Overriding airGR CreateInputsModel, RunOptions and RunModel
Overriding airGR CreateInputsModel, RunOptions and RunModel
Instead of running CreateInputsModel
and RunOptions
inside the SD RunModel
(see: https://gitlab.irstea.fr/in-wop/griwrm/-/blob/3a1003f6ff49e3b36542bdd763c8efe5814e1a05/R/RunModelGriwrm.R#L101). Launch RunOptions once and store all options in a list of sub-basins in order to get a RunModel and Calibration more coherent with the airGR interface.
Use S3 class methods as proposed in HYCAR-Hydro/airgr#14 (comment 20100) for overriding airGR function depending of the class object used as first argument of the function.