Commit 8c715e0f authored by Dorchies David's avatar Dorchies David
Browse files

feat: CreateInputsModel for GRIWRM

- Works in vignette 01

Refs #4
Showing with 196 additions and 8 deletions
+196 -8
#' Create InputsModel object for either airGR or GRIWRM
#' @param x
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
CreateInputsModel <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("CreateInputsModel", x)
#' Wrapper for the airGR::CreateInputsModel function
#' @param FUN_MOD
#' @param DatesR
#' @param Precip
#' @param PrecipScale
#' @param PotEvap
#' @param TempMean
#' @param TempMin
#' @param TempMax
#' @param ZInputs
#' @param HypsoData
#' @param NLayers
#' @param QobsUpstr
#' @param LengthHydro
#' @param BasinAreas
#' @param verbose
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
CreateInputsModel.default <- function(FUN_MOD,
Precip, PrecipScale = TRUE,
PotEvap = NULL,
TempMean = NULL, TempMin = NULL, TempMax = NULL,
ZInputs = NULL, HypsoData = NULL, NLayers = 5,
QobsUpstr = NULL, LengthHydro = NULL, BasinAreas = NULL,
verbose = TRUE) {
airGR::CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD, DatesR, Precip, PrecipScale, PotEvap,
TempMean, TempMin, TempMax, ZInputs, HypsoData, NLayers,
QobsUpstr, LengthHydro, BasinAreas, verbose)
#' Create InputsModel object for a GRIWRM network
#' @param ginet
#' @param girop
#' @param gits
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
CreateInputsModel.Griwrm <- function(ginet, girop, gits, verbose = TRUE) {
InputsModel <- CreateEmptyGriwrmInputsModel()
for(id in getNodeRanking(ginet)) {
if(verbose) cat("CreateInputsModel.griwrm: Treating sub-basin", id, "...\n")
InputsModel[[id]] <- CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel(id, ginet, girop, gits)
#' Create an empty InputsModel object for GRIWRM
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
CreateEmptyGriwrmInputsModel <- function() {
InputsModel <- list()
class(InputsModel) <- append(class(InputsModel), "GriwrmInputsModel")
#' Create one InputsModel for a GRIWRM node
#' @param ginet
#' @param girop
#' @param gits
#' @param id
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
CreateOneGriwrmInputsModel <- function(id, ginet, girop, gits) {
node <- ginet[ginet$id == id,]
FUN_MOD <- girop$model[girop$id == id]
# Set hydraulic parameters
UpstrNodes <- ginet$id[ginet$down == id & !$down)]
QobsUpstr <- NULL
LengthHydro <- NULL
BasinAreas <- NULL
if(length(UpstrNodes) > 0) {
# Sub-basin with hydraulic routing
for(idUpstrNode in UpstrNodes) {
QobsUpstr1 <- matrix(gits[[idUpstrNode]]$Qobs, ncol = 1)
if(is.null(QobsUpstr)) {
QobsUpstr <- QobsUpstr1
} else {
QobsUpstr <- cbind(QobsUpstr, QobsUpstr1)
LengthHydro <- matrix(ginet$length[girop$id %in% UpstrNodes] , nrow = 1)
BasinAreas <- matrix(
girop$area[girop$id %in% UpstrNodes],
girop$area[girop$id == id] - sum(girop$area[girop$id %in% UpstrNodes])
nrow = 1
# Set model inputs
DatesR = gits$date,
Precip = gits[[id]]$Precip,
PotEvap = gits[[id]]$PotEvap,
QobsUpstr = QobsUpstr,
LengthHydro = LengthHydro,
BasinAreas = BasinAreas
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Ginet <- function(db, cols = list(id = "id", down = "down", length = "length", r
if(!keep_all) {
db <- dplyr::select(db, names(cols))
class(db) <- append(class(db), "Ginet")
class(db) <- append(class(db), c("Griwrm", "Ginet"))
......@@ -13,6 +13,14 @@ Gits <- function(id, ts,
cols <- as.list(cols)
ts <- dplyr::rename(ts, unlist(cols))
if(any($Qobs))) {
stop("Qobs should not contain any NA")
if(any(ts$Qobs < 0)) {
stop("Qobs should be strictly positive")
gitsOut <- list(date = ts$date)
