 class
0,incid,, 0 incid NA percentage of disturbance in 5 classes only after 2009
0,dc,, 1 dc NA type of harvesting 0 = no harvesting orther harvesting
0,tplant,, 1 tplant NA type of plantation 0 = no plantation other plantation
use,var,units,description use var units description
0,var,, 1 code NA species code = espar in IFN file
0,code,, 1 Latin_name NA Latin name
0,French_name,, 0 Exotic_Native_cultivated NA exotic native
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