cols$date <- NULL
gitsOut[[id]] <- dplyr::select(ts, names(cols))
......@@ -26,30 +26,47 @@ seine_nodes <- readr::read_delim(
Create the ginet object
Create the ginet object which lists the nodes and describes the network diagram. It's a dataframe of class `Ginet` and `Griwrm` with specific column names:
- `id`: the identifier of the node in the network
- `down`: the identifier of the next node downstream
- `length`: hydraulic distance to the next downstream node
- `runoff`: does the node is a rainfall run-off model?
`Ginet` function helps to rename the columns of the dataframe and assign the variable classes.
# Specify that all nodes are of run-off type
seine_nodes$runoff <- TRUE
# Convert distance in km as it the unit used by airGR
seine_nodes$distance_aval <- seine_nodes$distance_aval / 1000
# Generate the ginet object
ginet <- Ginet(seine_nodes, list(id = "id_sgl", down = "id_aval", length = "distance_aval"))
seine_nodes$length <- seine_nodes$distance_aval / 1000
# Generate the ginet object
ginet <- Ginet(seine_nodes, list(id = "id_sgl", down = "id_aval"))
Create the girop object
Each line of the `Ginet` object having the `runoff` columns switched to `TRUE` should have a corresponding line in the `Girop` object which contains the parameters of the rainfall run-off models.
The `Girop` object is a dataframe of class `Girop` with specific columns:
- `id`: the identifier of the node in the network
- `area`: the total area of the basin (including upstream sub-basins) at the location of the node (km<sup>2</sup>)
- `model`: the name of the rainfall run-off model used (e.g. "RunModel_GR4J")
- `params`: a list containing the calibration parameters of the model
# Specify which run-off model to use
seine_nodes$model = "RunModel_GR4J"
# Generate girop object
girop <- Girop(seine_nodes, list(id = "id_sgl", area = "area"))
## Load data
## Observation time series
Loading hydrometeorological data on the Seine river basin from the ClimAware project:
Hydrometeorological data on the Seine river basin from the ClimAware project:
```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
urls <-
......@@ -62,6 +79,13 @@ load_ts <- function(x) {
ts <- readr::read_delim(file = x,
delim = ";", skip = 16, trim_ws = TRUE)
ts$Date <- as.POSIXlt(lubridate::ymd(ts$Date))
# Interpolation of data gap in the discharge time serie
ts[ts$Qnat < 0, "Qnat"] <- NA
if($Qnat[nrow(ts)])) {
ts$Qnat[nrow(ts)] <- 0 # End of time series converge to zero
ts$Qnat <- zoo::na.approx(ts$Qnat)
......@@ -69,9 +93,17 @@ l <- lapply(urls, load_ts)
`Gits` object is a list containing a item named `date` with a timestamp vector of the time series and items named by the identifier of each node. These items contain a dataframe with the observations.
The Gits function creates a `Gits` object
gits <- Gits(ginet$id[1], l[[ginet$id[1]]], cols = list(date = "Date", Precip = "Ptot", PotEvap = "ETP", Qobs = "Qnat"))
Copy the observations for each node the ginet network:
for(id in ginet$id) {
l[[id]]$Qnat <- l[[id]]$Qnat * 86.4 / girop$area[girop$id == id]
......@@ -80,6 +112,19 @@ for(id in ginet$id) {
## Generate the GRIWRM InputsModel object
The GRIWRM InputsModel object is a list of airGR InputsModel. The identifier of the sub-basin is used as key in the list which is ordered from upstream to downstream.
The airGR CreateInputsModel function is extended in order to handle the ginet object which describe the basin diagram:
InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(ginet, girop, gits)
## Save data for next vignettes
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